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We did this in the past, it didnt work. Which is why we moved the balance discussions to discord (about a year ago already I believe?) It would greatly benefit the conversation if you assume we are trying to do best for the game (even if you disagree with it), instead of assuming we are using loopholes and/or making it harder to discuss balance changes to force our opinions into it.
A lot has been said about the topic (not just in the comments here) already. Id just like to stress that there was never a perfect solution to the problem. Change it, dont change it, slightly nerf it, heavily nerf it, no matter what we would have done, a part of the playerbase wouldnt have been happy. Saying we dont listen to the Community because you are in the group thats against this change and we didnt "listen to you" is factually incorrect. This does not mean everyone has to agree with this point of view ofcourse. And im sorry for the players who feel we are removing their fun. I truly am. Just know we didnt take this change lightly, but after talking and observing all sides of the argument, this is the change we feel ultimately will be best for the game and community as a whole.
I tried using juggernaut xD
Since RadicalX is busy and wont be able to reply to this topic personally yet, I have a short statement on the concerns for now; Lost Dancer (p) will get a small nerf in the upcoming patch, we will reduce human bonus from 50% to 30% and plan on doing further adjustments in December.
To clarify: There will be a new category for records since the patch, so you have the new best possible times aggregated there."
I think you might be misunderstanding the new Amii Monument design. The situation you are describing is possible with the new design; say you build 4 regular fire orbs on the map, you can set the Amii monument to nature. Enlightenment is a double nature card compared to a neutral card that slots into every deck. It also is different in the sense that it does not freely allow another color, but rather forces you to spend it on single cards every time you activate it. While some players will opt to switch, the play patterns are different enough to warrant changing one but not the other. While we did consider changing enlightenment as well, community feedback was heavily in favor of nerfing monument, but not Enlightnement. As for speedrunning, except for Soultree and Bad Harvest, the top runs don't use Amii monument.
1 - I believe both of the abilities are available right away 2 - At least the overcharge will have a powercost, but between writing and releasing this community update, we already tweaked the numbers, so you'll have to wait till their release for the final numbers. 3 - The design of the Amii is an interesting one. Where possible, we try to stay true to the vision of the original game. Compared to other factions, we were lacking quite a bit of information and reference for the Amii, but also just enough to not give us free reign on what to do with them. As you might know, only Amii Phantom was part of the original game (released with no context), but there were also lore entries we had to keep in mind. For example: From the official lore: Five thousand years before the Twilight fell, as the elemental war subsided and the giants took domination, fathering the Skanes - the Amii came. They were elemental spirits that had lost their form, casualities of the elemental war. From the darkness that the war had left behind, they shaped themselves bodies, jet-black, tall and slender, in the image of the surviving mortals. Our first Amii units were Paladins, and a rework of Phantom*, who followed the jet-black design. Because this is an (RTS) game, it was important the faction was easy to recognize, just like you can immediately tell if a unit is Nature, or Lost Souls for example. Therefore, it made little sense to suddenly use a different color scheme for their other units, even if some of those other units are Constructs like the Amii Sentinel. This is why the faction leans into the black color scheme, alongside gold, which could be seen on some Amii buildings. *Funnily enough, the original Amii Phantom, which can be seen in the art spotlight section in this CU, actually contradicted the lore. Hope that answers your question!
