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Beta Tester
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About sylvix95

  • Birthday 09/19/1996

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  • Steam

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  • Location
    (Not anymore in the) North of Paris, France
  • Interests
    battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge battleforge.

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Champion (10/34)



  1. One of those changes in particular was greatly appreciated and expected at some point Overall good decisions friends.
  2. It has almost been a month and he is still at it
  3. We should rename this thread "The dead Sea" with such a huge amount of salt.
  4. sylvix95


    What a sass queen you are sometimes x)
  5. Are you feeling it now ?
  6. I'll be waiting for y'all ! Well, not exactly "waiting" i'll take a headstart !
  7. Eddio on top of the week contributor ? What is this, 2015 ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eddio


      you are late to the party @BurningWorld

    3. BurningWorld
    4. sylvix95


      Wot ?? I am the top now !

      this hasn't occured in along time

  8. SERVER: Test Server NAME: Card:Razorshard - Delay between attack explosion and actual damage an knockback SEVERITY: 3 LOCATION: In Game REPRODUCIBILITY: ALWAYS DESCRIPTION: The explosion for the Razorback projectile deals damage and knockback only after a long delay of 1.5 seconds, which is instant for the Fire Stalker. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Test on some others units and Towers that knockback have been made, but it seems like it's only for the Razorback that it occurs
  9. Don't hurt his feelings yall, its an endangered species
  10. A rare view of @fiki574 working on the server on weekends :


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LagOps


      did you just assume its gender???

    3. Ultrakool


      Jesus Bionic I’m so disappointed :/

    4. BionicReaper


      Someone didnt get the joke :kappa:

  11. This has to be the most off-topic of the off-topic's topics. Still look nice tho.
  12. You're the idiot one, just by saying that.
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