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We have a release date: December 18, 2020!


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Hello Skylords,

The day everyone has been awaiting has finally arrived. After all these years of hard work and dedication we are excited to tell you we have an official release date for Skylords Reborn!

December 18, 2020

As you might know, we will also have a progression reset alongside this release. This means everyone's progress (this includes cards, BFP, gold, upgrades etc.) will be reset on release day. So hold back just a little if you were planning to play before release (or don't if you don't mind losing the progress). We have always said that there will be a reset on release date and it will definitely happen. If you would like to follow what we are up to and what is still left to be done before release, you can do so by looking at our Trello here.

On another note, we are looking for new staff members!
With the game being more stable and bug-free than ever before, and the upcoming release, we will start to look for ways to expand on the current game. This includes adding cards and maps, doing card and map balance changes, holding events and tournaments etc. And this is where we need your help. Listed below are three positions which will be open for applications. If you want to offer your help you can do so by applying in the recruitment section here on the forum. Please apply in the `Development` section and specify what role you would like to fulfill.
    - Designer: Design game mechanics related to progression/quests/rewards. 
    - Map Scripters: Fixes bugs in map scripts, and assists the map designers with map scripting.
    - Map Designers: Makes new maps, or polishes existing maps so they can be added as official to the game.

That's it for now! For more information you can watch the livestream we did here. Thank you for your support thus far and we will see each other around.

Metagross31, Rankerz, RayG and 22 others like this
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  • Ladadoos changed the title to We have a release date: December 18, 2020!

I to this day am insanely grateful for the support and progress we've made throughout these 5 years. It's been a wild ride and a half, and I've seen it all; from glorious hype to grossly overstated goals, from an amazing supportive community to hate and abandonment, from major progression blocks and team issues to the fantastic appreciation, progress and teamwork that we're going through today. It's so cool to finally be able to say we are releasing after such a long time, and thank you all so much for sticking with us throughout it all with your messages of support, passion and dedication.

I've been here from the get-go and although perhaps less intensively as I used to, I'll be very glad to stay a part of the team and continue to develop with the team for future content to come as a designer and moderator, and I'm very excited to see what we'll come up with to make the game that much more exciting and long-lasting. Perhaps you'll also start seeing me in-game more often once we go gold ;)

Keep it up team, keep it up community, and thank you so much every single one of you. It's been a long time coming, and the moment is finally upon us.
Nyn is ready to be conquered and protected, it's yours to explore without a looming reset, December 18th! Go get 'em, Skyfolk!

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I am very grateful to you, guys, for all your dedication and hard work. You bring back one of the best games of all time and having it up and running is straight awesome.

And you are also awesome, you majestic sausages! Stay alive and see you in the Skyforge!

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3 hours ago, EffinFon said:

@RubySauce or maybe voice could be synthesized using an AI solution ? just saying...

That is actually an amazing idea. There is a new model that needs a voice sample of like 5 seconds and gives an almost perfect reproduction. Here is the link to the paper and a link to examples of what this does. I think this is the github repository of the implementation.

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