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About Dallarian

  • Birthday March 23

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    Captain's Stateroom
  • Interests
    Scripting, Skylords Reborn, Solidworks, Space Engineers, Starcraft, Stellaris, Stellarium, Storm of the Heroes

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Bane (19/34)



  1. It's been already a year? That's so crazy, time flows so fast. I still am still thinking about the results of the previous survey 😅
  2. I swear for a brief moment my smile could be noticed from space.
  3. It's awesome to see unfamiliar names in top 3, and its amazing so many people attempted this event. It's partly @Volin's fault, though, he played in so many teams 😄 Results
  4. I am impressed by all the entries. They all have passion and cool ideas behind them, thank you everyone for awesome read.
  5. Hello, This guide does a short overview of Pure Frost cards and common strategies, with some tips and decks. It's not up-to-date, mainly Ice Age is now a stronger T3 card and Coat of Protection is now the main shield source on T4, as well as Iron Clad, MA have higher damage stats, Dreadnought passively regenerates health of nearby shielded units, Frost Shard freezes structures, Northland Drake redesign, as well as all the upcoming changes to Stronghold and Armored Tower. I really should update this one day. You can get lots of up-to-date insights into frost in this thread: My most recent rPvE frost deck. And some 1P Expert frost gameplay [link]. May the be with you.
  6. Cosmetics so that I can make my portrait even more frosty, this is amazing! People love new achievements, I am looking forward seeing all of you on the server once the patch hits! ^^
  7. In my view "meet there" is often replaced by "attention", while "Defend there" gives a very clear and useful message.
  8. Genius and madness are two sides of the same coin.
  9. This thread looks so seriously and convincing, I am afraid some players may follow this advise if you don't give them "irony warning". Also its hilarious, you almost caught me off guard.
  10. First file (open in notepad or notepad++) implements event chain for one of side quests on Aeglos Fortress map. Second file is my copy paste library. ctrl c ctrl v printer does brrrrrrrrr aerialsupport.lua Battleship scripts library.lua
  11. I have a very bad habit of commenting even if I know nothing about the topic. There is also a third way, which involves lots of luck and patreon. For example Keystone in Starcraft 2 is a Heartstone inspired card game, with (in my view) way more interesting deck building, mechanics and okayish gamemodes (3v3 is awesome) - great experience created with lots of love and dedication. The creator currently earns ~300 dollars for releasing and balancing a few cards a month (I make it sound easy, its not!), as a side project he does next to his actual work. He has put a lot of effort, time and dedication to get where he is now. Another interesting example on priv. If you have passion for creating amazing games and don't expect them to cover your bills, eventually you will build experience and projects large enough to make them profitable; but if you want to do games because they sell well and drop your current job for it, it may end up ugly. About game engine I believe Unity is free until you earn 100 000$ a month, it's widely used within industry and can create amazing things. There may be other engines you may find easier (but more specific) to use, I played a few decent cashed games from RPG maker for example. But I guess you should do a solid research outside of this forum before you start work. About coding languange Once I watched a great video explaining which one is the best. (sorry, I spent 35 minutes looking for it and couldn't find source 😕 ) Each languange is a tool, and is better for different kind of tasks. Do you want to make your game with hammer or screwdriver? Well, that depends on what game it will be. I heard something with front and back-end capabilities could be worth consideration, but again I know nothing about coding. Do solid research about what languanges are good for. Oh, and most importantly, if you want to help, dedication to work on the project for months and capability to invest lots of time in it are two most important things you need, you can learn the rest on the fly.
  12. Beholders receive some love, that's absolutely awesome.
  13. I don't perceive it as an error. It's not uncommon in media to show character in not realistic way to present a character in a better way. First example of top of my head from in The Boys; Maeve fights with sword in her right hand, but in her movie "for show" scenes (its movie inside a movie) she has it in her left hand, as it simply looks better. Possibly BF cards would be boring to look at if all of artworks showed same side of a unit every single time. Also gj for great observation, haven't noticed it before and now it shall drive me crazy.
  14. Hello, Different forge playsets are a considered and very fun, we even had Skylords Bounty where you could make one: However, as its very time consuming to make one, it is difficult to predict if any extra playsets will be created. Would you like to expand list of features main menu lacks? We already have infinite power, 2 sides, active pause, speed increase/decrease and possibly more. What other features would you like to see?
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