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About Ggoblin

  • Birthday 03/06/1996

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  1. A buff to envenom(p)?? I can't believe it! It brings a tear to my eye 🥲 Making the archers better first and then worse is quite interesting. That really plays into the transformation aspect of twilight. You use a slightly better unit that doesn't stay good for long, then transform it and even get a slight bonus spell effect.
  2. Damn, 6 tickets but only a booster. Is it possible to get nothing?
  3. "The Prices scale with the numbers of players:" I assume you mean prizes?
  4. Can't wait to try Icespike with ice age. The green spell is gonna be nasty in pvp. Should also be useful in pve while CC'ing the camp units, not as much vs willzapper. I really like banditos as a concept so I'm excited to try it out. I like befallen being cheaper so it can more easily be cast as a disabling effect. Lost dancer being a 40 range unit at T2 that hits air is really interesting. Especially since it can also have siege and an S counter. I always liked rageclaws so I'll see how good the change is. I normally use them with frost so I'd see how they perform with wintertide instead of freezing enemies. Aura of pain has high theoretical damage but hard to make the best use of with the low range and slow damage (especially compared to the nature and shadow T3 damage spells). Might be more worthwhile now. I feel like corsair purple is gonna be a lot worse than the other with the changes to commandos and banditos. I'm happy lost manabeast is buffed, though the ability is kinda hard to find the best moment to use. Biggest problem with northland and soulhunter is the time wasted moving to and during animation so any help is good. I'd like to use sandstorm but knocking units away from itself kinda sucks. Will still try it out. I'd prefer sleet storm if the effect was immediate on entry. Considering it's basically ensnaring roots + gravity surge but only on T3 the delay is kinda annoying. Transcendence is kinda winmore on T4 but it might be better on T3 since you use smaller units. I REALLY like the changes to unstable demon. The ability having lower cd gives a lot more control over its health and the explosion dealing 6K might be worth it on pve. Can't wait to try colossus now that it's not just a vanilla unit with good stats. Kobold inc really suffered from having triple frost orbs and 60s delay. It basically was only useable with worldbreaker and stronghold. I even tried using the normal and promo worldbreaker for more charges. A lot more options now. I hope the next buff to the frost one is either an ice shield or, even better, 50% total discount on buildings. I'm so happy lost warlord got this change. It was so annoying to me not getting the cool new ability on the normal revenant. Also unintuitive. I'm definitely using the infused tortugun. It's all about dealing damage on a long range with that card. I dont care about damage reduction on it if the enemies are just dead. I'm glad there'll be no more softlocks on king of the giants (hopefully). Those are really annoying.
  5. First mobile support and now VR. Battleforge keeps getting better and better!!
  6. Banestone deals 70 per second, not 40
  7. Great Update That said, poor envenom(p) And you indeed can't heal the unit anymore after promise of life(b) (except the out of combat near building heal) And Lost Warlord(b) doesn't have shield on his revenant when the real one dies
  8. This is all so beautiful I'm not even sure how long I took to carefully digest everything.
  9. Name: Scorchers Tier & Orbs: T2, Fire Any Type: Unit Power: 50 Hit points and Size: 480 S Attack value and Type: 660 ranged S Attack Effects: Every 2 seconds, unit fires bolts at enemies that deal 11 damage. The bolts sear the target, reducing any healing it receives by 60% and causing any Ice Shield on them to melt down by 20 points per second. Lasts for 3 seconds. (Repeated attacks will refresh the duration but not stack the effect) Explanation of idea behind the card: At T2, Pure Fire, Fire/Frost and Fire/Nature all lack a s/s unit. Taking that into consideration and how reliant fire is on gladiatrix I decided to create a T2 s/s archer. When thinking about what ability it should have I decided it'd be nice to have something that was good against shielding and healing, both things which fire may struggle with sometimes (I do not consider global warming a good option as it does nothing vs non frost decks). To avoid it being too strong the effect only lasts 3s, meaning if you run away for a short while you can use a heal at full power. In addition the unit is also vulnerable to knockbacks (easy for frost and nature to do) and has a small healthpool. Name: Nether Priests Tier & Orbs: T2, Shadow Any Type: Unit Power: 75 Hit points and Size: 1080 S Attack value and Type: 1020 melee M Passive abilities: Slow. (forgot about it in the card image) Every 10 seconds, unit teleports the enemy unit that has moved farthest away back to itself. Has a range of 30m. Affected units are immune to this ability for 10 seconds. (This ability starts on CD) Explanation of idea behind the card: Both Pure Shadow and Shadow/Frost lack a small unit with medium counter at T2. Thinking of filling that slot I decided to make an unit that could teleport others to itself, much like Stone of Torment. Having such an ability it needed to be slow to allow for enemies to stay away or run away after caught, as well as an immunity period to avoid multiple triggers from an army of these. The unit would be able to force enemy archers close but the ability would start on CD so you can't just abuse it on spawn.
  10. I hope decomposer is eventually made to let teammates decompose units while adding to their own power pool.
  11. Aha! So that's why my fire sphere's and shatter ice seemed to perform poorly. Thnx for finding this, I wonder since when was it like that? It definitely should be changed to keep full damage but there will be a need to balance some cards.
  12. Frenetic and battleship.
  13. It looks just like original battleforge cards. Amazing work! I think the names are great already.
  14. Wind traps would be okay if they didn't permanently knockback units in some areas with 2 of them. There should be enough time to pass through after they finish their activation.
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