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Patch #400042 - 19 May 2023


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Bond with two other Abyssal Warders of the same size in a 20m radius to reform into an Abyssal Warder of a larger size

It's three not two right?

Also did you change more on Nightmares End or were those just minimap inaccuracies?


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Amazing work guys! Love all the changes, my favorite QoL addition is the Pause function 😄

The balance changes are really good too (and in contrast to some others posting here I really like the change to Shrine of War and Breeding Grounds) 

It's really epic that you also listen to the community and even add another feature I suggested - to nox Carrier "push the cart" 😄

And the QoL to frost mage is very nice too. And the tower changes. And you even managed to actually implement the new reassemble ability to Abyssal Warder? You guys would really deserve to actually get payed for all this work 😄

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5 hours ago, Sacriefice said:

It's three not two right?

Also did you change more on Nightmares End or were those just minimap inaccuracies?


It is 3 total. The ability wording takes into account the unit which is activating the ability. So the unit itself + 2 others.

Most minimaps are at least somewhat inaccurate as regards terrain and more significantly inaccurate as regards foliage and such. We only changed the things we mentioned and we took the opportunity presented to fix as much of the minimaps as possible. 

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11 hours ago, Loriens said:

It's awful design decision. Now people will simply build T3 Fire orb and change it to for Shadow. Besides slowing game process it changes nothing, same with Breeding Grounds. It's especially funny to hear about design in this case, considering that players doesnt like afk waiting parts of gaming, so noone really want to wait to collect energy. Real game design wise decision would be to make SoW less powerful by making enemies more powerful. Or somehow differently instead of simple slowing game process with orb changing. 

Nobody knows yet how the Meta will shift now - I wouldn't be so sure that players will orbswitch for it. My guess is that the more skilled players will just use Furnace + Cultists, or they might consider staying two Fire which doesn't only bring SoW but also Cluster Explosion, Unity and Bloodthirst. 

But there is no way to know for sure how this will play out, but I don't think we will see a mass orbswitching phenomenon, my guess is that FSSN-decks will just drop the nature orb - because you can still have your SoW if you are able to survive. And if you did run before FSSS you will only have to drop Plague.

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11 hours ago, Fundus said:

Yeah but why are the Forums dead nowadays? Because Discord has better features? Why not implement those features here and bring the Forums back to life? I dont know why a game with such a small community needs 2 Forums. Im my opinion they should have never started using Discord in the first place.

Many players does not even know we have a forum. Forum is not available on phones as an application.

Yea few better features, but mostly the fact that people are there.

If you have few millions of dollars to spare we can discuss the possibility.

As far as I know we have only 1 forum.

We did not not have the money for that back then (and we do not have them now), so saying that people was supposed to not communicate with each other, or at best communicate much less seems really weird.

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You guys are really putting some hard work into this, amazing! 😁

So many new amazing features, and still some people feel the need to bitch about stuff, it sickens me.


Edited by bergerb
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Its amazing how, after all these years maps can still be and are improved by so small things. Blight change looks even greather that Bad Harvest one... but im curious how it will work with camps counterratacks that gone bad 😉 But i feel that it will be interesting change.

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On 5/20/2023 at 8:38 AM, Fundus said:

SoW nerf hurts but it makes sense but was the Satanael Nerf really necessary? When i was playing Satanael at T4 i always had performance issues but it was never even close to unplayable. Are there any players that had performance issues so bad that the game was unplayable for them? Satanael with Snapjaw spam was a very fun niche strategy and now there is no reason anymore to use him at T4.

The game has crashed for me when another player spams too many snapjaws.


Also, not a big fan of an achievement behind expert difficulty of unregulated community maps.

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1 hour ago, Omnilisk924 said:

Also, not a big fan of an achievement behind expert difficulty of unregulated community maps.

They are not entirely unregulated - The maps for the achievements have to be featured maps, which are checked by staff members and only after receiving the staff's seal of approval they get the featured status.

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That doesn't really mean much, unless the team is actively giving suggestions to the map makers to make fair and balanced maps. Aegolos and King's Ridge Expert are way over tuned for the average player. If featured maps are going to include maps tuned for "Pro-players", then they should've made the achievement work for Advanced.

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The achievement is considered a veteran achievement.
By allowing Advanced, it wouldn't be considered veteran. Only allowing expert was a design choice mainly as some maps were only made on expert difficulty. 



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1 hour ago, Omnilisk924 said:

That doesn't really mean much, unless the team is actively giving suggestions to the map makers to make fair and balanced maps. Aegolos and King's Ridge Expert are way over tuned for the average player. If featured maps are going to include maps tuned for "Pro-players", then they should've made the achievement work for Advanced.

Actually! It's probably good idea to add Difficulty columnm for community maps, like it is in some games.

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2 hours ago, Dutchy said:

The achievement is considered a veteran achievement.
By allowing Advanced, it wouldn't be considered veteran. Only allowing expert was a design choice mainly as some maps were only made on expert difficulty.

Then why couldn't the achievement be considered Intermediate if that's your primary reason for making it expert only? Why are maps that only have expert difficulty being put into this limited "featured" list? Not to mention that door swings both ways, since your "veteran" achievement could be beaten with maps that only have a standard difficulty. That kind of stuff is exactly what I mean by unregulated maps.

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The community map achievement could have been announced better. The issue is that there are not enough community maps of sufficient quality with completed advanced and standard modes. We decided to treat the Forge skin as equivalent to a new promo card and therefore placed it behind a veteran level achievement. We might make adjustments based on the data with get in the next month or so. The next Forge skin will release differently. 

