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Map Making Director
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About Emmaerzeh

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  1. Here is the legendary Forumpost of MrX-Link. Only for memory purposes. Also shout out goes to InsaneHawk at this point to revive BF and start Skylords Reborn.
  2. Here are some old Battleforge Wallpapers and Magazines. Kind regards r-Hagon-BF-1.pdf r-Hagon-BF-2.pdf fire_cardoverview_en.pdf frost_cardoverview_en.pdf nature_cardoverview_en.pdf shadow_cardoverview_en.pdf battleforge-magazin_en.pdf battleforge-magazin_de.pdf r-Hagon-BF-3.pdf
  3. As Kubik shared the link . On map making discord you will be helped. Kind regards
  4. Or use reforge. Is luck but for shaman its likely Happening since he is not very rare.
  5. Welcome back Omelie. Great to see Map making legends returnig. How about an update for Twistwd legends? ^^ The mapmaking improved drasticly since back in the days. We can f.e. now look up all Ids needed. I invite you to join the map making discord. https://discord.gg/MfvptQzC Kind regards
  6. I also enjoyed City of tears. Definitely try this one as well. You are not on the maps discord?! Consider to join the community of map creators. You can f.e. ask for unit aktives ID's there. https://discord.gg/frCdepCN Kind regards
  7. Here is a tutorialvideo of Metagross how to configure vscode and IntelliJ. Thx Meta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyce9Qi4y_Q
  8. There are also ways in SR to be a developer without programming. F. E. map artist "only" needs to be able to use the map editor or balance developer the internal entity editor. I have no formal programming education. Back in the day i tought myself some basic lua so i could do some basic map scripting and tryed around stuff in the editor. A lot of trial and error. Its still... 😅 There are some tutorials around f. e. on you tube about lua language. Kind regards
  9. What happens in original maps is considered the normal standart. So we now officially have the free pass to mix all availeble factions as we please as well!
  10. I have to stand up for whees. Its not that bad, especially for new-mediocre players. Imo wheels are good... : ... the more units/players profit from it. So not build it first. ... players that are not that good in micro or lazy. U can pretty much attack move end of map i rpve 9. Throw some cc and heal here and there and focus spawners. ... In casual playing. If you just want to finish the map to get the rewards no matter the time. For new players it can be a very helpful card. Kind regards
  11. Thx for the correction. I couldnt doublecheck it atm.
  12. Btw, if in some of the listed maps its not clear what the winconditions are for a specific map, feel free to ask. F. E. In "Warrior on the Mountain" everything after u killed the cages is irrelevant for the time. You just need to hold out. And not even need to kill the Boss. Kind regards
  13. i want to get a extra achievement registered. In Nyxia in 13:08.8 by Emmaerzeh there were maulers involved.^^ @The WaterMelon Lord
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