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About Gheist

  • Birthday 04/20/1995

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  • Location
    León, Spain
  • Interests
    Strategy games, sci-fi and fantasy books/games/films, cold places, mountain climbing

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  1. First when i was 11\12 years, i used to have rabogordo as my nick. ( it means gross dick ). Then, forma obviously reasons i was banned from multiple games and had to change it. I played a tcg calles urban rivals in the browser. And my deck was full of gheist, a faction that uses poison and stuff like that. So i became gheist. Years later i met german people and they said gheist were pretty similar to a german word which means ghost. "Geist". So i kept the nick.
  2. Dafuq, if you were the same ndclub in the old bf, i think somewhere in my pc i still have a basic PvP guide you wrote for me. Happy to find you again here :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gheist
    3. Treim


      I think a lot of the well known and respected players are into this so its not to surprising to have ndclub here as well I'd guess  :P

    4. ndclub


      I am the same indeed. I also aim to revise the guide to allow for it to match the new changes when they go live.

  3. Wish granted. A bear eats you while you are defending yourself with a spoon. I wish that every woman were redhead.
  4. Well, lets post another one: Abilities Blessed Ice Breaker Building is surrounded by an icy aura with a 25m radius that enables all friendly entities within it to deal 25% of their usual damage against frozen units. Additionally, within this frosty aura every enemy will stay frozen 25% longer than usually. Gifted Ice Breaker Building is surrounded by an icy aura with a 25m radius that enables all friendly entities within it to deal 25% of their usual damage against frozen units. Additionally, every enemy within this aura will be slowed down and only be able to move at walk speed. In my opinion this card with blue affinity can be helpful in pure frost pvp to make cc. Also i never saw ingame, so if it has a long time to be deployed it wont be worth. I guess green is only for those decks which have daze skills/units. Also i see it as a big sh*t.
  5. Too long time without cards. I was with my brother while looking at the stream and we were talking about cards we never had. So i found one i never saw in game: Abilities -Crystalline Shock: Every 3 seconds, unit casts shocks of crystalline energy that deals 372 damage to enemies in a 15m radius around the target, up to 558 in total. Knocks back small and medium units. -Tainted Fealty: Power: 100 Activate to conjure 1 squad of Snapjaws with an affinity towards Shadow. They will have the same upgrade level as Satanael himself. While surrounding him Snapjaws will be infused by his infernal powers: they will then deal 150% more and take 50% less damage. Reusable every 30 seconds. -Infused Fealthy: Power: 100 Activate to conjure 1 squad of Snapjaws with an affinity towards Fire. They will have the same upgrade level as Satanael himself. While surrounding him Snapjaws will be infused by his infernal powers: they will then deal 150% more and take 50% less damage. Reusable every 30 seconds. For me, it seems a bit expensive card, the cost of 3Darkness orbs is a heavy restriction to build deck with more colours Also i never used snapjaws, so i dont know if his active is good enough. I want to ask you your thoughts about this card. Do you like it? Did you use it? In which way? P.S: I joined battleforge in his last days, there was a big amount of cards wich people didnt play, and i wanted to know why. If you want i can bring this post to life by posting some of them
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