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  • Birthday 03/19/1995

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  1. That is true, would especially open up deck versatility for t2-t4 though. If we just talk about diversity in t1, I still think the biggest problem is that 3 factions can get somewhat reliably in situations that are completely unplayable and fire also has a really hard time (at least in random matches). A secondary effect my proposed change on the game could have though, is that non fire starts are still slower than fire and with increased occurence of these in single matches a slight increase in game time might become necassary to further enable the viability of these changes anyway, especially if the assumption is that at least some more varitey in t2-t4 strategies is valued. For Motm's I agree. I just think (and as you mentioned already) if those are basically unplayable in random play you have a problem entirely. I guess the question is what you want to balance 10's around - random play or motm play. Personally I think random play is the way to go. If even the best teams have insane fail rates, you either have a massive player skill issue (wouldn't assume that) or a balancing issue imo. Also just removing Vigils, only really trivialize things for mostly fire t1. Especially Shadow and Frost and to a lesser extent nature will still have a really hard time if it's just twilight brains + 3 Treefiends/Mana beasts + Lost Dancers + Shields. It is just going from blatantly unplayable to extremely difficult. Obviously teamplay is still advised in those situations as well, it's just not strictly mandatory. I think the key questions in terms of balance philosophy to be answered are: Balance around motm's or random play. Is a broadening of viable strategies for Motm 10 wanted, if yes in which stage of a match (t1, t2-3, post t4) and by how much (also for each individual stage). --> TL;DR increasing t1 viability by removing vigils and further incentivizing deck viability by minor time limit changes is probably the most efficient way forward for random play imo. If only argued from a t1 perspective I'd probably still say that Vigils are the single biggest hindrance. If you prioritize Motm you probably can do nothing for t1 realistically besides rebalancing t1 of nature, frost, shadow (would also solve the t1 issue in random play). Overall deck variability would still increase by increasing the time limit. Increased timer or higher starting energy basically is the same change, though starting energy only really makes sense up to a certain point Always glad to derail a thread Also that's all I have to say on this, so I'll just go back into my retirement home. See ya in another year or until I randomly stumble upon the forums again and see an interesting thread
  2. And it will stay that way which is fine. I think the biggest detractor of versatility in a game(mode) is when there is somewhat regularly occuring scenarios where no matter how good you play options(in this case factions) become unplayable or rely heavily on support (of especially meta solutions) which further incentivizes the meta solution. That doesn't even mention that it is also less fun to know that basically every 10th or so map there is basically nothing you can do yourself and need help from others. Allowing every faction to at least be (more or less) solo playable against "normal" scenarios in game is probably the best thing you can do to enhance playrates of those factions. That won't make them the most popular faction by a longshot but at least you open up the possibility of playing these in random groups without frustrating everyone from the getgo. I think in a secondary step you could introduce changes to Shadow, Nature and frost to make them more viable in 10's but those will also have to be considered in other scenarios. The "quick and dirty" solution to the problem described above and my last post is to just remove vigils as a possibility at t2 which from what i remember the code structure of rPvE maps to be, is fairly easy. (correct me if I'm wrong as I am not really involved in this stuff anymore for at least 2 years or so)
  3. Can only really speak to the original 4 factions in rpve 10, but in my experience the only real scenario where Nature, Frost and Shadow are basically unplayable in random maps is against Lost Vigils at t2 In every other scenario you can build robust t1 card combinations to reliably clear t2 (and I did so). That might entail 1 or at most 2 extra deckslots compared to fire starts and those factions are still slower, but they are viable if you know what you're doing. Without any other changes the viability of those other t1's already drastically increases. I think they will still have a harder time in certain scenarios (close/double camps, treefiend/mana biest incomes at pos1/4) but that is all manageable imo.
  4. though it is late, I added the 2 player solo run on level 9 from last month's Motm - only did 3 runs on the map. Further improvements were possible.
