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I know I said I'd rather play with a bunch of bugs still in than wait, but not game breaking server bugs.

If we're talking about the sorts of bugs that completely erase progression at a whim, or ones that happily drop people like they're hot for no good reason, or similar scale bugs, then good decision to hold off. Minor bugs, and even some major bugs we can all handle. Game destroying bugs? Hoo boy, that would've kicked a hornets nest.


Good call, keep up the good work, and please don't feel too stressed about this. We're all looking forward to seeing your efforts =)

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i feel like i need to be honest. i am pissed because i really though after those 3 year that this time was the real one. all the time where there was no release date i had no expectation and no deception, only hope and hype. i can't say i am pissed at you guys. not at all in fact i know all you want is make us happy and really wanted to deliver it this week. i still want the game as much and can't do much more than wait patiently and keep encouraging you to keep goiing. i love you guy for all what you are doiing and hope you will keep the hype too even whit all that anger in the chat right now

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16 minutes ago, badbosspt said:

i dont care . dont give us a date if you cant make it

Which is why they're not giving a date now, except saying it'll hopefully be within the next month.

A quick reminder to everyone, but mostly those who are angry over this: This isn't some huge professional team we're talking about here. These guys are volunteers, essentially making an emulator to bring back a game many of us loved. They may have the green light from EA, but they aren't getting any help to do this. Patreon, no patreon, these guys owe us nothing. This whole project was nothing more than a hope for revival.

Be grateful they're trying, and stop being such overly entitled pricks.

Edited by Tyroki
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While its true, that its disappointing after an announced date still not being able to play.

I think an apology in this form is inappropriate. The releasedate was a mistake n thats it. Ur doing much better work than some AAA games even without the manpower n ressources.

Dont sweat it n see ya in the forge <3 

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Hi there...

For those who are whining, I just want you to remember Skylord reborn is not a company, neither staff and dev are professionals. 

They give their free time for this project, for us all; that we can again play this game. I don't think most of you have any idea how big, hard and complicated this work can be, and if you do and keep whining, then sorry but you are stupid. 

I follow this project since the begining and get closer after the rewrite annoucement, saw the evolution. Got some luck and get into CBT and then saw the behind of the scene.

Sure it's not perfect, but it can't be, even a big company has their problems and mistakes. 

Things go in the good way, so yeah it take longer than expected but is it a reason to harass the staff like some people does ? I really find that totally unbelivable, even for a 12 years old child... Keep in mind staff are people like other and want the game as much as anyone there, so show some respect for the work they give.

Devs are doing everything they can to get a stable server working, even disconnect, we just have to tag and they connect as fast as they can to restart the server after a crash or have new info; meaning, they stop their real life to come check why they are tag, to work for free, how many of you will make it, for years without giving up... And it's not just about knowledge, this dev's side, you need to create something, not just fix something already working before. You need to be organised, smart and creative without of course talking about programming knwoledge for the base.

I could write long post about how much I'm amazed about you, whiners but will not change so much right now; better keep energy for supporting this team.

They are many things not write in the stone for sure, but one is clearly sure, you will all come back playing in this community like little kitties, so show some respect for those who will allow you to play again this game one day.


See you soon online -.-

Edited by Eonir
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Thank you for all your support. A lot of you are dissapointed and that’s understandable but there have been an overwhelming number of positive posts despite all that. I think I can speak for the entire team that your posts really warmed our hearts and I imagined nothing less from such an incredible community. Thank you for understanding <3 

2 minutes ago, JabettKenne said:

I still can't join the discord though, none of the links work, at all

Try this one: https://discord.gg/Y8CfMra

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23 hours ago, Defqon said:

@Ultrakool @InsaneHawk  @MrXLink @Kiwi @fiki574 Personally, there is no need to apologise! I love you all like brothers and I don't mind it that there is a delay. In fact, we need to thank you all for doing all this excellent and hard work for us with bringing the game back! And Not just bring it back, but also making it better! I know it must be somtimes hard for y'all but never get your heads down & always go on! keep thinking positive and remember, when you are down, the only way to go is up!

You're all doing a great job & far better than most ppl or leading game companies would tbh xd we can count on you unlike other people in this world.
You can make delays as much as you want, I'll always be here to support every1 in whatever times that will come and aid where I can.

Forget all those negative people and those yelling at you or swearing at you, just ignore them, the only thing they are doing is making you even more famous and loved because of the support you'll get of the good members in here.