Greetings Skylords! A new month; a new Community Update! It's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn! • Echoes of the Amii Nearly 15 years have passed since the original BattleForge story concluded. When we revived the game through Skylords Reborn, two questions kept coming up: Will we get new Amii cards, and will we see new story or campaign maps? One of the final cards released for the original game was Amii Phantom, offering a glimpse of what might have been. Over the years, our team has carefully expanded the mysterious Amii faction with new cards like Amii Paladins, Tranquility, and Transcendence, gradually shaping a distinct faction identity. With our upcoming patch, we're accelerating this effort by introducing three late-game units: Amii Sentinel, Skydancer, and Energy Core. These new units provide players with exciting options for building a dedicated Amii deck. We are incredibly proud of how far this project has come, and we're grateful for the opportunity to expand the Amii faction with these new cards. Rest assured, we have more cards in development for the faction, some of which you can expect to see before the end of the year. In addition to new cards, our next patch marks a significant milestone by adding new campaign maps. And what better way to do so than by properly integrating the Amii into the story? These new maps take place during the original story's timeframe, filling in some of the gaps and answering lingering questions, while also introducing a new Skylord and bringing the ancient Amii into the present-day narrative. Our next patch will feature two new maps, with more in development. We've dedicated significant time and effort to these campaign maps, carefully refining the balance, map art, story, and gameplay. We hope players will appreciate the passion that went into their creation. After all this time, we want to ensure that these maps stand proudly alongside the original campaign. These maps are the product of hundreds of hours of our team's artists, designers, community map testers, translators, and voice actors. We hope you are looking forward to them! We are excited to announce Echoes of the Amii will release on September 21st. • New Card Reveal - Energy Core With the patch release imminent, we have another new card to show you that will be included. Crackling with energy, Energy Core is powerful, but unstable. By overloading the core, it can deal massive amounts of damage, but doing so comes at a heavy cost. Let's break down the card! Please note: We are still finalizing the card. While we are generally happy with it, numbers and effects might still change before release. Pulse Activate to unleash an electric shock through enemies in a straight line that deals 1200 damage to enemies in a 20m radius, up to 3000 in total. The shock damages Energy Core by 1150 life points points. Must have at least 1000 life points to activate. Reusable every 15 seconds. Overcharge Activate to overload the unit, dealing 2000 damage to enemies in a 25m radius, up to 6000 in total. The overload damages Energy Core by 2300 life points. This self-inflicted damage ignores damage modification and cannot be warded off with the help of damage reducing abilities because it is able to circumvent every buff or protective shield. Must have at least 2000 life points to activate. Reusable every 30 seconds. Elusive Units with Elusive have the duration of the immobilizing effects of Freeze and Paralyze reduced by 30%. Sharp eyes might have noticed a change in the percentage of the Amii passive ability "Elusive". Starting with our next patch, the Elusive ability will be different depending on the tier of the unit. The current cards, Amii Phantom and Amii Palladin, and any future tier 2 Amii units will remain at 10%. Meanwhile, tier 3 will move the percentage up to 20%, and tier 4 units will have a 30% reduction to the duration of Freeze and Paralyze. Design notes: Energy Core's original design came from a player in the Community Card Contest we held over a year ago. At the time we were fleshing out the basic design of Amii's T4 and we thought that Energy Core was the perfect fit for what we envisioned regarding this faction's playstyle. The idea behind Energy Core is to create a unit which is more of a mobile spell than it is a traditional unit. It has no auto-attack, but it has two activatable abilities. Both abilities damage Energy Core, one more significantly than the other, requiring the player to pay close attention to the unit's health and weigh their options over what is possible for them and whether or not risking losing the unit is worthwhile. It synergizes directly with Skydancer, whose buff increases a unit's base health, allowing Overcharge to be used without directly killing Energy Core. The damage to enemies is modifiable by Shadow's buffs, allowing the card to work directly with Shadow's buffs and Nature's healing spells. Energy Core will release alongside our next content patch on the 21st. • Art Spotlight - Energy Core As the creators of Monuments and Powerwells in Nyn, the Amii seemed like the perfect faction for a unit embodying the essence of a monument's core. For the initial concept of the card, our artist, SpiritAlpha, took the model of Magma Spore, and incorporated faces in its design—a direction we've explored before with the spell Tranquility. From the start, we knew we wanted to move away from the iconic chains of the Magma Spore, aiming to make the design feel more distinctive. While we're limited to the models from the original game, it was important to us that this unit didn’t come across as just another simple reskin. We were drawn to this next concept art, evoking the feeling of soldiers stumbling upon an ancient construct in a temple-like setting. However, we were concerned that it resembled a spell too closely and weren’t entirely convinced by the facial design. To refine the concept, we revisited other Amii structures in the game for inspiration. We