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Community Update - March 2023


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Greetings Skylords!

A new month; a new Community Update! It's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!



 Forge Lag and Leaderboard Achievements

We want to take a moment to address the Forge lag issue that many of our players have been experiencing. We understand that it has been causing frustration, and we're sorry for any inconvenience it has caused.

Luckily, we're happy to report that we've made significant progress in resolving the issue. Because we introduced major features such as cosmetics with our latest patch, it took us some time to pinpoint the cause of the lag, but we have now identified and fixed the issue through a patch. You should now experience a smoother and more enjoyable experience in the Forge.

In addition to addressing the lag issue, we have also fixed the problems with leaderboard achievements and retroactively distributed rewards for the past month. Furthermore, we've fixed a bug that affected the display of achieved rankings for this month's leaderboard achievements. The displayed rankings now accurately reflect your current rank, so you can see how you're doing and earn rewards accordingly.

Click here to read the full patch notes


 Upcoming Feature: Drop Locations

Upgrading cards is a fundamental aspect of Skylords Reborn, and finding the locations of these upgrades can be challenging, especially for new players. We understand that browsing external sources like the Wiki can be a significant barrier for players to gather information. That's why we're happy to announce the upcoming feature of in-game drop locations!

With the new "View Upgrades" button added to the create-a-lobby screen, finding upgrade locations is just one click away. You can easily access the upgrade locations you need without ever leaving the game, making the process of finding the upgrades you need more straightforward and easier.


Clicking on the "View Upgrades" button will reveal a list of upgrades that can be found on the map. You can filter the list by colour, difficulty, and whether you already own the upgrades. This will help you to quickly and easily find the upgrades you need. 



Moreover, we've added an upgrade location feature to the "Claim Upgrade" section of your cards. Right-click a card from your inventory, click "Upgrade", and you will now be able to see the drop location of the upgrade. This is in addition to the existing feature of purchasing the upgrade with gold. This makes it easier for you to decide whether to spend gold on an upgrade, or complete the map to try to gather it. 



We are happy to introduce this feature into the game, and believe it will help our players to more easily complete their collection. We hope to include this feature in our next patch and are excited to see how it will improve the player experience in Skylords Reborn.


 Upcoming Feature: Comparing Profiles

In our latest patch, we introduced new cosmetics and achievements, which brought a fresh set of challenges for players. We are excited to announce that we are working on a new feature – Comparing Profiles – that will allow players to compare their progress with others.

With this feature, you'll be able to right-click on another player and compare your profile with theirs. This comparison will show your achievements and progress in the game, helping you to see how you stack up against other players. We believe that this feature will encourage more players to collaborate and tackle the most challenging achievements together.

To ensure that everyone feels comfortable sharing their progress, profiles will be publicly visible by default, but players will have the option to set their profiles to private, friends-only, or group-only. This will give you control over who can see your progress, and ensure that you are only sharing your achievements with the audience you choose.

We are currently finalizing this feature and are already able to share a sneak peek of how it will look in the game:


We believe that this feature will be a great addition to the game, and we plan to include it in our next patch. We hope players are looking forward to it!


Behind the Scenes: Fire Wormlings

As Skylords Reborn continues to evolve, we're constantly hard at work creating new content and cards to keep the game fresh and exciting. However, as with any development process, we sometimes encounter unexpected challenges along the way.

Today, we want to take you behind the scenes of one of our recent projects that didn't go according to plan – the implementation of a new card called "Fire Wormlings", and share some of the challenges we faced.


Fire Wormlings, Artwork by Tweeto

Designed as a squad of six small worms based on the card "Fire Worm", the Wormlings were intended to be a strong S-squad archer-unit, perfect for our upcoming defensive rPvE mode. Unfortunately, we ran into several unexpected issues during development.

For example, we encountered problems when attempting to mount the squad on walls. This was problematic, since the goal of the card in the first place was to provide additional archers to be used in late game defensive scenario's. Placing the squad on a wall would result in a buggy model with the worms' tails sticking out of the wall segment, looking quite silly in the progress:





Additionally, the death animation of the worms didn't quite look right, as it was designed for a single XL unit, rather than a squad of small S units. Facing them in combat sure looked... dramatic:



Fighting against the Wormlings may have unexpected consequences for their team members. As depicted in the screenshot below, although the only surviving worm is the one on the wall, the other squad members remain on the ground after their death animation in a seemingly alive state, even though they have actually been defeated.


Despite these challenges, we're still committed to finding a solution that meets our standards and gives our players new enjoyable cards to play with. We're currently exploring other ways to incorporate the "Fire Wormlings" into the game, though it might be a while before you see them again.  

We appreciate your patience as we work through these challenges. We know that players are eager to hear about actual upcoming content, so we would like to know: do you enjoy these behind-the-scenes at our development process, or would you prefer us sticking to announcing more concrete upcoming content? Please let us know in the comments below! 


