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About Carofex

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    Germany, Berlin

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  1. Firedancer shoots artillery projectiles in an arc, but the Lost Dancer shoots projectiles straight like the Frost Sorceress. So its something different. And the Frost Sorceress has homing.
  2. Speaking about lost dancer: Is it on purpose that her default attack is not homing?
  3. is it possible to add the visible radius on the ground for the necroexplosion ability of lost dancer.
  4. The critical mass ability of Unstable Demon deals 900 damage to M units. The Demon is an M counter and should do 1,5 X 900 damage. The explosion of the spawned crawlers of the Lost Reaver deal 1,5 X 200 damage to S-units too, so why not the Demon?
  5. For how much you would sell the Rebirth booster?
  6. Lets see whether Twilight Hag will see play in PvP
  7. for each faction: Void returned from color specific shrines Shadow: units taken over (Nightguard) Shadow pheonix revived units teleported Fire: indeed disenchant something (Disenchant, Gladiatrix Ability) . Frost: flying units binded to the ground (Stormsinger, Gravity Surge, Sleet Storm) faster builded buildings (construction hut, Kobold Inc.) Nature: Units taken over Energy drained from wells with Energy Parasites Wells/Orbs destroed with Hurricane
  8. Threre is a mistake in the description of Immortalize ability. The first word has to be "Activate". Just in case the implemented card has the same typo.
  9. I will add a promo Manawing for each of the first 16 places. Looks like a reasonable number of participants. Let's have a good turnament.
  10. Diff 2 and 3 are also leaving us. Maybe CCC13 = Diff 3 rPvE or combined best time Diff 2 + Diff 3?
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