noticed that the Amii Shrines featured a unique eye in their design, which we felt was worth exploring further. We paused work on the card art to ensure this idea could be executed well in the model. Once the model was finalized, we resumed work on the card artwork. We were thrilled with the direction we took. The core not only looks powerful, but it also brings a distinct personality to what could have been a rather plain model. With its ominous eye watching over the battlefield and its rhythmic hum, the Energy Core is something truly unique in the lineup. We hope you love it as much as we do! • Amii Monument Changes One of the most anticipated—or depending on your perspective, feared—changes will be implemented in our next patch. After careful consideration and years of discussion, we have decided to change the card Amii Monument. We are fully aware of the controversy surrounding this topic, so we want to take the time to explain our reasoning and the thought process behind it. The following changes will be made to the card: 1. Power Cost: 250p ➜ 125p 2. Ability Cost: 140p ➜ 100p 3. Orbs granted by Amii Monument no longer increase a player’s tier. Players still gain access to cards within their current tier that require the orb granted by Amii Monument. For example, if a player has 3 Fire orbs via normal Monuments, and builds a Nature orb via Amii Monument, they will still be T3, but will be able to summon Juggernauts and heal them via Equilbrium. New Description - “Switch into this mode to gain one tierless Shadow Orb. This orb will not increase a player's tier, but will allow the player to play cards within their current tier that would require this Orb. The Orb will be ready and functional after 10 seconds. It cannot be switched back for 30 seconds.” 4. Once built, Amii orbs attack as if they were a normal orb. 5. Legendary buildings are now one-per-player, not one-per-team. Reasoning Amii Monument in its existing state is a cheat card. It breaks a map's design, allowing players unfettered access to T4 cards when the map is balanced around the player only having access to T3 cards and creating a persistent toxic effect on the normal game experience. Amii Monument removes an entire tier from the game. This has a disruption impact on the game experience by changing deckbuilding at its core. In decks without Amii Monument, the player needs to consider how many cards they can budget for each tier and choose accordingly. With Amii Monument in a deck, the player can simply remove all T3 cards from their deck besides Amii Monument itself (spells like Infect which scale well into T4 are the exception), opening up more deck slots for T1, T2, and T4 cards. Consider also that nearly all PvE maps are functionally finished before the player ever reaches T4. Combined with the fact that T4 cards are significantly stronger than T3 cards (the power difference between T4 and T3 cards is the single largest increase in card strength between tiers) means that the player requires fewer T3 and T4 cards in their deck, allowing the use of more card slots for T1 and T2. This heavily warps the game experience by making the player stronger than the map is designed to account for at all tiers, not just once the player reaches T3. There is also the psychological effect Amii Monument has upon players. Since we first started balancing cards in Skylords Reborn, players have asked us to nerf Amii Monument, not just because of the balance issues, but because they felt compelled to always include it in their deck regardless of the situation. This is unsurprising as many game studios have recognized that players in general will choose the most efficient option, even to the detriment of their own enjoyment. And who of us have not experienced this? How many of us have not used mind-numbingly boring methods to grind in games just because it is the fastest way to procure loot, even if it ends up making us hate the game? Who has not included Amii Monument as a default deck option at some point in their time playing Skylords Reborn? To briefly summarize, Amii Monument undermines map design, deckbuilding, and possesses a factor that makes players feel compelled to include it in their decks, even when they know it undermines their own enjoyment. While designing our new maps, including not just the two maps releasing with this patch but the multiple additional maps currently in development, we found ourselves face to face with these issues in a way that made the card's problems no longer ignorable. For all these reasons and more, we felt that the time had finally come to nerf Amii Monument. Yet we do not want to destroy the card. The new design is tailored towards enabling unique, previously impossible, deckbuilding possibilities, in direct opposition to its previous design. We also realized that many T3 cards were not generally strong enough to be satisfying to use, so we dedicated almost the entire last patch to adding new T3 options through buffs, reworks, and new cards, and we are dedicated to continuing this project next patch. Lastly, we understand that this change will upset many people, but we hope you will see that we did not make this choice lightly. We do not enjoy nerfing cards players like, but we do it because we think it is the best choice for the game. At the same time, we think that the time of major nerfs is now at an end with these changes to Amii Monument, and we as a team commit to no further nerfs on the scale of Amii Monument or the previous Batariel nerf from 2 years ago to existing cards going forward. • Battle Arena Next patch will also bring the release of a new PvP mode called Battle Arena. In this game mode, players do not use cards from their deck. Instead, they are given spell devices and progressively stronger creatures which they must use to overcome their enemies. The mode can be played 2v2 or 3v3 and will come with a new achievement to reward players for trying it out. • Events In between our