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About Kubik

  • Birthday 11/26/1992

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    Czech Republic
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    Programming, PC games

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  1. Yes it would be nice, but no one have an idea how to do it. 😢
  2. Then you are back to 4 color options. And that is the case already, exactly same reason, why you can not play neutral cards. Same thing you would still have 4 color options, the cards would not be twilight, but Fire, OR Nature. I did not check this, but I would assume they would not benefit from themself, if they would be single color. I think it was kind of the point, that it would be hard to balance it so it is not too strong with single color, but still useful fr something. If it will be too weak you will always be better using stronger single color card. If it will be too strong you will always be better choosing that for both colors.
  3. damage should be followed by a number range, so it is it makes sense, that it did not work.
  4. 🤔 did you already beat all maps using tutorial deck? And I think there is more new players than veterans.
  5. Impossible right now, because we do not know how exactly the game chooses the color of first token, so without being able to change that logic the card would either be neutral (if the dual color token would not affect it), as it is right now, or the first primary color would be used in order: shadow, nature, frost, fire. Not possible for same reason as above, we do not control the selection logic, so we do not even know, if that logic know the card it is choosing for, because it might not have idea about the card, in which case there wouldn't even be a affinity to use.
  6. Because the game is strange. Just checked the thing you call "current deck" also does not match any of your deck, when you have any unsaved changes in it, which is totally opposite problem to the collection being among your decks. Actually the graying out does not have anything to do with decks. As I said before the definition seems clear from user's point of view, but if much more complicated in terms which the game works with.
  7. That is selected deck, but there is another deck that contains all cards from your collection. Not sure if there is any other way I can try to formulate this weird fact about BattleForge. One last try. When you are in forge, the game creates a deck that contains all cards from your collection.
  8. But when you are in forge all cards are in a deck.
  9. In forge your deck is same thing as your collection, so doing it for all decks would mean all cards would be grayed out.
  10. Have you ever tried Google translate? It produces swear words every 3 or 4 sentences, so there is no way I would use it to translate something to language I do not know, with any hopes the result would have even similar meaning to whatever I put in. And what would be a point of such topic, if no one would actually read it, because reading conversations on forum is terrible compared to Discord.
  11. Would English and Czech be enough for you? Because I do not speak any other language. And what about doing it the other way around, disable the forum, and use only Discord? Then no one can complain, that they do not use Discord.
  12. Well that was the first problem I mentioned. which decks to consider? The first "stupid" example I think of when writing this, was "current" deck in the forge, is your inventory with all cards you own.
  13. It was written in C++, but we do not have the source code of the game. And I would guess, they are more likely a tree/map/dictionary, with 2d key, but just a guess, did not actually checked, based on how EA overcomplicated other things, but still just a guess.
  14. From users point of view it might seem clear, but believe me it is not, so which deck(s)? And how you define if card is in deck, or not?
  15. And what should we do about it?
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