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Community Update #13 - October 23th 2021


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Greetings Skylords!

It's been three weeks since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!
There are a lot of exciting things to talk about, so lets get started!


As we mentioned in an earlier community update, new cards are in development. We are very excited to show you the first one today!
Please note: We are still testing the card. While we are generally happy about it and feel comfortable revealing it, numbers and effects might still change. We hope to release this card before the end of the year and will share more information at a later date. 

New Card Reveal: "Coat of Protection"

coat_of_protectioncard2.png     coat_of_protectioncard3.png

Coat of Protection will be a pure-frost tier 4 arcane spell. Upgrading the card reduces its cooldown (-10 sec), increases the number of targets (+2) and reduces powercost (-15). It will be uncommon and come in two affinities, each having a different effect.

Frost affinity:
Blessed Shielding
Activate to wrap up to 6/6/8/8 friendly units in a 25m radius in an Ice Shield. Each Ice Shield absorbs up to 1800 damage for 30 seconds and can be strengthened to absorb up to 2500 damage. Reusable every 30/20/20/20 seconds.

Shadow affinity:
Tainted Shielding
Activate to wrap up to 6/6/8/8 friendly units in a 25m radius in an Ice Shield that initially absorbs up to 2500 damage, but slowly decays by 100 strength every second. Lasts until Ice Shield is depleted. Reusable every 30/20/20/20 seconds.

Coat of Protection, alongside changes coming to the card Ice Age, will continue our pure frost rework and allow for further sustainability and shield play styles in PvE. We are excited to bring brand new cards into the game and would love to hear your thoughts!

The artwork has been designed by our talented artist Tweeto. Even though it looks great on the card, it does not do justice to the full piece. Can you spot all the cool little details? 


A lot of time and changes went into the artwork, which can be seen in the time-lapse bellow. A big thanks to Tweeto for constantly accepting feedback and improving the artwork. We are really happy with the final result, and hope you are too! 


Vote for cardnames

During testing we came up with the cardname ''Coat of Protection'', and abilities named ''Blessed Shielding'' and ''Tainted Shielding''. However, part of our promise to our patreons is to let them help with naming new cards based on suggestions from the community. For this, we will need your help!

Please reply in the comments below what you feel is the perfect cardname for this card, and how you would name the ability. Please note that Blessed and Tainted are part of the affinity name, and will not be changed. 

Name: Coat of Protection
Ability: Tainted/Blessed Shielding

Please only suggest one name. We will collect all the suggestions and let our Avatar-of-Frost-tier (and higher) patreons vote for the final name. 

New Promo

Speaking of patreon, we have reached out to our Juggernaut-tier patreon for a vote for the next promo card to make it into the game!
We offered 5 options (restricted by fitting artwork we have available) and asked them to vote for their favorite. The options are:

- Promo Sunderer
- Promo Manawing
- Promo Moloch*
- Promo Deathray
- Promo Skyelf Commander*

The images below are mock-ups and might receive changes to fit with the new promo-look. Cards with a * will receive buffs in the future.

We will share the results and how you will be able to collect the new promo in a later update. 

Voice-actor positions are now open

As mentioned in the last community update, we are planning to add new (English) voice-lines into the game, and for that we need voice-actors! We will need both male and female voices. To apply, follow the instructions below and send in your recording per e-mail as a single MP3 file per role you apply for, keeping a pause between the lines. To get a feel for your sound, we included only a couple of different lines for you to record. If we feel you are a match, we will get in contact with you for the full script. 

How to apply


Send an e-mail to midnamistfire@gmail.com and include the following:

Subjectline: voice-lines role you apply for (for example: ''male A voiceline bandit'' or "Moon")

- Name (could be a nickname) 
- Age 
- Country
You can add other information in the email, but please start the e-mail with this for organization

Then please name and attach your MP3 files by including the role and your name, like this:
- male_B_bandit_majora.mp3
- moon_majora.mp3 

Please record all the lines for a role in a single MP3 file with short breaks in between. If you apply for multiple roles at once, attach each as a seperate MP3 with all the lines inside. 
Please note: Skylords Reborn is a volunteer
project, everyone on the team works for free. We will not be able to pay you. 

Available voice-line roles

Brannoc, Rogan, Moon, Viridya
If you sound exactly like Brannoc, Rogan, Moon or Viridya, we would definitly be interested in working together! For your application, please reference a few lines from them that are currently in the game (attached below) and try to sound as close as possible in your recording. 

Female: Moon


Please record the lines below in a single MP3 file with a pause between the different lines. 


Female: Viridya



Please record the lines below in a single MP3 file with a pause between the different lines.

oc_11105_19_stream.mp3 oc_11105_21_stream.mp3



Male: Brannoc



Please record the lines below in a single MP3 file with a pause between the different lines. 



Male: Rogan



Please record the lines below in a single MP3 file with a pause between the different lines. 



For our new cards, we also will be in need of new voice-lines. For each line we have included a preferred mood/tone-of-voice. Read the background info and try to make the character come to life. 