monthly Community Updates, we host various events and tournaments, so be sure to keep a close eye on the in-game event tab and the forum calendar to stay informed and not miss out on any exciting events! Current events: • UPCOMING - Release Event Once the patch is out, we will have an event to celebrate the release of the new campaign maps. In this special event, you'll have a chance to win some of the new cards or boosters! More details will be shared on patch day. • NEW - Seven Strategy Showdown 3 - Wrecking Time The 3rd event in the series is now live! The tables have turned, and this time Skylords are the ones destroying buildings. Destroy as many buildings as possible within the time limit and win some great prizes. More information. • IN PROGRESS - Seven Strategy Showdown Every two weeks there will be a new event in this series of seven events, each bringing a fun handcrafted challenge or mechanic! Be sure to check them out, as there are some great prizes to be won! More information. • FINISHED - Seven Strategy Showdown 1 - The Salesman Problem For this event players had to kill all the units on the event-map as fast as possible. It wasn't long before people broke the one minute mark, but after that the real competition kicked off. You can now watch the winners on Twitch. More information. • FINISHED - Seven Strategy Showdown 2 - The Last Fortress One building is all that stood between players and the leaderboard. Watch how the fierce competition concluded in the winner reveal stream on Twitch! More information. • SECOND PHASE EXTENDED - PvP AI programming contest Get ready for an AI Programming Tournament, where the submitted programs will face off in an epic showdown to find the ultimate AI strategist! Players are still able to join this programming contest. More information. • Host your own tournament / event Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer @Metagross31. We can help you out with various topics and are glad to discuss potential ideas. We can also sponsor the prize pool for your event. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. • Team Changes Two team members have concluded their roles; Piskr as Client Developer, and Xanatoss as Card implementer. We would like to thank them for their contributions to Skylord Reborn. Meanwhile, Titan has transitioned to help us with audio, alongside the role of 3D-artist. • Contribute to Skylords Reborn Skylords Reborn is a community-driven project fueled by the passion and dedication of over 50 volunteers. We are always on the lookout for like-minded individuals. If you have a passion for gaming, programming, design, or marketing, we invite you to have a look at our open positions! If you have any experience with e-mail newsletters, we could especially use your help as we move towards the release of our latest patch. Please take a look at this new role. Don't have time to formally join the staff, but still would like to help out? Please check out this guide on how to support Skylords Reborn as a community member. • In Conclusion That's all for this Community Update! We appreciate you taking the time to read through it. As is tradition, we're including a scratch code as a small token of our appreciation for your support. The code will reward you with an Amii booster: ISPY-WITH-AMII-EYES The code is valid until October 1st, when we will bring you another Community Update. We're always looking for ways to improve and value your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them with us. We'll be back next month with more updates on our ongoing projects and upcoming features. You can also sign-up to our e-mail newsletter here. Archive • Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide) • Overview Community Updates • Community Update August 2024
Old post, still relevant today though!
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Newsletter Specialist As a Newsletter Specialist for Skylords Reborn, your main objective is to create engaging advertisements and newsletters that capture the interest of both veteran and new players. You aim to promote exciting events, highlight new updates, and reignite the Skylords Reborn enthusiasm for those who may have stepped away from the game. Responsibilities • Responsible for creating and sharing interesting newsletters. • Craft engaging written content for (non-paid) advertisements, newsletters, and marketing posts. Desired traits • Good written and verbal communication skills in English. • Demonstratable experience writing e-mails or marketing posts. Bonus traits • Speaking other languages than English. • Experience with photoshop and/or other visual tools
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Audio Editor Bring our new cards to life by adding unique voice lines and sound effects. We already have some great voice actors and are looking for someone for post-production and quality control. You will work closely with our voice actors and help them along the way. As an Audio Editor, you will be responsible for selecting and extracting the best takes, doing post-production and making sure the overall quality is high enough to be implemented into the game. If you have more skills, you will also be able to design new sounds for the game as Audio Producer. Responsibilities • Work with and guide our voice actors to create new English voice lines for the game. • Post-production and quality control of new sound files and voice lines. • Post-production for video voice-overs • If able: design new sounds for the game. Desired traits • Basic knowledge of a sound editing tool like Audacity. • Knowledge of audio effects. Especially compressor, equalizer, and de-esser. • Audio engineering knowledge with reference of past voice mixing works. • Experience with voice recording, being able to guide the voice actors in the recording process. Bonus traits • Experience with creating new sound effects. • Owning a sound-editing tool + audio effects (minimalistic home studio setup).
