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About SunWu

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  1. How is fire weak, compared to bandits, for example? I find the towers to be the strongest among all the rPVE factions and often see unexperienced players struggling when they encounter a close base next to their T4. Pyromaniacs seem to have no damage cap, wich means that only high HP / T4 units survive and infect becomes useless. Later you encounter Volcano in every base, wich does a lot of damage even to T4 units and the disenchanting crystals are something you don't encounter anywhere else.
  2. That solved the problem for me, too!
  3. Similar problem here, today i got this: (can't continue performing code cause pcre3.dll isn't found) And while trying to reinstall a few times, this:
  4. SunWu

    Slow and Slower

    The main problem is that construct already comes with a lot of strong abilities - long range, siege and XL-knockback. So other than flying units and bosses nothing can stop it. Every ground unit gets knocked around, buildings get destroyed from far away - the only attribute stopping it from being superior to every other T4 unit is the fact that it's slow. Removing it (even conditionally like battleship) will probably leave it as too strong. There are also ways to make it more mobile wich are sometimes used to play constructs in rPVEs: - use deepcoilworm (as a mobile tunnel) and burying ritual to teleport the constructs - netherwarp (using incredible Mo's yellow ability circumvents port immunity after a port)
  5. Tried that and it turns out: bloodhorn is indeed pretty good vs pure frost! That was the cheese i needed, thanks very much!
  6. I started playing pure shadow again and am really struggling against pure frost so i reread this guide again. If i win it's by rushing frost's first extra well wich seems like my only realistic chance (if the frost player doesn't get too greedy and i can nightcrawler spam vs his T1). But once the matchup reaches T2 vs T2 i stand no chance, in T3 Satanael gets destroyed by timeless + core dredge (blue). Nox carrier is mentioned, but i don't see how it helps - it can either be frozen and killed before reaching a well or the rippers get easily countered by frost mage or silverwinds. For me this matchup seems really, really bad...you get the rare map control win, but that's only possible on Uro and some random maps, so my question is: are there any niche counter cards or strategic approaches i didn't think of yet?
  7. DESCRIPTION: Using witchclaws ,,infiltration'' ability on a single enemy building does 930 (blue) / 1095 (red) damage, when fully loaded up with corpses (3000hp). Card description says it's supposed to do 600 damage only, 900 with the extra 50% of the red affinity. REPRODUCIBILITY: in the forge, always - tested on a well and other buildings
  8. You can try to take over scythes with parasite swarm. It's a big investment but a very good trade if it works. Pure fire is more susceptible to parasite swarm swaps than other fire splashes so your chances are good...you only have to watch out for drake/gladiatrix + eruption combos.
  9. There was a lot of discussion! Mostly because bad harvest turned into this at some point:
  10. Protector's seal might be confusing cause the damage source has to be IN the affected area. It also only counts for units, not for towers, wich there are a lot of high damage ones in a fire rPVE.
  11. I made that exact same argument years ago when the discussion was about who gets to run the balancing: Topplayer doesn't mean good balancing managing. BUT the players they chose to me seem like the most level headed, reasonable and knowledgeable people they could find. WIth the risk of sounding a little elitist: Most of the pvp players don't know what the f they are talking about, me too, sometimes. But they really do. Edit: And nobody's perfect, what's 1 minefield compared to 100 positive changes?
  12. That's a good thing isn't it? I rather have 4 or 5 topplayers running the balance department than 300 random players voting on whatever their mood is. Btw even if you can't personally decide on what will be done, you can always take part in the discussions on discord or here. Even OPs brilliant input will be heard, i'm sure. Edit: deck diversity in pvp got muuuuch better wich to me is proof that overall they're doing well
  13. Mind Control: 1. Power cost: 300p ➜ 250p 2. Charges: 4 ➜ 8 3. Takeover limit: 300p ➜ 350p 4. Allow to be used past population limit 5. Now cleanses all debuffs and makes mind controlled unit immune to all major debuffs for 15 seconds after cast. YES!
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