Male: A - Voiceline Bandit


Bandit Sniper voicelines
Background info: An arrogant/cocky man who thinks himself smarter than his fellow bandits
Situation (mood) - Voiceline

Spawned (neutral) - Locked and loaded.
Spawned (neutral) Did someone call a sniper?
Spawned (neutral) - Whose the mark this time?
Ability use (neutral) - Send the gods my regards.
Ally spawn bow-wielder (amused/arrogant) - Have you tried, uh, modern weaponry?
Move command (neutral) - Moving out.
Attack command (impatient) - Finally.
Attack command (neutral) - When I spray, they pray.
Death (ashamed/angry) - Humiliating.
Death (confused/angry) - I'm supposed to be the one shooting!
Faction spawn (neutral) - Remember, an even split, 90 me, 10 you


Male: B - Voiceline Bandit


Bandit Banzai Lord voicelines
Background info: A coldblooded warlord that has a strange obsession with his birds. His lines should be cold towards his enemies and caring/proud towards his birds. 
Situation (mood) - Voiceline

Spawned (neutral) - I have eyes everywhere
Selection (annoyed) - What?
Selection (annoyed) - This better be worth it
Move command (neutral) - Sounds about right
Move command (ominous)  - Be careful where you wander..
Attack command (neutral) - A worthy feast
Attack command (neutral)I don't do meatless monday
Attack command (angry) - Keep your hands of my birds!
Ability use (caring/enthusiastic) - Come my darlings
Ability use (caring/enthusiastic) - Aren't they beautiful?!
Death (defeated/worried)Look after my birds..

Male: C - Voiceline Amii


Amii Squad
Background info: For this amii card, we are looking at a trained fighting force (a squad of units). They take the battle seriously, but are not evil. 

Spawned (neutral/proud) - Frontline of the Amii
Spawned (neutral/persistent) - We will not go down without a fight
Selection (neutral) - Orders?
Selection (neutral) - We remember
Move command (neutral) - Right away
Move command (neutral)  - Through the ages
Attack command (confident) - Lets take them
Attack command (enthusiastic) - Glory!
Attack command (confident) - We trained for this
Activate ability (neutral) - They won't know what hit them
Activate ability (neutral) - This is it 
Death (calm) - Death is a part of life
Death (calm) - In dreams we live on

Female: D - Voiceline Amii


Amii Phantom (the current card has a literal copy of the Nightguard voicelines)
Background info: Amii are quite literally embodied elemental spirits and should correspondingly portray the wildness of the elements. They are full of energy as part of their elemental nature, a joyous unrestraint and/or an excess of emotion. At the same time they are a race still shrouded in mystery. 
Situation (mood) - Voiceline

Spawned (neutral) - Amii Phantom
Spawned (proud) We are the Amii
Spawned (neutral) - Our story is just beginning
Selection (cheerful) - Yes? 
Selection (neutral) - Where to? 
Move command (cheerful) - I'll check it out
Move command (neutral)  - Scouting ahead
Attack command (enthusiastic) - To battle!
Attack command (enthusiastic) - We fight!
Attack command (impressed) - A worthy foe
Mode switch (neutral) - We channel the elements
Death (hopeful) - We will be remembered
Death (respectful) - Well fought

We expect to need a few weeks to collect and review all the voicelines. We hope you consider applying!

Tournaments & Events

NEW: Official 4p rPvE Contest#1 The Bandit Hunt
Last week our official rPvE contest started, which will run until 25-10-2021. Create a team of four players, each playing a different color, and compete in the rPvE map of the month on difficulty 9 for the fastest time. All the rules can be found here. Due to the high amount of players already joining, we have even increased the prize support already. A big thanks to Volin for helping us with this event! The winners will be revealed on a live stream on our official Twitch channel on November 7th.

FINISHED: Official PvP Rookie Tournament#1: Clashes of Swords
Our first
official Rookie tournament was a great success! 50 players entered the ring, with many new players for their first PvP-experience. The tournament was streamed live and you can rewatch it on our official Twitch channel. We will definitely host more rookie tournaments, so look forward to those!

• Host your own event / tournament
Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

New Team Members / Open Positions

As you can see, we are actively developing exciting new cards and game modes, but we would love to speed up the progress. If you want to help, we would love to have you on our team. Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. If you are unsure if you qualify, please reach out and have a talk! We are in dire need of Balance developers! 

Open Position - Balance Developer
As a balance developer you are responsible to implement design changes to in-game cards using our internal balancing tool. In other words, you are responsible to implement new cards and changes to existing cards. These implementation requests can come from balance updates and content patches from our Faction Designers but also from the official Skylords Reborn map making team (for example, new bosses for a new map). An integral part of this role is learning our internal balancing tool, as that is the tool that allows us to perform all these changes. You are by no means required to have any programming experience. More information.

Open Position - Client Developer
As a game client developer you are responsible to maintain and develop the game client. This mostly includes add new pre-game features (content outside of matches, so no game mechanics) through .pak files used by the game. You will be responsible to create and design in-game interfaces for new features, add networking support for new features that require it, solve bugs etc. using LUA, XML and little bit of Rust. BattleForge uses LUA and XML in their .pak files which are loaded by the client. Communication with the server happens through a proxy written in Rust.
More information.

