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Beta Tester
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About BurningWorld

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    Germany, BW

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  1. image.png.bdb6881afc15c4152403c1e3f894b4c4.png

    1. BurningWorld


      🍈 Praise the Melon 🍈

    2. Deadman


      Hello mate 😀

  2. Nevermind bro, I was just stupidly joking around as usually Wish you a nice weekend Kubik!
  3. How much donation for revival of chatbox?
  4. This maybe doesn't help you, but SSDs are so cheap nowadays you can get 60GBs for about 15 € already.. And you can not only "install" your battleforge on it but also your windows which reduces Windows starting times a lot and also should decrease the loading times in BaFo ;) I haven't played BaFo since Open Stresstest but I can't imagine how old your rig must be for not running a 2008 game properly :D (no harm or insulting intended, if taken so)
  5. I 'member when the open stresstest started and it was like only up to 100 players could connect the same time.. And now seeing you talking about 100-200 players in JUST PVP A DAY!!! What an awesome development the project is doing, keep the great work up! Kudos and respecc to everyone doing his part
  6. I wish I could downvote for that League of Legends Picture, here take my upvote instead! Edit 1: I just saw your edit 1 and had an idea, what about single health bars just like for minions / creeps (dota ftw) and when you zoom out enough the combine to 1 larger health bar, like a single unit.. I just realized this idea is dumb, coz all small units get the same damage :facepalm:
  7. hello :D

    1. Deadman


      No flirting please 

    2. BurningWorld


      @Fauchderial To quote ThomasFrau II, the great leader of the ottomelons, "Bye"

  8. Plox my forum chatbox not working help fix :( 

    Y is not starting open beta chatbox?? :( 

    Me paly chatbox now pls

    1. BurningWorld


      @BurningWorld Pls use the message function or open a thread in the right section about your Issue.


      @BurningWorld NO! Me want open chat box NOW!

    2. Deadman



    3. Ultrakool


      /locked for sanity 

  9. Kubik saves the day as usual #GOTEAMKUBIK

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BurningWorld
    3. batorfly


      Comeback is real. 
      I can smell it. 


    4. BurningWorld


      Man I just wanted to post exact the same meme followed by a questionmark onto your profile like 2 minutes before.. 
      It's been a year and I'm still having exact the same stupid ideas .. :thinking:

  11. Reminds me of glorious old times like: "Plox Open omega gimme! Play me give!" Just random comment *flies away on a horse*
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