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Community Update #29 - November


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Greetings Skylords!

This Community Update is a few days ahead of schedule because we have two events that we don't want you to miss! From today until 2nd of November there is a special Halloween event, and on Saturday 29th October we have a PvP tournament with a participation prize! Let's get you up to date. 


 Halloween Event

The Lost Souls have altered the timeline for a special Halloween event! Instead of Encountering Twilight, Rogan Kayle finds himself in the face of new horrors. Enjoy a spooky experience on this adjusted map to celebrate Halloween, and the upcoming release of the new card "Evil Eye" with us!    


You can find the full event details here. This is a temporary event which ends on 2nd of November. Check it out now to not miss out!

 Evil Eye release and adjustments

Evil Eye will release next week in a small dedicated patch (which will not break replays).

Players participating in the Halloween event will have the chance to be rewarded with the new Twilight card the moment it comes out! After the event is over Evil Eye will also be eligible to drop from General and Twilight boosters as an uncommon card. So save your boosters till then!

image.pngSince its original reveal, we have made some adjustments to the card based on testing feedback.

The original design had a couple of issues, including a lack of splash damage, squishiness, mobility issues and increased susceptibility against crowd control. While the damage output of the card has a very high potential peak, in practice the card turned out to be hard to use and didn't add much to the Twilight faction besides a new transformation effect. 

To make the card feel more rewarding to play, we gave it a new mechanic; a unit being attacked by Evil Eye explodes if it dies (thematically its insides are superheated and explode), dealing damage in a small area. Having on-enemy-death mechanics is already part of Twilight's identity (i.e. Twilight Warfare) and we found this could solve the splash issue in a more creative manner. 

While this addition goes against the single-target attacker role we originally had in mind, it makes the card more fun to play and gives the player the option to either focus on a strong unit (i.e. a boss) by making use of its passive Rage ability, or micro it to benefit from Searing Sight's new on-death ability. 

Lastly, we gave the card a much-needed health increase from 3300 to 3800. We are happy with how the card turned out, and hope you will enjoy playing it! 


image.pngCHANGED: Searing Sight
Casts a superheated beam that deals 200 damage to a target enemy every second. If a unit directly attacked by Evil Eye dies, its corpse explodes, spewing forth boiling liquids that deal 1000 damage in a 15m radius, up to 3000 in total. 


Evil Eye has the faction's ability "Transformation", allowing it to transform into other Twilight units. Because Evil Eye is already a strong tier 4 card, it has a special passive ability to make transforming it worthwhile. 


If the unit is transformed, it will restore spell card charges. The card of every Fire, Nature, and Twilight spell will be granted one more charge and will be immediately reusable. The maximum number of possible card charges for a specific card will not be exceeded.


image.pngADDED: Rage
Unit does increasingly more damage the longer it attacks, up to a maximum of 300% more damage, but falls back to its original damage output if it doesn't fight for 5 seconds or changes target. 


 New Card Reveal: Raven Walker

While Evil Eye releases in the coming days, there are more new cards in development. We are hard at work adding a new legendary card into the game: the infamous Raven Walker.

Raven Walker is a powerful tier 4 Legendary card, meaning only one can be summoned on the battlefield at a time (like i.e. Viridya or Ravenheart).  Besides being a strong ranged unit, Raven Walker has the ability to corrupt the very air around it, causing played out cards to backlash, dealing huge amounts of damage to both allies and enemies, including buildings! If Ravenheart or its summoned Raven Ships are nearby, Raven Walker will lose its slow passive ability and move like a general XL unit.

Please note: We are still testing the card. While we are generally happy with it, numbers and effects might still change before release. 



Unit has Slow movement.


image.pngBlackpowder Turret
Every 4 seconds, unit fires an explosive shot that deals 920 damage to enemies in a 10m radius around its target, up to 1380 in total. Knocks back small and medium units. Affects ground targets only.

image.pngCorrupting Aura (100p)
Activate to cast a destructive aura of 30m radius at the target location. Every card played out within it will backlash, dealing 10 times their power cost times their orb count as area damage distributed among all hostile and friendly entities, up to 10000 in total. Lasts for 30 seconds. Reusable every 60 seconds.


image.pngFleet Support
If Raven Walker is within 25m radius of a Raven Ship or Ravenheart, it will lose Slow.


Some of you might be wondering why Raven Walker is a Legendary card, instead of a Bandit card. While exploring our options, we found two issues with a Bandit approach. First, we feel Bandits as a faction is currently quite complete in terms of T4 units, and this unit would not add anything interesting to the faction; it would not be much different from Construct-decks which already use double Shadow for Nether Warp.

Additionally, Raven Walker's Corrupting Aura ability works on buildings. This means it can be used even with healing spells to destroy enemies and important structures, allowing for a wide variety of decks to build around it. But because of how Corrupting Aura works, it can be stacked infinitely, which is problematic from a balance point of view. It does not come up often that we want something to be limited to a single instance, making this the perfect Legendary. It is also a good opportunity to expand the existing Legendary deck and slowly add Blight's entire raven squadron to the game.

Raven Walker is planned to release in an upcoming content patch. We are not ready to announce a release date yet. 


 Tournaments / Events

Since Community Updates are posted on a monthly schedule, events might come and go in between Community Updates. Be sure to keep a close eye on the ingame event-tab and the forum calendar to not miss any events! 

