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Everything posted by Lavos2018

  1. same here, tried to enter them and it claims they exceeded maximum use, which they havent been used before
  2. looking forward to checking out the new booster types, itll be nice to have the cards split into smaller segments making it easier to try to get specific cards by focusing on specific boosters
  3. glad to hear Mephisto, especially Themed Boosters and more Achievements, i think the single biggest problem with boosters as it stands is the sheer card pool, even cutting that in roughly half by adding a 2nd booster type would be a big improvement, though ideally there should be at least 3, enough to make progress rewarding but not remove the element of luck and continuously trying i dotn want everything handed to me for free with no work, but i also at times feel like im doing alot of playing and boosters are just nonstop letting me down not giving me even a single card out of a fairly large list of things i really desire of course there are multiple ways to tackle that kind of issue, themed boosters is the most ideal and with that i would even argue the current Booster price could stay
  4. Macabi is right about that..Ultra Rares that were made after the Affinity system was implemented sometimes vary in general value based on what the affinity does, for example with the Forest Elder, people value the Nature Affinity version of it way more than the Shadow Affinity since a boost to allied unit damage is preferable to a moderate damage over time effect that has negligible impact on larger units but is more effective at dealing with squads of small units which are not a particular danger to the Elder to begin with, so people generally prefer the Nature Affinity version since that offers a benefit thats not remotely situational and has a good impact every time rather than being mostly dependent on what situation your in i wouldnt mind seeing a decrease to 200 myself, it still means you gotta play 2 days to get enough BFP for a booster rather than the current 3 days, especially with where im at where it takes 400 daily quests to earn a booster via Achievements, speaking of, maybe the curve on that could be looked at too, i feel 400 quests for a single booster is way too much since you can only do 3 per day maximum (the 30 min booster daily does count towards that) so id have to spend more than 100 days doing dailies to earn a booster...i feel thats a bit excessive for just 1 booster! another possibility is separating the boosters back into themed sets like they used to be back in retail Battleforge, but keep the promo rate at 1.5%, this would probably lower card prices because people could target specific sets of cards rather than a single booster with all 520+ cards which makes getting certain cards, even commons or uncommons, a real pain in the butt
  5. yeah that is one of the nice features about control groups this game had, also being able to use that +/- button to dissolve or create new groups with the selected units, makes it easy to manage control groups without hotkey use, course hotkeys are good too!
  6. given the amount of replies in this thread on both sides, i dont think i need to make a poll because i can do this thing called "extrapolation" which btw is commonly used in polling, and if you would dare to accuse me of being "selfish" and all those things i would retort that your just upset that someone has a different opinion than you the other person claimed that "leaving it alone" is a non-solution...no its actually a perfectly fine solution, just he and some others such as yourself dont happen to like it
  7. the only map so far that Monument actually breaks is Soultree, you can complete the map without attacking the twilight camp for the 5th orb, because you grab the 4th then use Monument and the game treats it as a 5th orb and causes victory as soon as the orb is finished building since the objective is to get 5 Orbs, maybe the devs can fix it so the quest only triggers victory when you grab the "normal" 5th orb so that monument isnt a cheap time-saver for a much easier and safer win with no risks associated but thats literally ONE map, a singleplayer PVE map, where it makes a large difference what i see here is some people worried about what is ultimately a non-issue, the simple fact is this: if you dont want to use it, then dont, but you dont need to have the entire game balanced according to your own whims, that is incredibly selfish and a good way to decimate what balance the game DOES have the minute we start balance discussions based solely on the fact an incredibly small number of people dont like something, we may as well just give up right then and there because we have let a small number of people change something for an entire community most of whom did not want an unnecessary and borderline-pointless change balance talk is fine, but what im seeing is sour grapes, not legitimate talk of balance, as others have said, Monument doesnt change the game so much that its broken and it has some limitations which hinder it in many circumstances meaning its mostly enjoyable for solo play, and theres nothing wrong with that, it doesnt magically make a map an instant win (outside Soultree but i addressed that) XL units arent impervious, especially not to boss-type units who generally deal insane amounts of damage in PVE in the end, if its mostly effective in solo play, why should that matter to anyone but the person choosing to use it? its not hindering the enjoyment of anyone else because in solo play it CANNOT effect anyone else, and as long as a person isnt cheating or hacking, then i say let them play decks how they want in solo play, as long as nobody is breaking any rules then its not our job to police how everyone else enjoys the game
  8. if you dont like dont use it thats the best solution i like it because it allows versatiltiy in my decks, a Twilight deck for example that can actually use a Juggernaut or Fire Dragon, hell even a Thunder Wagon or Abyssal Warder without having to sacrifice the T4 Twilight units like Abomination or Skycatcher, without Monument i wouldnt be able to use T3 or T4 cards that have a color requirement of 3 orbs for me its mostly for adding more units, buildings or spells to my T4 so that my deck is capable of doing alot more things, but i still use some T3 units because they can still be useful, even in a T4 army
  9. was just about to mention that
  10. same here as of right now, first attempt to login today
  11. they did patch the server earlier today, thats when issues started for us lucky few
  12. well i guess we all just got lucky and yes, it is beta so issues will happen, im more surprised at the rapid progress, when i first tried to play on September 20th, it was VERY usntable, couldnt even finish a singleplayer PVE campaign mission lik ENcounters with Twilight without disconnecting, couldnt login half the time either, but over just 2 weeks that drastically changed so heres to more steady progress!
