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About Xamos

  • Birthday January 20

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    Graz, Austria

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  1. For anyone reading - I got help on Discord: Apparently my internet Provider blocks skylords-related stuff for me, because I can´t even open this side: https://download.skylords.eu/update.txt With a diffenent internet provider it works for me again.
  2. For anyone reading - I got help on Discord: Apparently my internet Provider blocks skylords-related stuff for me, because I can´t even open this side: https://download.skylords.eu/update.txt With a diffenent internet provider it works for me again.
  3. Any news on that? I have the same issue still _log_proxy_latest.log
  4. Sadly this didn´t help. I also tried to completely disable my onedrive without success. I literally cant play the game since the antivirus Problem occured months ago and nothing helps, it´s kinda frustrating 😞 Does anyone have another idea? I literally tried to reinstall the game 3 times by now - redownloading all the files every time - without success. Still when I open the launcher it terminates itself just seconds after, before any update-numbers occur. You did post this after I tried to reinstall the game, did the download files change with this? Should I try again? Ah by directly opening the Patcher.exe I do now get an error-log-file: _log_proxy_latest.log
  5. Hi, yes its located at "C:\Games\Skylords Reborn" and OneDrive is installed where some files are "C:\Users\myname\OneDrive\Documents\BattleForge"
  6. My Windows-Defender also mentioned proxy-internal.dll as dangerous (trojan) and I thus tried to allow the entire Game folder and added it as exclusion. Unfortunately this still doesnt work for me, when I start the Launcher (I was on v0.13) only the loading-symbol shows up and the the launcher terminates. I tried to reinstall the game with the old files I have already downloaded into the excluded Order but the same thing happenes, Starting the launcher does just open it shortly and the closes it again.
  7. That´s what I thought as well xD This one should then have another different Layout, where 2 players start next to each other and have to have decks that complement each other to deal with the differet kinds of enemies - that would be cool
  8. Amazing work guys! Love all the changes, my favorite QoL addition is the Pause function 😄 The balance changes are really good too (and in contrast to some others posting here I really like the change to Shrine of War and Breeding Grounds) It's really epic that you also listen to the community and even add another feature I suggested - to nox Carrier "push the cart" 😄 And the QoL to frost mage is very nice too. And the tower changes. And you even managed to actually implement the new reassemble ability to Abyssal Warder? You guys would really deserve to actually get payed for all this work 😄
  9. Turns out I didn´t find the map because I expected it to be named in english, while it actually got translated to german and it was listed as "Der Osterbaum" instead of "The Easter Tree" for me.
  10. Hi, unfortunately I wasn´t able to find the latest Community Map alongside the other community maps. I went back and forth and searched within all 3 difficulties when suddenly also the game crashed (froze and I had to shut down my pc to recover). I think I´ll reinstall the game, as that most of the time did the trick.. That´s what was written in the Error-Log: 12:10:12.689 INFO 13148 from_server::pregame::PreGameMessage_GetUserGeneratedMapsAvailableForDownloadRMR:28 received msg: 0x7:28 GetUserGeneratedMapsAvailableForDownloadRMR 12:10:13.725 INFO 8004 proxy::logging:139 src="UI (Lua)" message="[00:00:44] [pg_game_selection_pve_user_generated_controller.lub:97] Switching from Create to Normal" 12:10:13.725 INFO 8004 proxy::logging:139 src="UI (Lua)" message="[00:00:44] [pg_game_selection_base_controller.lub:392] GameSelectionControllerBase...CheckCreateBtnState..." 12:10:13.725 INFO 8004 proxy::logging:139 src="UI (Lua)" message="[00:00:44] [pg_game_selection_base_controller.lub:408] ...no match maker concrete, enable." 12:10:13.725 INFO 8004 proxy::logging:139 src="UI (Lua)" message="[00:00:44] [pg_game_selection_base_controller.lub:431] GameSelectionControllerBase... CheckForCorrectJoinBtnState..." 12:10:13.725 INFO 8004 proxy::logging:139 src="UI (Lua)" message="[00:00:44] [pg_game_selection_pve_user_generated_controller.lub:139] PvEUserGeneratedGameSelectionController...CheckNextBtnState..." 12:10:15.132 INFO 8004 proxy::logging:139 src="UI (Lua)" message="[00:00:45] [pg_game_selection_pve_user_generated_controller.lub:97] Switching from Normal to Create" 12:10:15.132 ERROR 8004 proxy::patches::debug::lua:223 no overload of 'UIScrollView:SetCurSel' matched the arguments (UIScrollView, nil) candidates are: UIScrollView:SetCurSel(number) 12:10:15.133 INFO 8004 proxy::logging::bf_exceptions:38 Exception: .?AVerror@luabind@@: lua runtime error 12:10:42.664 DEBUG 13148 sr_packet::from_game::extensions::ExtensionCommands_KeepAliveAction:55 sending msg: 0x1:7 KeepAliveAction _log_proxy_0.log _log_proxy_latest.log
  11. No idea, but did you try reinstalling the game yet? If yes and it still occours, maybe posting the error-log would help identifying whats the problem (tho I´m not the one who would know then, but kubik maybe)
  12. Oh wow these times again, well played guys ! Was great fun, thanks for hosting Kapo 🙂 And I wasn´t that bad apparently, top 10 out of the 68 MagmaHurler-runs and Top15 in total. I tried both once because at first my little Ashbones were sad that I didn´t take them in the first place, tho I can´t help and like Magma Hurlers better 😄 That´s why I send my Hurler entry even tho I kinda knew after I tried both once that Ashbones are faster and if I would have done a second run with Ashbones I might have had an even better time than 9.40, because my first Ashbone run was already 10.17 and there I didn´t tryhard ^^ while my first casual run with hurlers was like 10.52. But I wanted Hurlers to win so I did a second and third try there.
  13. Yeah I like it, because I like to express my opinions on such things as well 😄 But I´m not sure if you guys like to read all opinions on such things, bec they can be quite ngative like mine 😄 I literally have plenty ideas I´d like to see implemented ingame but its always a bit of a letdown if others don´t like these ideas at all, although I can totally understand that everyone has different opinions and mine wont be liked by everyone for sure, thats just life ^^
  14. Sounds also Fun yeah, would like to see you deck 😉
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