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  1. Well, that'd be fine if they wouldn't then also ignore the wall on their loop around and harass T1 directly. Extra micro on a map that already has you juggle strong camps, several timed ground effects and constant attacks that ramp up to artillery and whisperers isn't really a passable option. On the flipside, the strategic option of letting the Vilebloods pass through for the loop wouldn't be gone at all because they never auto-aggro. Only if attacked. It's the map-to-map inconsistent behavior that's annoying. The default and more common occurrence seems to be that they are supposed to walk in range to be attacked. But sometimes they simply don't and you don't know if you hit that odd behavior until they pass.
  2. Could the Vilebloods (and bugs) take a route that is closer to the inner walls? Usually they run past it just in range for archers and aggro onto the wall. But sometimes they just barely run past it, don't aggro and then go straight towards the shard. Which leads to them lingering there for a few moments and then looping back around to attack T1.
  3. Instant healing on cast would just turn it into a T2 Regrowth.
  4. I think the issue with Ray of Light is that percentage healing is really bad on T2 because units have such low health. An additional percentage wouldn't change that. Splitting the healing into a flat and percentage component or adding another effect would probably help.
  5. If you could join the discord, enter the report-a-bug channel, post !log and then follow the instructions then the devs can take a look.
  6. Technically, after Ascension, Viridyas spirit flew into the ocean and became a remote, protected island, which is where Into The Jungle takes place. Few of the cPvE map locations really accurately represent their location on the world map.
  7. The underlying problem of Amii Monument is that the original devs took a giant dump on their own entire game design by introducing it in the first place. All out of desperation for a few doubloons. Which didn't even end up mattering. But unfortunately we don't have a time machine. The fact that there are people that feel like, at this point in time, they lack viable options without crutching Amii Monument is a testament to how massive a problem the card was. It's barely even a hot take to say that right now decks are overall stronger and more diverse than they ever were during the original games run with Amii Monument.
  8. Yes, it was patched a week ago. The description also states that it grants a tierless orb now.
  9. The legacy server is a time capsule locked to the point where the original BattleForge shut down. There are just some features like Reforging and overall progression on there, all of which unnecessary because everything is unlocked by default. Like other bugs/exploits known at the time, Wheel of Gift stacking was fixed during Phenomic days. So it is not on the legacy server.
  10. I think it is fine for Adv to be somewhat comparable to some cPvE Exp maps in difficulty. The game lacks challenging maps for veterans. But I would be in favor of adding a Std difficulty by simply swapping some LS and frost units for weaker ones and removing some from the attack waves. No special adjustments, just changes to units.
  11. T4 cards are bad from what perspective exactly?
  12. Massive props to the voice actors and audio editors. I implemented some of those and was really blown away by the professional-level quality. They fit extremely well and sound amazing, adding so much personality. Great voices, great effects.
  13. Basically, if loads of value changes hands with no return it could mean one of two things: RMT, so someone paid real money or exchanged other things outside the game to receive the cards. Or multiaccounting, where a secondary account just dumps valuables onto the main account. So one-sided trades are always an eyebrow raiser.
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