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About Ladadoos

  • Birthday 10/02/1999

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  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Skylords Reborn, Programming

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Sage (31/34)



  1. @NoidZ Thanks for the report. This should be fixed now on the live server.
  2. Hotfix - 06 June 2022 Fixed game crashes caused by damage abilities like Cluster Explosion. Fixed empty deck slots preventing progression in some of the new achievements. Fixed unobtainable orb on the map "Behind Enemy Lines" in the northwest. Fixed occasional errors in the reforging system, which occurred when reforging the last remaining copies of the same card.
  3. Thomas saying something other than 'cool' as a response to a new Community Update, cool.
  4. Yes, they will be available for everyone. Even if you have already completed all of the maps for example, you will be asked to do it again (for example for mana wing promo).
  5. This should be easy to implement. Edit: Implementation is finished and will be included in the next update.
  6. Changes: - Closed front-end web developer role.
  7. Small postpatch update that adds upgrades from our newest cards to campaign maps is now also live: - Banzai Lord (Green) and (Purple) on all difficulties to Mo. - Coat of Protection (Blue) and (Purple) on all difficulties to Empire. - Amii Paladins on all difficulties to Nightmare's End. - Bandit Minefield on all difficulties to Slave Master. - Bandit Sniper on all difficulties to Raven's End.
  8. Definitely easily technically possible. 🙂
  9. Changes: - Closed Global Moderator role.
  10. Thanks for the report. There is currently a bug where the UI always defaults to showing the setting you have in your screenshot. This has already been fixed and will be released in an upcoming update.
  11. There is no option to remove a bid in-game. Please clarify what you mean exactly.
  12. This has not been implemented yet and also was not in the past. It is still in the to-do list.
  13. This usually means you do not have the required DirectX installed. Please check this thread about DirectX
  14. Changes: - Closed Discord Moderator role. - Closed Map Tester role.
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