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About Dutchy

  • Birthday 07/13/1999

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  • Discord

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  • Location
    The Netherlands

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Fury (18/34)



  1. You can get cards via bfp. You get bfp by playing, doing achievements, or completing quests.
  2. Up to you, but know it won't be a waste if you have fun 😉 As for the money, the game doesn't have any ingame purchases for real money, so you won't waste any money.
  3. Nope, we do not have the data from EA times.
  4. @maniak550 to be sure, please create a ticket on our discord server via #contact-staff.
  5. Our marketing team did their best it seems 😏
  6. Wish granted, but you'll have to work during his streams (like I had a lot 😢) I wish skylords reborn would get the more attention in the media, drawing in more new players.
  7. Good thing we are not a company 😉
  8. Not sure if with "you" you are referring to me personally, but why would I want to nerf a card I wrote a whole guide on? That's your opinion.
  9. Sorry, but this sentence is just funny to me. As said earlier, polls are not the right way to determine balancing. I hope you realize we can't fulfill everyone's hopes and dreams and unfortunately have to displease some people, as is everything in life. If you try to please everyone, nobody will be pleased in the end. After all these messages back and forth, I hope you realize why we made the decisions we did. Can confirm they are not.
  10. Did you try to watch them from login screen, or ingame? Ingame should work.
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