I believe in all of you and I just know you can do it! <3 


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Game master, please make this game for us!!! we are obedient expectations, breathe life into the dead body of this masterpiece!!! Please!! And when that happens, write in Big Red letters!!!!!

Edited by Ultrakool
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2 hours ago, Eonir said:

Hi there...

For those who are whining, I just want you to remember Skylord reborn is not a company, neither staff and dev are professionals. 

They give their free time for this project, for us all; that we can again play this game. I don't think most of you have any idea how big, hard and complicated this work can be, and if you do and keep whining, then sorry but you are stupid. 

I follow this project since the begining and get closer after the rewrite annoucement, saw the evolution. Got some luck and get into CBT and then saw the behind of the scene.

Sure it's not perfect, but it can't be, even a big company has their problems and mistakes. 

Things go in the good way, so yeah it take longer than expected but is it a reason to harass the staff like some people does ? I really find that totally unbelivable, even for a 12 years old child... Keep in mind staff are people like other and want the game as much as anyone there, so show some respect for the work they give.

Devs are doing everything they can to get a stable server working, even disconnect, we just have to tag and they connect as fast as they can to restart the server after a crash or have new info; meaning, they stop their real life to come check why they are tag, to work for free, how many of you will make it, for years without giving up... And it's not just about knowledge, this dev's side, you need to create something, not just fix something already working before. You need to be organised, smart and creative without of course talking about programming knwoledge for the base.

I could write long post about how much I'm amazed about you, whiners but will not change so much right now; better keep energy for supporting this team.

They are many things not write in the stone for sure, but one is clearly sure, you will all come back playing in this community like little kitties, so show some respect for those who will allow you to play again this game one day.


See you soon online -.-

Well said lad

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19 hours ago, cuteLordCat said:

And again a delay... thx for wasting my Holydays that i took ;) wont check any shit here, maybe looking up in 6 month ... but even there im sure i will see a dealy Post etc.

Why take holiday for a game after all? Especially when the announcement said between 19 and 26 March. It was on forehand a question when of those days the launcher would be available. SO you took days off work from 19 to 26 to play a game when you didn't know when of those days it would be released. So if it was released at 26 March then you already had thrown 6 days in the trashcan. 


Don't whine over something that you did yourself. Be happy that there are still people who are willing to work their asses of for free to let us enjoy a wonderful game again.

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At this point i would like to give out praise for your improvements over the last 2 years and 9 months that i am part of the very community you desire to fullfill with happiness.
While many mistakes were made even more improvements were made. I am certain that when @InsaneHawk and @Blank started this project they never once thought that they would be the leaders of a project that amassed over 19000 followers to this day. Managing 19000 members certainly is very different from doing just that for the 500 we were when i created my account. And while the community grew so did you. You updated the forum, you added multiple Card Bases, you added a dev platform with regular updates, you hired new modertors and found new developers, you added bots with a trivia to the forum, you created a discord server, you added a Booster Simulator. I think you handled uncertain information pretty well from the very beginning, just the ambitious ETA's were a pretty big HYPE-killer that was publicly discussed. This change shows me that you are still close to the community and read and discuss every suggestion that is made. I am pretty confident that you won't change so fast and believe even more that this project has a great future ahead of itself.

While it may have taken many hicc-ups and a lot of time to get to this point and there certainly is room to grow and improve i fondly remember each and every second of being part of this community - Be it the huge milestones and moments of entering the forge, hitting 1000/5000/10000 members on the forums or finally starting the first game in Battleforge or even just the small discussions and conversations in various forum threads with great people. The road might have been rocky with many obstacles to overcome but i felt that the heart and soul of every SR-team member was in this project.

Thatfor i want to sincerely applaud you: Thank you, you are awesome @InsaneHawk @Blank @MrXLink @Kiwi @Dexirian @MephistoRoss @fiki574 @Bolrader @Boorinio @bobfrog @Aviat0r @Lord NullPointer @Inwutsch @NanoRhino (yes even you @Ultrakool ;))

420scoper, Opa, Ultrakool and 2 others like this
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Hi guys, just made a forum account to (like 95% of the ppl) tell u that u are still doing a great job.

I became a patreon since the day u made it, and i still am, and i will also keep supporting u guys.

The reason why after al those years i made this account is to also support you guys verbally and to let you know that there are alot of "grown-ups" not taking time to fill these forums with...chatter but who are also "hyped" ?

Good luck with pushing the last few bugs out of the window.

P.s some of you guys work more hours a week on this game then i do for my "boss", respect.

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