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  1. Which one I mean, I don't really know myself yet. 😀 I thought that if I have the script, I can apply it arbitrarily to the appropriate targets. Have done everything in the last few hours and am still at the beginning with my thoughts. my native langauge is german, but thx fpr the link. there are some interesting informations too there!
  2. Hello skylords, skyladies and skyfolk! Yesterday, I was looking at Emmaerzeh's thread to make my own custom map. Thank you at this point for the explanation! For me the script writing and understanding is incredibly difficult and I have no contact with it in everyday life. On top of that, it comes with a bad English. For security reasons I write the thread with deepl. I have already watched advanced tutorials, which I do not understand, to create scripts myself. Surely one of the professionals can provide me with the required scripts in seconds before I struggle for a long time. I would like to create a kind of defense map, in which it is primarily about pure defending off masses of enemies. The rough overview you very below. It's my first attempt, so be gracious. What I need: • A Building stops spawning enemies when, say, 10 waves have been sent. • A Building spawns enemies when e.g. a wall has been built. • possibly (don't know if this is too difficult) victory occurs when last wave of a building dies. EDIT: I have updated the image and already created the basic map. you can see both in the attachment. Under 1. you can see the spawn areas of the enemies, which should run south to the players defending with the walls (2.). Greetings, Ferdi Defens1.map
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