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator, you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike! Your tasks will include actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, YouTubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn can not do any paid promotions. Responsibilities • Responsible for the promotion of Skylords Reborn to draw in new and returning players. • Researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, YouTubers and media outlets. Desired traits • Good written and verbal communication skills in English. • Demonstrable experience building public relations. This includes writing e-mails or marketing posts and establishing and maintaining new relations. Bonus traits • Speaking other languages than English. • Having existing relations with potentially interested parties. • Experience with creating and sending out newsletters
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below, we go into detail about this specific position. Card Implementer As a Card Implementer, you are responsible to implement design changes to in-game cards using our internal balancing tool. In other words, you are responsible to implement new cards and changes to existing cards. These implementation requests can come from balance updates and content patches from our Faction Designers, but also from the official Skylords Reborn map making team (for example, new bosses for a new map). An integral part of this role is learning our internal balancing tool, as that is the tool that allows us to perform all these changes. You are by no means required to have any programming experience. Responsibilities • Help with new balance patches by implementing design changes to in-game cards. • Assist any staff department with the addition/alteration of cards, like new units for maps. • Take initiative to ensure changes are finished, like reaching out to other staff members for help if needed or translators for translations. • Track and maintain detailed changelogs. Desired traits • Be interested in learning how BattleForge cards work behind the scenes. • Basic experience with version control (Git). • Be able to contribute on Windows: the tool only works on that operating system. • Comfortable working with technical domains: BattleForge's domain consists of different technical models that can be overwhelming if you have not had a lot of exposure with technical domains. Bonus traits • Experience modding in another game. • Experience programming with C# to help improve and maintain the tool.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Social Media Manager As a Social Media Manager, you are responsible for keeping our Social Media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) up to date. Help with our Twitch and Instagram account would also be greatly appreciated. Your tasks will include providing a consistent number of updates on our Socials; the latest Community Update, patch information, event announcements and fun posts that will lead to interaction and exposure. You will work closely with the Project Coordinator to make sure we share the right information at the right time. You will also be in charge of replying to comments and questions we receive on Social Media. Responsibilities • Responsible for the promotion of Skylords Reborn to draw in new and returning players. • Keeping our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) up-to-date. • Communication with the Community on our socials, answering questions or forwarding them to our moderators. Desired traits • Good written and verbal communication skills in English. • Demonstrable experience with Social Media management for a business or project. • Pro-active attitude: while you will work closely with the Project Coordinator on what posts can and can't be shared, we are looking for someone who comes up with their own ideas as well. Bonus traits • Speaking other languages than English. • Knowledge about the algorithm of Social Media to make sure our posts get the highest rate of success.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Tool Developer We use numerous tools that are crucial in our development process. As a tool developer, you will help us improve those tools to increase our development speed and productivity. A few examples of established tools include (built using C#, WPF and MVVM): Entity Editor: Allows us to add new cards and change existing ones, and much more. Special Effect Editor: Allows us to create new special effects and alter existing ones. Updater: Crucial tool that allows players to update their games and is the entry point to the game. Next to these, we are also working on tools related to sounds (to add new sounds to the game) and models (to alter basic properties of existing models). Responsibilities • Design and develop features for tools required in the development process. • Work together with users of the tools to shed light into feature improvements. • Collaborate with other tool developers. Desired traits • Good C#, WPF and XAML skills to create proper UIs. • Knowledge in writing applications with the help of the MVVM pattern. • Basic experience with UI/UX design. Bonus traits • Experience with .NET Core for future platform independent development. • Knowledge in Test Driven Development (TDD). • Experience with common data transfer methods (JSON, web protocols).