 PvP Guide Update

Our latest balance patch resulted in significant changes to both the PvP meta and the free PvP decks. To ensure that you're up-to-date with the latest strategies, the PvP Guide has been updated accordingly.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, this comprehensive guide has got you covered. It includes deck descriptions, tips and tricks for each match-up, and an overview of the pros and cons of your deck. We also indicate how beginner-friendly each deck is to play.

The guide is written by RadicalX and Hirooo, two of the top players in the game. You can trust their expertise and insights to help you level up your PvP skills. So make sure you read up on the latest updates and get ready for the upcoming PvP tournament on Sunday!



 Tournaments / Events

In between our monthly Community Updates, we host various events and tournaments, so be sure to keep a close eye on the in-game event tab and the forum calendar to stay informed and not miss out on any exciting events!

image.pngFINISHED  – Official PvE Contest #8: Insane God
"One of Urzachs Minions is heading for an altar. sToP tHeM!" The results are in: check out the winner reveal stream, hosted by Ultralord, of our Insane God event this Friday the 3rd. More information.


image.pngNEW - Skylords Reborn Championship #2 – Sunday 5th of March
Get ready for our PvP tournament, the Skylords Reborn Championship! This event is open to players of all skill levels, and will be live-streamed by RadicalX. There are many prizes to be won, including for the audience! Don't forget to sign up in advance if you want to participate. More information.


image.pngNEW - CCC #10 Ashbone Pyro vs. Magma Hurler - UNTIL 12.03.2022
In the next installment of CCC, players will answer the ultimate question: Ashbone Pyro or Magma Hurler? Show your allegiance and fight for supremacy in the latest Crappy Community Contest! More information.


• Host your own tournament / event
Want to host a tournament or event yourself? Please reach out to our Event Organizers, Metagross, Minashigo Hiko, or Nukie! We can help you out with various topics and are glad to discuss potential ideas. We can also sponsor the prize pool for your event. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you.



Join the Team

Skylords Reborn is a community-driven project fuelled by the passion and dedication of over 30 volunteers. We are always on the lookout for like-minded individuals. If you have a passion for gaming, programming, design, or marketing, we invite you to take a look at our open positions!




While we aim to keep our community in the loop with monthly news through our Community Updates, we understand that sometimes these updates might not reach you. That's why we offer a newsletter that will notify you when a new patch or update is released. Don't worry, we respect your privacy and promise not to send spam or use your data in any other way. Click here to sign up.


If you provided your email address during our summer survey to stay up to date, then you are automatically subscribed to our newsletter. We recently sent out our first newsletter, which announced the release of our latest patch.

 In Conclusion

That's all for this Community Update! We appreciate you taking the time to read through it.

As is tradition, we're including a scratch code as a small token of our appreciation for your support.
The code will reward you with a General booster: 

The code is valid until April 1st, when we will bring you another Community Update. 

We're always looking for ways to improve and value your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them with us. We'll be back next month with more updates on our ongoing projects and upcoming features.

Community Update footer.png

Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)  
Overview Community Updates
Community Update February 2023

Edited by Kapo
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Wow, this update makes me look bad, why are we showing everyone I have only played a single map on standard?

On a serious note: We also ran into the issue that Fire Wormlings were intended to work on walls and this seemed to bother most of our playtesters. We will consider whether we can fix the current issues and kept them mostly as-is, or if we will have to make them M-sized instead. 

Metagross31 and UltDragon like this
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40 minutes ago, WindHunter said:

Wow, this update makes me look bad, why are we showing everyone I have only played a single map on standard?

On a serious note: We also ran into the issue that Fire Wormlings were intended to work on walls and this seemed to bother most of our playtesters. We will consider whether we can fix the current issues and kept them mostly as-is, or if we will have to make them M-sized instead. 

Why not just make passive - Wormkind - not possible to be placed on wall, until solution will be found.

Edited by Loriens
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9 hours ago, Loriens said:

Why not just make passive - Wormkind - not possible to be placed on wall, until solution will be found.

The issue here is that the whole reason we designed the card was to put it on walls. With our defensive rPvE finally moving towards an endpoint in the foreseeable future, we are trying to add units which can be used in the game mode. The other issue is that design-wise we were intending to have it leave a pool of magma on the ground which burned enemies, but with 4 to 6 small worms this cluttered the screen. So, many small issues with the card, which is not that uncommon, but the community usually does not see the "failures."

7 hours ago, WatcherOfSky said:

Full visibility for card upgrades is probably one of the best quality-of-life implementations since skylords reborns' inception. Extremely excited to see it implemented and save space on my chrome tabs! 😄

Yes, I agree. Also as a hint towards some coming changes to the upgrade system, we have redistributed all upgrades in the game across the maps evenly by rarity. So every map now has more-or-less the same number of Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra Rare cards.  