  13. well people posted screenshots on the discord, and the issue is only for some of us, MrXLink just informed me the Error Code: -1 is a recurring issue, the server restart is what caused it to start happening for me, but it was intended to put an update on the server to hopefully fix that very issue i imagine based on the fact most of the discord seems able to login that its only a fairly small number of us, its a shame because i was almost finished with my dailies today
  14. its not down, others are online and have proof of it via screenshots its only some of us and its a result of the server restart
  15. i get the Error Code: -1 keeps me from logging in either way
  16. well Soldierbf, thats not stopping people from trying to multi-account even though as you said it will all get erased (and is forbidden) some people just arent too smart is the best guess i have!
  17. my Nickname of Lavos doesnt have a super complicated story behind it, i usually append the current year to the name when i create whatever account, heres the slightly abridged version: but simply put, im a huge fan of the game Chrono Trigger (1995, Super Nintendo/SNES) which wasnt released outside asia and north america until a Nintendo DS remake happened in like 2008 i think, Lavos was the main villain of the game, a space alien who destroys planets by controlling evolution for an ultimate harvest of all energy on the planet, and he can freely control time itself, at one point he kills the main character by basically removing him from the fabric of time the game is also heavy on the Einstein-style theory of time travel including the idea of meeting your "past-self" should you go back to a time period where a younger version of you existed, also the whole concept of changing events in the past altering the present and, by extension, future its a super fun turn-based jrpg which these days is a dying breed of games but my fascination with the game as a child led to me adopting the name as the internet became more commonplace
  18. well this is an open stress test, not the full open beta as far as im aware, so this is to be expected
  19. well that makes it alot easier, i mean some people would have no qualms with getting that much gold and keeping it
  20. heck of a bug! now whered i put my change cup...oh here it is! *shakes cup at bypassers* spare some gold? jokes aside, im glad you reported this instead of letting it stay even though it benefits you to let it happen, alot of people wouldnt report a bug if its beneficial to them not to, so props to you for being upstanding!
  21. well, outside part of it being in german which i cant read, cant say ive seen the error before, but best of luck with getting it solved! wish i could be of more help
  22. ive noticed some significant improvements in the game's stability the last 3 or 4 days, last night was the first time i ever completed my "2 rpve 6 or higher" daily and ive had it for a bit over 2 weeks, but rpve and PVE in general seems to be crashing and disconnecting pretty rarely now once the map has been started yeah theres still the "too many actions too quick" disconnect outside matches, theres still occasional issues elsewhere but im so happy PVE is more or less working, also the bug with the chests being grabbed preventing upgrade rewards is ALSO fixed, nd the post-match reward/results screen also now consistently appears so in the about 2 weeks since i started the stress test? im happily impressed! keep up the work devs!
  23. yeah she only summons 1 per upgrade level, so you need her at upgrade 3 to summon all of them at once i have noticed some text seems to be wrong or flat up mispelled, like Hatecaster the tier 4 tower for Twilight in its Evaporation ability text it says "noisome fume" when it should say "fumes" and some card abilities have missing text completely upon mouse-over of the unit with its ability active as an icon on its portrait sowing an active ability. but i saw "m[MISSING ENGLISH TEXT]" on one of them, and a buncha the Lore text in the log book area where it tells the story and characters of the game,ive noticed alot of misspelled text like "sharman" instead of "shaman" but theres too many examples to list, im sure theyll wanna go proofread alot of this and fix it at some point, whether that would be before or after live release i dont know
  24. are you sure you have the right VisualC++ installed? if you dont your gonna run into issues theres alot of versions and updates for C++, you need to make sure you have all the ones the game requires its possible this is a completely different issue but being the 1 error message is a Visual C++ error, you might wanna go make sure youve got all the C++ versions installed you can find a download for C++ on Microsoft's website and it should download and install any missing updates or versions you dont have, but if that doesnt fix it, it means the issue is something, there should also be a link to that whole package in the "open stress test - all you need to know" thread if i remember right
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