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Artist As an artist, you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Responsibilities • Create artwork for cards. • Create icons for card effects. • Create backgrounds for card artwork. • Create artwork for loading screens. • Create artwork for UI elements. • Create banners and other assets for YouTube, Twitch, our Forum, Social Media, etc. Desired traits • Able to show past work relevant for the area you wish to help in. Bonus traits • Able to show past work similar in style to Skylords Reborn, or show the ability to adapt to the style used in Skylords Reborn.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Event Organizer As an event organizer, you are responsible to design and organize official events and tournaments from start to finish. This process includes research for new and fun event ideas, design the event and rewards, promote and organize the event and ensure it runs smoothly as a whole. You are to create the media content (like videos or streams) that are expected with events and tournaments, or find a suitable community member for it. Furthermore, you will also be responsible for the communication from and to the community for anything event and tournament related and to guarantee all rewards are handed out accordingly. Lastly, as an event organizer, you are also the contact person for unofficial community events and tournaments seeking for sponsorship from the project. Responsibilities • Come up with new events and tournaments for the community. • Promotion (together with our Marketeer) and organization of your events. • Learn from player feedback and adjust accordingly for new events. • Host live streams or YouTube video's. • Distribute prices and be available for questions from the community. • Be aware of planned updates (i.e. card changes) and other ongoing events that could impact your event. Desired traits • Demonstrable experience or interest in designing and organizing events of any form. • Solid knowledge about the different PvE/PvP maps and cards in Skylords Reborn. Bonus traits • Experience as a content creator.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. 3D Tool Developer As a 3D tool developer, you are responsible to solve one of our biggest technical challenges that will boost the project to the next level: the ability to modify existing 3D models. We already have an internal tool capable of adding new cards using existing re-textured models, but we have no way to meaningfully modify the geometry, animations and special effects. You will be responsible for researching the way BattleForge represents their 3D models and develop tools and a workflow capable of modifying different aspects of those models. The ultimate goal is to be able to add new models with animations and effects never seen before. There have already been very good community efforts and already a lot is known. Responsibilities • Design and create a workflow capable of adding/altering BattleForge 3D assets. • Perform exploratory work to understand how BattleForge works with and represents 3D assets. • Collaborate, where necessary, with established artists and developers to improve the workflow outcome. Desired traits • Demonstrable programming experience. • Good experience with 3D file formats and their internal structure. • Good experience with computer graphics relevant to 3D models. • Comfortable analyzing a binary file using a hex editor. Bonus traits • Experience with 3D modelling tools. • Experience with reverse engineering.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Fullstack Game Developer As a Fullstack game developer, you are both a game server and client developer. This is the most optimal position to help in if you want to significantly contribute to the project, as you will be able to develop independently on any changes game related. Due to the nature of the project, developers usually cannot be frequently available and not having to rely on either a client or server developer can significantly increase the speed at which progression is made. Consider reading Game Server Developer and Game Client Developer staff positions. Responsibilities • Design an implementation and implement the server and client side of new features, which includes code, database and/or monitoring changes. • Document bugs found by players. • Improve existing codebase through code refactors, bug solving or documentation. • Collaborate with other server and client developers, and game designers. • Maintain and improve server stability, security, integrity and performance. • Ensure potential game-breaking changes are informed to other developers. For example, database changes that could break existing APIs. • Design the client interface for the new features, or collaborate with artists and game designers accordingly. • Delegate translation tasks to our translators for text that needs translations. Desired traits • Demonstrable programming experience, preferably with C++17. • Knowledge and/or experience with multi-threading and concurrency. • Basic understanding of (game) networking. • Willing to learn about how BattleForge works internally (files in .pak). Bonus traits • Basic Rust and LUA programming knowledge. • Basic knowledge of CI/CD. • Experience with Kubernetes, MySQL, Docker, Prometheus and Grafana. • Basic experience with Linux (Ubuntu). • Experience modding in another game.