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The story behind your nick.


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4 hours ago, Riviute said:

Riviute was a boss in a free to play game called: RaiderZ, he was a knight in heavy armor with pretty cool moves, but also RaiderZ is a game that has been shut down, and i cant play it anymore

I remember that game, it was really fun!

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First when i was 11\12 years, i used to have rabogordo as my nick. ( it means gross dick ). Then, forma obviously reasons i was banned from multiple games and had to change it.

I played a tcg calles urban rivals in the browser. And my deck was full of gheist, a faction that uses poison and stuff like that.

So i became gheist. Years later i met german people and they said gheist were pretty similar to a german word which means ghost. "Geist".

So i kept the nick.

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  • 1 month later...

My nick name game from my original name MoneyBearFTW... but that was a childish name haha i tought... so i tought that VERYMONEY sounded cool... but not cool enough so why not remove the ''Y'' and put two ''II''s in it to sound cool, well eversine that i have kept that name - PS3 nickname was Veriath, kinda cool name hehe 

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Basicly , when I started playing World of Warcraft, I used a name generator for my Dwarf, it gave me the name "shorty" but I missread it as "shotty"Basicly , when I started playing World of Warcraft, I used a name generator for my Dwarf, it gave me the name "shorty" but I missread it as "shotty"

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On 16.6.2016 at 9:18 PM, Riviute said:

Riviute was a boss in a free to play game called: RaiderZ, he was a knight in heavy armor with pretty cool moves, but also RaiderZ is a game that has been shut down, and i cant play it anymore

RaiderZ was such an awesome game and Riviute was really one of the best there. And his them was the best game theme I ever heard xD. Btw you can still play it on private servers. I'm on WildRaiderZ but there are lots of others too :D

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my default name online used to be Blindcrow, a combination of my first two magic the gathering cards: Tempest edition's Storm Crow and Fifth Dawn's Blind Crawler.

back when i found battleforge the username Blindcrow was already taken. I was at a friend's place and whilst i can not remember the details since its been so long, at some point i got dared to pick some female anime/manga character as my battleforge username (and thus i picked the name a few of you will recognize from the old forums - TouchiHakufu)

in the old forums one day someone talking to me over profile messages called me Tofu because "your name is too difficult to spell out" and suddenly most people were calling me tofu in offtopic aswell. i then changed my nick to let people know they could just call me tofu, and have been going as either tofu or tofudood online since.

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Pretty Easy. Listen carefully:

professor.pngLet's have a look at the latin alphabet: L = 12; U = 21; K = 11; I = 9

  • So, of corse you have to know ᴓ(LUKI) first: (12+21+11+9)/4 = 13,25
  • You also have to know that Luki is simply great, so take it 2x = 26,50
  • Well, but Luki is also pretty Fantastic in Reallife, which has a bad impact on his onlinepowers. So yes, im afraid you need to substract the F=6 and you get 20,50
  • And, as you already guessed for sure, add up the vowels U + I (the most powerfull Letters Luki has got, as everybody knows) = 30
  • 30 x 20,5 = 615, i don't need to comment that any further.
  • Too Bad, we dont have a prime number, cuz prime numbers are cryptic, misterious and mathematically cool. So decrease to the next prime number, which is 613.
  • Now fullfill the formula: 613 + L + U + K + I





So thats it, just go the steps backwards if you want to know the story of my nick. Pretty lame, i know, just passed through my mind some day. I was sitting under a tree, when I was three years old and somehow i kept the nick.

Also: It's save to say that my reallife-name has absolutely no connection to my nick.

Edited by Luki
BurningWorld and steezy like this
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When i was in middleschool i loved to burn stuff trash bins , any paper i found , on new year i always had the most firecrackers and fireworks , hell even once i burned a dead crow, so i got pyro nickname so i changed id a bit in Piromanijak in my language which is Pyromaniac in english.


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33 minutes ago, Piromanijak said:

When i was in middleschool i loved to burn stuff trash bins , any paper i found , on new year i always had the most firecrackers and fireworks , hell even once i burned a dead crow, so i got pyro nickname so i changed id a bit in Piromanijak in my language which is Pyromaniac in english.


found you:


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Back then I just played the game Okami where the main character was a japanese wolf named Amaterasu (the name of the goddess of the sun in Japan). It was one of my favorite games and I was pretty exited when the sequel Okamiden was announced with the main character being another wolf named Chibiterasu. Well turned out that sequel was horrible compared to the first part... But I sticked with the name cause it remembers me of the good game :D

Later I found out that Chibiterasu is actually japanese and means something like "Blessed Child". So I think it's okay :D

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My Nick is german (Ritt in den Tod) and translates into "Ride into death" just (?) and i remember that i needed to make another Account for the game Seafight which is used to Play (kinda old browsergame by bigpoint and hella pay to win) and i came up with this Name because i knew i my ship would sink many times by the big Players :P

Also there is no Connection between my Nickname and the movie with the same Name.

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My friend called Brent had the following steam name:

Generaal Brendolf             (translation: General Brendolf)

My old game name is Sp0re_FreAk, but that got a little outdated.

So I just used my name (Mark) and adapted it to my friends name, which made the following:

Graaf_Markus                   (translation: Count Markus)

pretty original ;)

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Back in my TF2 days, my favorite weapon was the scouts baseball bat. I got pretty good at dodging projectiles while strafing around in circles, bashing people with it. Many of those people would then complain about how insane it was that nearly every other hit would be a random crit before calling me a hacker and somehow, the name was formed. The "Da" in the middle looked better when typed than "The"

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