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1 hour ago, WindHunter said:

The issue here is that the whole reason we designed the card was to put it on walls. With our defensive rPvE finally moving towards an endpoint in the foreseeable future, we are trying to add units which can be used in the game mode. The other issue is that design-wise we were intending to have it leave a pool of magma on the ground which burned enemies, but with 4 to 6 small worms this cluttered the screen. So, many small issues with the card, which is not that uncommon, but the community usually does not see the "failures."

Would it be perhaps possible to make them be able attack from behind the walls? Maybe with an ability - if within 5m of a wall segment, it gains unrestricted line of sight and bonus attack range 🤔  Perhaps it would be too OP though, and it not working with the games wall mechanics is probably not a good way to go. 

Either way, I hope every color get its own Wormling unit one day 🤩

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I am so incredibly excited for tiny worms. Worms are my favourite type of unit so I can't wait to see more! I am all for reskins and smaller sizes!

Sidenote, would it work better if the squad of worms contained 4 units, like snapjaws?

Edited by TimmieTuinbroek
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I am always totally amazed at your dedication and ability to continually improve this game.   You guys are Awesome.

Keep up the good work.  I just wish there was a way we could get the general public to know this game exists and to have people join us in playing this game!  

I keep trying but it's hard to get people interested in a game they can't learn about.   Iknow it's not your fault, but I'll keep promoting the game.

Thanks for all you do guys and Gals!  😀

Xanatoss, Kapo and Hirooo like this
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Thats the patch that we need, but we do not deserve.

It is just that good. Personally have few cards that need upgrades and i had to figure out some sites with correct upgrades for missions. Some had old ones.

Cant wait for it live.

Banzai all contributors.

Bkingn and Majora like this
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Amazing infos as always, you guys never disappoint 😉

imo the wormlings should be 4-unit-squad that cant mount on walls (m-sized could also work), because it would look weird to put Wormlings on Walls either way, even if their tail wouldn´t stick out. Like, how are they supposed to bury through the wall without breaking it? And how do they manage to climb up there otherwise? Even when Small worms are on the walls they´d have to lay their tail somewhere, that would need a complete reskin of the model 

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3 hours ago, Xamos said:

Amazing infos as always, you guys never disappoint 😉

imo the wormlings should be 4-unit-squad that cant mount on walls (m-sized could also work), because it would look weird to put Wormlings on Walls either way, even if their tail wouldn´t stick out. Like, how are they supposed to bury through the wall without breaking it? And how do they manage to climb up there otherwise? Even when Small worms are on the walls they´d have to lay their tail somewhere, that would need a complete reskin of the model 

More people have expressed this line of thought. Sadly the whole point of creating the card was to be mounted on walls, not to make a wormling card, so we need to go back to the drawing board. 🙂 The reason to include it in this CU was an experiment if people like seeing this kind of behind the scenes stuff, or prefer we just stick to our actual-upcoming-features announcements. 

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4 minutes ago, Majora said:

if people like seeing this kind of behind the scenes stuff, or prefer we just stick to our actual-upcoming-features announcements. 

Yeah I like it, because I like to express my opinions on such things as well 😄 But I´m not sure if you guys like to read all opinions on such things, bec they can be quite ngative like mine 😄 I literally have plenty ideas I´d like to see implemented ingame but its always a bit of a letdown if others don´t like these ideas at all, although I can totally understand that everyone has different opinions and mine wont be liked by everyone for sure, thats just life ^^ 

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47 minutes ago, Xamos said:

Yeah I like it, because I like to express my opinions on such things as well 😄 But I´m not sure if you guys like to read all opinions on such things, bec they can be quite ngative like mine 😄 I literally have plenty ideas I´d like to see implemented ingame but its always a bit of a letdown if others don´t like these ideas at all, although I can totally understand that everyone has different opinions and mine wont be liked by everyone for sure, thats just life ^^ 

Feedback is always welcome! I didnt consider your comment negative at all, and as long as feedback is brought in a constructive way, we are always happy to hear it. Its impossible to make all players happy with our descision (my poor 50p shadowmage 😪), but we take feedback to heart. 

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On 3/8/2023 at 3:48 PM, Majora said:

More people have expressed this line of thought. Sadly the whole point of creating the card was to be mounted on walls, not to make a wormling card, so we need to go back to the drawing board. 🙂 The reason to include it in this CU was an experiment if people like seeing this kind of behind the scenes stuff, or prefer we just stick to our actual-upcoming-features announcements. 

Im also guessing you guys will check out the options of 4 vs 6, even if it's just for aesthetic purposes. Besides, snapjaws can also still be mounted on walls 😄


Love the innovation, can't wait to see more resizes!

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