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Map Developer As a map developer, you are responsible to script new official maps or alter scripts of existing maps as a cause of map balance updates. Skylords Reborn maps are created using the Skylords Reborn map editor, and the scripts are written in LUA. Responsibilities • Script new (campaign) maps • Work together with the Map Artists and Map Designers Desired traits • Experience with the map editor and scripting in Skylords Reborn. Bonus traits • Experience with LUA. • Experience modding in another game.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Game Client Developer As a game client developer, you are responsible to maintain and develop the game client. This mostly includes add new pre-game features (content outside of matches, so no game mechanics) through .pak files used by the game. You will be responsible to create and design in-game interfaces for new features, add networking support for new features that require it, solve bugs etc. using LUA, XML and a bit of Rust if needed. Skylords Reborn uses LUA and XML in their .pak files, which are loaded by the client. Communication with the server happens through a proxy written in Rust. Responsibilities • Implement the client side of new features, which includes creating the views (interface) and controllers (logic for the interface). • Design the interface for the new features, or collaborate with artists and game designers accordingly. • Document bugs found by players. • Improve existing codebase through code refactors, bug solving or documentation. • Collaborate with artists, other developers and game designers. • Delegate translation tasks to our translators for text that requires translations. Desired traits • Willing to learn about how Skylords Reborn works internally (files in .pak). • Good programming experience with any language. • Basic understanding of (game) networking. Bonus traits • Basic Rust and LUA programming knowledge. • Experience modding in another game. • Basic knowledge of CI/CD.
Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. Map Designer As a map designer, you are responsible to design the gameplay experience of a map from start to finish. This includes making a rough proposal for the layout and feeling of a map, design the story and goals of the map etc. Responsibilities • Help create new (campaign) maps • Work together with map artists and map developers • Work together with the lore and voice acting staff Desired traits • Good knowledge about the Skylords Reborn lore. • Able to document map design decisions. • Basic experience with the map editor. Bonus traits • Experience designing in any other relevant area. • Knowledge about the lore/story of the game.
Special Effect Editor This is an open-source task. We would love the help of the community! In order to alter or add new special effects to Skylords reborn we use our Special Effect editor. Developers can contribute to the codebase by adding new features or solving bugs, and players can contribute by using the tool and providing feedback and feature suggestions. Click on the button below to read more about the tool. And maybe in the future your changes and special effects will be implemented into the tool or game!
This is a non-staff contributor position. Tasks for these roles come and go, and they are a great way to help without receiving too much responsibility. Internal Tester As an Internal Tester, you will be testing and exploring in-game mechanics with additional information that is normally hidden from players. For this you will be playing the game in windowed mode, with a second window showing numbers, like how much actual damage a specific attack did, and other information. Your goal will be to explain these interactions to our (balance) developers and designers. Your contribution will allow us to fix bugs and create new designs. Responsibilities • Test in-game mechanic interactions, mostly for our balance developers and designers. • Reporting your findings about those interactions and mechanics. • Optional: writing explanations on the Wiki, so others can benefit from your findings. Desired traits • Interested in learning how Skylords Reborn cards work behind the scenes. • Willing (and able) to play the game in windowed-mode. • Not being intimidated by the example image. • Able to use a calculator or spreadsheet for your findings. • Basic math skills: subtraction, multiplication, division. For example, you will need to be able to conclude that if a 1000 HP unit is left with 900 HP after getting hit with a 200-damage spell, there was a 50% damage reduction applied somewhere. Bonus traits • Being able to read simple code in C/C++ and/or Rust, so you can spot how EA or our developers created the formula. • Higher math skills: being able to figure out the formula (or piece of pseudocode if it contains a loop) with the gathered results. Example image:
This is a non-staff contributor position. Tasks for these roles come and go, and they are a great way to help without receiving too much responsibility. Proofreader As a proofreader, you can greatly help us out with our written content. This could be checking the Community Updates (once every month), tournament posts, patch notes and other written documents like Deep Dives for grammar errors or inconsistencies. You will get a discord role and access to this content to provide early feedback. Tasks • Read over texts (announcements, community updates, forum posts, deep dives, etc.). • Point out grammar or spelling mistakes/inconsistencies or unclear sections. Desired traits • Fluent in English. • Able to provide feedback within 24/48 hours. Bonus traits • Experience with proofreading.