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    Battleforge, Ark: Survival Evolved, Fallout 4, Dota 2, Smite, Gaming in general

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  1. granted. but none of your devices can run this synth software. i wish that i'd be the creator of this beautiful topic.
  2. Granted, but she'd have all of them sweet STD's *insertdoesn'tmatterhadsexmemehere* I wish that farting would be as contagious as yawning.
  3. Granted, but people would also scream "YOLO" at the end of every sentence they use 'gay' in. I wish to see a picture of " @Kiwi" in this thread.
  4. Hypey Birthday to youuuuu!!!

  5. might be true. ^^
  6. To be fair here, i think the poll is not really - missing the correct english phrase here - equally distributed to make a guy named Kevin get away well... Edit: for example what about an afro-american (politically correct term?) who is a Genius but lives in Asia with is Caucasian parents who adopted him. Also you will probably get feedback here from a community of mainly 15-30 year old male gamers, mostly i guess. If that's your target group it's fine though, i'd guess.
  7. I'm really looking forward to see this live again ^^
  8. has the luck to be an alpha tester and even luckier to be reviewed by me ^^
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