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  1. For the last few days I have been happily getting back to grips with playing BF but now it wont load. It crashes shortly after accepting my logging in details. About an inch of loading screen occurs then it quits. Both of the following folders have been added to the exclusion list: I'm running BF on Win 11. Any ideas how to fix?
  2. An hour isn't that long. When you compare this solo to the other solo community maps available. This map actually keeps you multitasking all the way through and that time soon passes. Unfortunately I don't have a root network deck yet but will keep that in mind. Interesting! You can't play both the Church and the Worldgun together can you? What were you using the cultist masters for? I've been playing with this deck and making it close to the end but can't seem to keep my engineers and churches alive.
  3. Has anyone completed this? My defences just don't hold during the final onslaught. Any deck recommendations?
  4. I saw someone get batariel at t3 in rPVE - How is this possible?
  5. Is there a unwritten rule regarding what you should do with the upgrade cards at the end of an assign PVE game? I've just been told I have committed a reportable act by asking if anyone wants one of the upgrade cards, assigning myself one of the four upgrade cards to myself and disenchanting the other three as no one else wanted the others?
  6. HI All, I'm hyped that the game is finally being re-released however now that technology has moved on so much since the original game, my display resolution is simply too big which makes the size of the UI buttons and text soooo small. I've set the resolution to the max setting and the font size to large but my old eyes still cant read the text very well. Is there anything else I can do to make everything a lot readable?
  7. With the sad news of the delayed Open Beta - why not burn some time and join my 'Skylords reborn' Clash Royale Clan, it's a far cry from Battleforge but it's a good fix!! once you have gained enough trophies you can apply to join the 'Battleforge' Clash Royale clan which is drawing ever closer to one of the top 200 clans in Local
  8. Keep up the good work guys - A tad gutted about the announcement but hey ho such is life!
  9. Just Clash Royale here - Theres a Battleforge clan spaces open up at the beginning of the month if you are looking to fill up some time. It provides me enough card playing entertainment to keep me amused.
  10. BF clan still going strong! @Ultrakool I see you popped into SR clan for a look. Bruno is my alt. the feeder clan is a tad quiet. If anyone wants to join in drop me a message http://discord.gg/p6VhBmC
  11. Thats great news - I so hope I can get to play the Beta!
  12. Space in the Battleforge clan if anyone is interested? Still going strong almost in the top 200 clans in Europe
  13. New 2v2 mode event is great fun!
  14. Ooh - the new clan battles look interesting 2v2 PVP https://clashroyale.com/blog/news/update-sneak-peeks-6
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