Open Position - Voice actor
See information above. 


In Conclusion

We hope you liked this Community Update, thanks for reading! 

As is tradition, this community update comes with a scratch code. But this time you get to choose!
One code will reward you with 100BFP, the other will give you a mini-booster.  

Mini booster: COMM-UNIT-YNEW-S13B
100 bfp: COMM-UNIT-YNEW-S13P
Once you select one, the
other one will be blocked. Choose wisely!

The code is valid till November 12th.

We will update you again on November 13th. We will reveal another new card, so you don't want to miss it!
As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know! 

Community Update #10
Community Update #11
Community Update #12

darkvolpe, Cocofang, Sylar and 11 others like this
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2 hours ago, Majora said:

If anything is unclear about the voice-acting applications, please let me know 🙂 Also don't forget to vote for your preferred name for coat of protection in the comments. 

Are you guys looking for native speakers or don't mind accents? I might be able to help with the cocky bandit 😅

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Just now, DutchyDutchy said:

Viridya is one of the promo's I use the most actually. In many casual runs on pve, in rpve in some decks and in pvp in my shadow deck.

well you love weird decks

but generic people play with decks that are comfortable. why have an extremely fiddly deck, when you can have a cruise control for coolness deck with the same result. especially people who don't go pvp (both because they don't play at it all and because waiting in line takes hours). outside of my raven i at most saw firedancers promo and mo. people just don't use them

like you can play roots deck as it was originally intended and spend an hour on a map or just wipe it with a universal deck in 20 minutes. (still don't understand why the roots were nerfed in half if almost no one played them properly anyway and people were just run around without even using the system)


really, manawings would be a killer choice. everyone who has them uses them when appropriate

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Dang this looks all just so awesome, i cant wait to see which promo its gonna be, and also hyped to see what kind of changes you are gonna bring to my most favorite fire card Moloch. The artwork looks mindblowing, extremely well done.

Just one more thing, i think everyone who has been working on skylords reborn, can and should be extremely proud of their work. This whole project is just getting better and better and its fascinating, keep up the great work!

Ladadoos, Dutchy, Majora and 1 other like this
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Incredible work by Tweeto. Very lucky to have such an artist on the team. He captures the artstyle very well, I think. This looks like one hell of a fight against Lost Souls.
So the intent seems to be that Winterwitch remains the go-to shielding solution for 2B2X splash, while this spell is reserved for pure frost. I hope Ice Age will remain splashable, just like Winterwitch, so they can still work together. Synergy with Ice Age G will also dictate how good the purple affinity will be.

Name: Immortal Bastion
Ability: Tainted/Blessed Last Stand

An "Immortal Bastion" sounds like something that peak-frost could achieve. The entire faction is about longevity and tankiness, so the apex of that is obviously becoming undying in battle through the use of overwhelming shielding power. Every unit affected becomes a moving, immortal bastion by itself. The spell should have an imposing name. A coat is soft and comfy. Protection is caring. Frost however is cold, mighty and insurmountable. It does not pamper, it creates beings that can withstand anything like an ancient glacier. Something infused with the essence of frost cannot die. Not because it is actually immortal or is able to revive. No, because it becomes such an indestructible presence that any weaponry known to god, giant or men just shatters on contact.

But it is also something that's not used lightly. It takes a lot of effort to weave a spell this grand, to conjure the true potential of the most stalwart faction. So it mostly sees use in dire situations, when frost has to make a last stand and become an immovable object for enemies to shatter on.

This is Frost! This is our Last Stand against forces who dare challenge us and push us this far. Know true despair as your puny weapons fail you and you grind yourself to pieces against our Immortal Bastion! This! Is! Frost!

Sounds about right to me 😛

34 minutes ago, ai_baggs said:

Are you guys looking for native speakers or don't mind accents? I might be able to help with the cocky bandit 😅

There are already cards with accents in the game, Nomad comes to mind. If the accent fits for the unit and faction it could be very charming and give it some extra personality. But not every accent would be suitable for a Cocky Bandit Sniper and the factions background.

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48 minutes ago, ai_baggs said:

Are you guys looking for native speakers or don't mind accents? I might be able to help with the cocky bandit 😅

Overall, we tend to stay away from accents, but like Coco says, if it fits the unit we definitely are open to hearing your application!

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Would be nice to see in future that every faction get some promo cards. I like every of the new suggestions, but I am still missing bandit, twilight and lost souls promos.. Will the new two factions get some promos? Would be so nice :)

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34 minutes ago, Hydralistika said:

Would be nice to see in future that every faction get some promo cards. I like every of the new suggestions, but I am still missing bandit, twilight and lost souls promos.. Will the new two factions get some promos? Would be so nice 🙂

We are very restricted by the artwork we have available, so sadly no promises there. 

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8 hours ago, Majora said:

Overall, we tend to stay away from accents, but like Coco says, if it fits the unit we definitely are open to hearing your application!

Already training to beat ze hadicap of being german 😂

Edited by Volin
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