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Beta Tester
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About Eddio

  • Birthday July 28

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    The Netherlands
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Slayer (13/34)



  1. Continuing with the salt again?
  2. Eddio


    Continuing with the salt? Its a her and she already explained that her name has nothing to do with that.
  3. Good stuff, there were some things in there I didn't know.
  4. 2922 for how long will it last tho
  5. It has been a while since anyone placed a status update. :thinking:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BurningWorld
    3. Eddio


      @BurningWorld your activity is a joke yes :blight:

    4. BurningWorld


      Hey, I'm posting some quality content every month....


  6. There has already been a similar discussion if you want to know peoples opinions about the card:
  7. Maybe this topic can help you: Later on in the topic they actually got some of the 3d models working.
  8. Its all explained in here: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/announcement/29-beware-multiaccounting-may-cause-permabans/ and in here: People on the same ip shouldn't have any problems: Just don't share the cards I guess.
  9. Wish granted but you are on the naughty list for the rest of your life. I wish for someone to like Ultrakool.
  10. Happy new year!!

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