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Patch #400040 - 27 February 2023


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Patch #400040

We're excited to bring you a new update that addresses some recent issues. Specifically, we've tackled some bugs related to our leaderboard achievements, which now properly use the current month's data. Any rewards you may not have received were rolled out retroactively. Additionally, we've fixed the forge lags that were causing performance issues for some players. Thank you for your patience, and we hope you enjoy this update!

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General Changes

  • Added an option for players to re-roll the same quest multiple times. The minimum quest reward after re-rolls is now 50 BFP. If a player has excess quests, the quest with the most re-rolls will be reset to zero.
  • The achievements "A Need For Speed" and "Gotta Go Fast" now display the seconds for best time in their tooltips.
  • A new type filter for achievements has been added, with options "All", "One Time", and "Endless". The "Endless" checkbox has been replaced with this new filter.

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General Fixes

  • Leaderboard achievements now use the current month's data, rather than last month's. Last month's rewards will be granted retroactively on March 1st.
  • The leaderboard reward period now starts at 00:00 UTC on the 1st of each month, instead of the 31st of each month.
  • The achievement for completing rPvE quickly now completes correctly after reaching the last milestone.
  • The context menu now appears when right-clicking on all areas of a player banner.
  • The name tooltip for players in the leaderboard now updates correctly when changing pages.
  • The achievement "Too Heavy to Carry" now has a description in Russian.
  • Fixed lag in the Forge that was causing performance issues.

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Post-Patch Fixes - 31 March 2023

  • The promo version of Worldbreaker Gun now also counts for the "The Tools of Ultimate Destruction" achievement.

alexmat, Xanatoss, Loriens and 12 others like this
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I don't want to sound overconfident but playing the game since relase makes me... lets say that i knew how to use root network 😛 And never failed bad harvest defense twice in a row before  😛

And it worked better even after relasing sylvan gate change.

Can anyone check DPS of Razor + 3 treespirits/living towers at current version and older one please?

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