  5. For rPvE 9: Support: "Standard" t4 decks: T3 decks: Weird stuff: For rPvE 10:
  6. Even though the event isn't over yet - I'd like to bring my first point of feedback already. I feel like the event runtime is way too long. Imo 3 weeks+ just feels like it is stretching on forever. Especially considering the ruleset is relatively simple and straightforward. For events like the Guns of Lyr one where the ruleset was way more expansive I can understand a longer event runtime, even then 3 weeks might be a tad too long. Personally I would prefer a event runtime of 10-14 days for the "simple" competitions and maybe a couple days extra for something thats more complex.
  7. you can view them ingame --> be in the Forge --> Book icon on the top -->Profile --> Replay icon on the right side --> names will be as they are named in the replay folder but you can see the finish times of the replay selected, so as long as you know what your replay time is you should be fine. The replays are ordered based on recency, so if you know a date you can skip quite a few as well. Also you can change the names of replays outside the game by changing the name in the following folder: C:\User\Battleforge\replays
  8. I didn't like churches as my engineers kept on taking away from the unit limit later on - also my placement was bad so that engineers kept on dying by maelstroms.. Cultist Master to charge the necroblasters initially and for a bit of void return, also for offering (frenetic assault + skyelf sage). Replay file attached for anyone wanting to have a look - was my first time on the map. 20220111_173234_the_last_soultree.pmv
  9. Would recommend this: In my run I played with Church and techniky instead of 1 of the necroblasters and the green frenetic, but found them useless towards the end. The crystal fiends were the biggest problem for me towards the end as my Necroblaster were constantly depleted due to Dreadnought and heals nothing dying where and not enough big shots from WBG's. I used Necrofurys to to two shot the dreadnoughts when possible. Other things to maybe consider: Lost Disruptor for late game anti air and some form of healing for the Necrofurys (Blood Healing or nature affinity splicer - would cut infect and Ice Tornado. I started by taking both wells at the start and placing 1 lifestealer + 1 splicer and then whatever archers I could get my hands on. When the Lifestealer gets kind of low on HP I build another one. You will let some of the stuff through early on nonetheless - I think Lifestealer is optional but it did help me greatly thinning out early waves at least a bit. Build 3 Lifestealer total + about 15 Forsaken (Once the first waves get close to the wall I split archers about 50/50 and build another splicer there. The rest was a cakewalk.
  10. Is the stream going to be uploaded on Youtube as well as afaik twitch deletes VOD‘s automatically after some time frame - maybe with a link to the rules in the forum.
  11. How long does the Booster Scratch Code stay valid? Asking because the earliest time I can use it will be 7th/8th of January.
  12. Great idea, sadly I only got today to get a time in and improve upon it. Well let's see where I end up.
  13. added last months 1 Player replay and new alltime record. YT will follow sometime. Sub 11 was possible but wouldve needed a perfect run which I didn't feel like grinding for any more. Major time losses were the t3 clear where the strikers survived due to teh strikers not running out towards my spawned archers. Usually an archer squad survived the first dive and would pull it. Misclick of the archers to all attack the birds instead of 1 pushing towards t3 results (in combination with first well being late 5 secs and the mentioned 3rd dive of phoenixes) in t3 and therefor bata being about 10 seconds late. Secondly the warp into the Slavemaster camp was slightly too far. Best case scenario was the Bata coming out directly left of the artillery. Where he can turn and directly attack the Slavemaster again while still killing the spawn camp with his aura. Instead of the little dance that he did in the replay - time loss about 5 secs. After killing the income bata stops running for about 3 seconds. Same thing for a moment after getting bata through the portal nexus - another 4 seconds. The cc in the top right camp was not nice but ultimately only cost me about 5 seconds as otherwise he couldve been positioned better towards the next camp. That makes up around 27 seconds (10+5+3+4+5) + a second here or there for slightly better clears per camp. So ~10:50-10:55 with a perfect run at least with this strategy. Deck used:
  14. Playstyle wise for sure Bandits Art design wise for sure Lost Souls.
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