NEW - Official Halloween Event - until 02-11-2022
The Lost Souls have altered the timeline for this special Halloween event! Instead of Encountering Twilight, Rogan Kayle finds himself in the face of new horrors. Enjoy a spooky experience and celebrate Halloween and the release of the new card "Evil Eye" with us! More information.  


NEW - Official PvP Tournament - 29-10-2022
On Saturday 29.10 we are hosting an official PvP tournament with prizes! The tournament starts at 14:00 p.m. CEST (Berlin time) and will also be livestreamed on our Twitch. Every player who participates will get a booster, so be sure to join even if you are inexperienced! More information

FINISHED - Battle of Tactics #2: Perfectly Balanced
Ultralords latest contest has finished, and the winner reveal can be watched on Twitch. Big thanks to Ultralord for hosting this event, please let us know if you liked it! More information.  

• Host your own tournament / event
Want to host a tournament or event yourself? Please reach out to our Event Organizer, Metagross! We can help you out with various topics and are glad to discuss potential ideas. We can also sponsor the prize pool for your event. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 


 Team changes 

We are glad to announce two new members to the team behind Skylords Reborn. WaterMelonLord has joined us as a Global Moderator. Cool. 

Mynoduesp has also joined the team as Quality Assurance (QA), helping with maintenance and player friendliness, for example by improving descriptions. 

We also had a couple of replies to our translator roles, thank you! We could always use more translators, so if you are fluid in French, Russian or German, please consider doing some translations for us.


 Contribute to the Project

We have opened up a new staff role: Social Media Manager. We heard multiple times that people are intimidated to join the team as a marketeer, so we split up the responsibilities and tasks, making the entry barrier a lot lower. As a Social Media Manager, you are responsible for keeping our Social Media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) up to date. Help with our Twitch and Instagram account would also be greatly appreciated.  

As always, we hope you will also consider helping out the project. Please take a look at all our open positions on how you can do so. 

There are also a variety of contributor roles like translator, that don't require you to join the staff, but still allow you to help out now and then. Please take a look. 


 In Conclusion

And that's it for this Community Update, thanks for reading! 

As is tradition, this community update comes with a scratch code. 
The code will reward you with a Lost Souls-booster: 

The code is valid until December 1st, when we will bring you another Community Update. 

As always, we are open to feedback, so please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments! 

Community Update footer.png

Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)  
Overview Community Updates
Community Update #28

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  • Majora pinned this topic
  • Majora featured this topic

I very much appreciate your efforts and I love the new update and announcements. I mean The Raven Walker, how cool is that!? Another Community Map, amazing! Great to hear that you Majora get assistance with the moderator role - but does that mean this was your last community update? 😱

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9 hours ago, Xamos said:

Great to hear that you Majora get assistance with the moderator role - but does that mean this was your last community update? 😱

Don't worry, Majora is not a moderator, but community manager. He isn't going anywhere soon 🙂

Watermelonlord will assits Dutchy&co. in keeping order around here 🙂

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24 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

Don't worry, Majora is not a moderator, but community manager. He isn't going anywhere soon 🙂

Sick burn. 🔥

Edited by Kapo
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1 hour ago, Carofex said:

(Fleet Support has to get a different description.)

Why do you feel it needs a different description, and what did you have in mind?
It's called like this because once the fleet is nearby, it gives Raven Walker support (losing the slow)

11 hours ago, Xamos said:

I very much appreciate your efforts and I love the new update and announcements. I mean The Raven Walker, how cool is that!? Another Community Map, amazing! Great to hear that you Majora get assistance with the moderator role - but does that mean this was your last community update? 😱

As Metagross mentioned, I have never been a moderator 🙂 I'm Community Manager and Project Coördinator. We did open up the Community Manager position after I took on the role of Project Coördinator (since it's very time consuming to do both effectively), but didn't find a replacement yet.

Since I'm also managing our Social Media channels, we have now opened the role of Social Media Manager to hopefully get some help in that department. 
So no, I'm not going anywere anytime soon, but it would be greatly appreciate to get some help 😄  


Appreciate the kind words everyone, glad to see you are liking both the event and the update!

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On 10/25/2022 at 10:38 AM, Majora said:

Blackpowder Turret
Every 4 seconds, unit fires an explosive shot that deals 920 damage to enemies in a 10m radius around its target, up to 1380 in total. Knocks back small and medium units. Affects ground targets only.

I hope it have long range? 😛

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Lovely changes, whether present of future. I have yet to get lucky on that juicy Evil Eye, but any and all new cards are awesome. 

Also, the 'new' map is great idea, something that could much more easily satisfy player's thirst for new campaign without that much of a work (compared to creating new ones from scratch). 

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9 hours ago, Draconnor said:

while new Evil Eye is great... and works fine in multiple tested decks (mostly casual and fun decks)

i dont understand how - Conjuration works - it work as it should? It don't add charges to abomination or skycatcher...


Spell is critical here. While some games (like Magic the Gathering) count/name everything as a spell, in Skylords this means it does not effect your units or buildings, but only your spells. 🙂 

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I instaltly opened 8 twilight and 7 normal boosters when it came out. No luck 😞

Luckily my man @n3tax got 3 eyes out of like 12 boosters and shared some with me ❤️

Tested it out and works great for rpve, not the fastest deck but definitly super fun and very reliable. My strat: enlighten a forest elder then spam the eyes (and some skycatchers since the eye is not fully charged yet)

Majora, Volin, SpiritAlpha and 1 other like this
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