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About BFlove123

  • Birthday 08/06/1996

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    YOUTUBE= https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBB1EqXyf1nBuuMRwCv5Rsg

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  1. umm i play this game on ultra settings.. i do have a pc with graphics card gtx 1660 super 6gb, 16gb ram 3000mhz a good ssd and i5 9400f 3.0 ghz 6 core and thread and a monitor with 144 hrtz BUT when i encounter lot of units and fights i have drops and bad frames overall..is something i miss and this is hapening or what? please help me if you can. :S
  2. hey thomas !!!! <3 welcome back my friend :)
  3. iam just happy they making pretty fast the game and work all time ! (DONT THINK WITH 5-6 DUDES YOU CAN HAVE IT FAST ! FOR 5-6 THEY DO PRETTY GOOD... ITS NOT EZ..) + i w8 from 2015.. and?
  4. argentina iceland 3-0 , france australia 2-1 tomorow
  5. w-w-wheeeen?!? ok. awesome to have one dev more. good luck hope u wont get any high time waste problems and find the solution fast to anything !
  6. some troll cards.. and how i imagine shadow/nature(ik where pic is from :P) https://ibb.co/jsphS7
  7. i prefer it instead of crashing all time game. still love ya devs !
  8. we are very close fiki fixed lot crashes and now only one freeze thing is to deal with for the open beta to come..thats what i saw to discord anouncements at least.
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