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On 5/20/2023 at 8:45 AM, Kapo said:

It messed up a lot of decks I guess, but that change was long overdue in my opinion. The best void return as the only one requiring one orb just doesn't make any sense design-wise.

If you want to stay with Shrine of War, for many decks this also forces people to use the faction-specific sustain options (e.g. Bloodthirst) instead of going Fire-Shadow-Shadow-Nature all the time to slap Regrowths, Equilibriums and Revenges onto already powerful decks.

I would totally agree, however, when I am trying to do all of these impossible tasks of doing maps or high level rPvEs in unbalanced cheesy scenarios... I need these advantages. I am not a very good player, lol... So I kinda need that.

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Not a fan of a spring forge being locked behind that achievement tbh, community map based achievements should be inclusive not exclusive. It should have been beat the featured maps on any difficulty level

Edited by Little_Ducky
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I don't really see the exact problem. It's an optional achievement that grants an optional forge skin and boosters worth 900 BFP. The featured maps are hand picked. And they can be difficult.

Why should this exact achievement be made easier? It's a vanity reward. If it's really cool and desirable, shouldn't the effort be worth it? If it isn't you don't have to bother. Why is this reward perceived so differently from Promo Mana Wing or Promo Worldbreaker Gun and their respective achievements?

That aside, there is also the aspect that having players try the various featured community maps on a high difficulty can potentially help highlight the ones that are in a really good state. Thus they could eventually serve as a baseline for official cPvE releases. Having a well functioning Expert-version is very important because when a new cPvE map hits live there will immediately be many seasoned players giving it a try. And if you look at the current Upvotes, thanks to the amazing UI overhaul by the Client/Server Devs, there definitely seem to be some contenders.

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Difficulty-wise, if you pick the right maps to complete it, I would consider it an intermediate achievement. Just dont bite yourself into Kings Ridge, thats the one featured map thats not tuned that well.

On the others, finishing like Rise of a Demon, Dignified, and Back to the Roots is incredibly easy, same goes for Dead Ice and Nyxia. All those are first-try wins, and then you 5/8 achievement already. After that, investing some thought and/or time into some other maps isnt too much to ask for a Forge skin. For Expedition South, Lyrish Uprising and Aeglos you even have videos from contests where you can check how it is done.

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5 hours ago, Cocofang said:

Why is this reward perceived so differently from Promo Mana Wing or Promo Worldbreaker Gun and their respective achievements?

Because these one were a walk in a park compared to the first map that I tried. 

And as I tried first the one with the most upvotes and it felt terrible to me, it discourages me personally a bit. Spend around 2 hours with 3 different deck types anf was not able to get T3

Share the feeling a seasonal forge could have been more inclusive, but as you say: If it does not bother one enough (case for me) - just leave it out.

I did not expect the CMSR to adress me as a player and was proven right. Tho have the feeling a lot players I heard from really like it.


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3 hours ago, Volin said:

Because these one were a walk in a park compared to the first map that I tried. 

And as I tried first the one with the most upvotes and it felt terrible to me, it discourages me personally a bit. Spend around 2 hours with 3 different deck types anf was not able to get T3

I dont mean this as personal critique, more as an exploration to whats might be up with some complaints: Could it be that for many of us, our gaming experience is centred around maps and cards we know in and out for many years, so if something new (in this case: new expert maps to conquer) comes up we are not used to get a punch in the face from an expert map any more?

Many newbies (to the game as a whole) say things like "cant make the big Soultree wave, how is this even possible?" and we answer "LOL git gud" - and now we aren't used any more to be in the same situation, so it gets frustrating pretty quickly?

Edited by Kapo
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9 minutes ago, Kapo said:

I dont mean this as personal critique, more as an exploration to whats might be up with some complaints: Could it be that for many of us, our gaming experience is centred around maps and cards we know in and out for many years, so if something new (in this case: new expert maps to conquer) comes up we are not used to get a punch in the face from an expert map any more?

Many newbies (to the game as a whole) say things like "cant make the big Soultree wave, how is this even possible?" and we answer "LOL git gud" - and now we aren't used any more to be in the same situation, so it gets frustrating pretty quickly?

Sure, can be the case!

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Thanks for the great work, love the update, specially to have more factions in RPVE.
Played now the first time since my old Battlforge time an community map.

I dont know but I think somehow the unit count for the daily quest did not work. Anyway good to add it for gold and playtime, that was my main reason to not play them. maybe you can play them also instead of the PVE maps would be nice.

I palyed Angelos yesterday, cant say that it is to Difficult, needed a few trys (3 or 4) but its not extrem difficult and I would not consider myself as an very good player.

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15 minutes ago, Wallbreaker said:

Thanks for the great work, love the update, specially to have more factions in RPVE.
Played now the first time since my old Battlforge time an community map.

I dont know but I think somehow the unit count for the daily quest did not work. Anyway good to add it for gold and playtime, that was my main reason to not play them. maybe you can play them also instead of the PVE maps would be nice.

I palyed Angelos yesterday, cant say that it is to Difficult, needed a few trys (3 or 4) but its not extrem difficult and I would not consider myself as an very good player.

Thanks for the kind words 🙂
Did you play a featured community map? The cards played quest should only work on those. 

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46 minutes ago, Majora said:

Thanks for the kind words 🙂
Did you play a featured community map? The cards played quest should only work on those. 

I need to take a close look tomorrow, but I think it also didn't count for me 😕
I played a lot of nature units in King's Ridge expert but progress for nature cards daily only started when I played an rpve 9 afterwards.

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