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  1. Dear @Denni_black, yesterday we had an outage of the server. Yesterday evening the server went online again. Best regards, Vultagx
  2. Dear @PerroSAmoreS, thank you for reaching out. We can see that you´ve changed your password. Could you please to reset your password again? We also can create a one-time password for you if this fails again. Best regards, Vultagx
  3. Inside a RPVE Bandit match we could find a stonekin building, which doesn´t make any sense as we have bandit towers in the game. 2024-08-23_13-28-10_RPvEFourPlayers_diff6_s40865_[GM]Vultagx_SoulhunterXX_krelis_Battle_Mage_time_0_17_22.3_v266.pmv
  4. @Shoes, we understand your point of view. We only can point out to this -> If you are able and still want to join, please exclude the skylords-folder from your windows defender. This is the only workaround we can offer at the moment.
  5. Dear @Slotix, thank you for reaching out. Could you please try to deactivate your windows defender during the installation? Here is the reason: Best regards, Vultagx
  6. Please try this link: https://discord.com/invite/0y3WGMGXhd5q2lXA Did you ever joined the server and received a ban or similiar?
  7. Dear @Blitzmauler, thank you for reaching out. We can discuss about the warning but we shouldn´t do this in public readable for everyone. You can create a new topic in ban appeal inside the forum or a discord ticket via contact staff. Best regards, Vultagx
  8. Could you please try to reset your password again? Your account isn´t blocked or anything.
  9. Dear @Mukker, thank you for reaching out. From our side we can´t find any hints for you failed login. We could find your password change but no ban or restrictions for your account. Do you have a screenshot or error message for us? Best regards, Vultagx
  10. Dear @LuisFalcan, we´ve checked and unbanned your account. Please try to login and confirm. We also need to point out to take a quick look into the rules: @Tourouk_: Thank you for taking care and sharing the details. 🙂 We wish both of you a good day. Best regards, Vultagx
  11. Dear @wannapiece, We are also pleased that the game is back and that former players are also rejoining us. Of course, we can't spend money to offer all players the same experience and not create a pay-to-win. 😉
  12. Dear @masternoon, We have to point out that we of course don't like it when users create multiple accounts - even if we understand why. If something like this happens, it would be helpful to discuss it with us beforehand to avoid possible rule violations. We will not ban your main account, but we will have to ban the second account after the problem has been solved. We hope that we team can provide a solution for you.
  13. Dear @XanderLord, the monthly achievement will give 3 boosters. We can see that you´ve received these 3 boosters for June.
  14. Dear @GArrfIELD1234, this isn´t new. Please read this topic ->
  15. Dear Skylords/Participants, we have deleted some posts due to insults. You are welcome to participate in this topic, but please do not insult other members. We are always happy to have an active community that understands our project as a community project and wants to promote it. Please always treat each other with respect. Thank you.
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