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PvE & PvP Tutors & Apprentices

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Greetings all,


Something @LagOps said reminded me of this, as I am sure this was available on the old forums, but the basic idea is to compile a list of experienced players who offer their services, to newer PvP/PvE players;

-Post here if you need help in PvP/E and specify what type of help (e.g Hi, i would appreciate if someone could spectate my matches, I play shadow, also some deck building advice please)

-Also if you think you will have time to help others (e.g. Hi i play shadow I can spectate your games (roughly which times you'll be on to help) If you can tutor in other languages please specify, if none are mentioned I will assume you are Tutoring only in English.

I feel this will help the community link together more and get some more good PvP players :)

- Apprentices should understand the basics of PvP/E and have a willingness to learn, and improve their skills. Also a good attitude is required to reach your potential :)


With the possible open beta nearly upon us, a dedicated Discord server has been created: https://discord.gg/dZzKexQ thanks to @Ultrakool

Join if you are a tutor/apprentice or even just an avid Skylord.



@Destoyerfros (FROST deck advice Online: not known yet) (ENG) (+Basic PvP tutor)

@LagOps (Tutor BANDITS (+ other decks)) (ENG + GER)

@SpiritOfTheAbyss (NATURE ROOT DECK  help) (ENG+FRE)

@xHighTech (Advanced stage Tutor) (General PvP; improve, avoid mistakes + offer wider knowledge on PvP) (ENG + GER)

@Geradon (NATURE/FIRE, FROST/NATURE + PURE FROST) (general help; specialize in aforementioned decks, spectating (time dependent)) (ENG)

@ImperatorSK (Deck help + spectating + advanced tactics) (GER + ENG) (Can teach all decks ( However less experience with Bandits + Shadow/nature)) (+ Skype) 

@Eirias (Basic + Advanced) (commentary's on replays (tips/reviews)) (Specialty: FIRE/NATURE, but also other decks) (ENG)

@Dexirian (PvP mechanic basics) (FIRE/NATURE + OTHER DECK ADVICE (weaknesses + strengths etc) (Streaming matches 1v1 + 2v2) (FRE + ENG)

@Kanuepps (Preferably tutors FIRE/FROST; but + basics of other fractions) (matches + spectating) (ENG + GER)

@Hirooo (GREEN RANK + tutor) (ENG)

@RadicalX (GREEN RANK + ANY DECK tutor) (answers questions on PvP regardless of PvP rank) (ENG + GER)

@Istab (Basic PvP for ALL DECKS Advanced for SHADOW) (GER + ENG)

@Taker (Deck building) (Advanced PvP Grandmaster rank+) (Pure FIRE Tips + Tricks Legend rank+) (ENG + GER)

@YaBro0  (deck building, watching replays + sparring) (players guide for all) (deck guides till rank hero rank except for pure fire) (shadow/nature as far as required)  Special tips to use lesser used strategies and cards). (GER/ENG)

@MarbSlonk Hero  (PURE NATURE - up till HERO)   I'd like tips/help on playing pure nature (especially T1) from anyone that plays at a higher level though. 

@Die2Play *All* decks up to GREEN rank tutoring 

@tbpeti (teach all levels of experience) (all decks apart from Pure Fire) (ENG+HUNG) (weekdays 8pm untill ~12am (CET), weekends 5pm-9pm) (main strength - t1)



@Dallarian (FROST, Spectating + Deck advice) (ENG)

@Delok (FROST/NATURE deck help) (ENG)

@Kaliber84 (FIRE/FROST + NATURE/FROST) (sparring + review matches (mistakes + improvements)) (ENG + GER)

@MisterBeast2000 (FIRE DECK tutoring requested) (ENG)

@Defqon (LOST SOULS + TWILIGHT + STONEKIN tutoring requested) (ENG + DUTC)

@MarbSlonk   (tips/help on playing PURE NATURE - espec T1 - root network) (tutor HERO rank +) 

@LetsEinfallslos002 (FIRE or NATURE) Sparring + Deck building help

@Ultrakool (STONEKIN) general/all help appreciated 

@Destoyerfros (shadow/nature shadow/fire or pure shadow) (sparring + tips (thinking of playing shadow as I didn't before)

@MephistoRoss (Shadow/naure) (evenings (CET) + weekends) (ENG+DUT)

Last updated: 12/02/18



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Hi, I am Dallarian, i would like to appropriate if someone could spectate my matches, I play frost, also some deck building advice please. And adviced in Battleforge micro (cause it's much different than Starcraft) Current Rank : Waiting for Beta.

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once the game is out i would like to get some help with my frost/nature deck but once i am really into the game i can probably help new or advanced players as well :) i am usually online between 8pm to 11pm (german timezone) ^^ really looking forward to this game <3 

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once the game is out i would like to get some help with my frost/nature deck but once i am really into the game i can probably help new or advanced players as well :) i am usually online between 8pm to 11pm (german timezone) ^^ really looking forward to this game <3 

For now I shall add you to the Apprentice section, once you are ready; either reply here or send me a PM and I shall add you to the Tutors section :)

To all others, i have added you to the list, and I would like to say a thanks on behalf of the community for rendering your services :)

Edited by Destoyerfros
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I would teach a player in every kinds of pvp like i did it before -

Help - to get a wide pvp knowledge, recognize & "repair" own mistakes to reach high ranks.


- Advanced knowledge about PvP.

- Advanced experience with his main deck.

- Ability to recognize own mistakes.

- Willingsness to learn (BF is all about learning by doing).



Best regards,


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I was a rank 23 player back in the days when only 25 ranks existed and something like 28/29 later on.

I mainly played Nature/Fire, Frost/Nature or Pure Frost. 

Feel free to ask me anything, especially about the three deck types mentioned above. 

You should bring a basic understanding of how PvP works though ;)

If I find the time, I can also spectate your games.

Edited by Geradon
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I look forward to beating you @LagOps once and for all hehe 

That's the Spirit(OfTheAbyss)! I think you did allready a really good considering the amont of time played. Maybe in 2-3 months after release you could allready win a match against me. Its not that you are lacking skill (at least not as much as you think you do, you are rather close skill wise), it is just that i know you too well. i spectated so many of your matches, it will be hard for you to surprise me anymore. But i am really glad that at least one of my "Apprenticies" made it into high rank (most others quit pvp at some point), it was really fun teaching you and seeing you win! I would love to have some more matches between us, besides: i don't get to play against root decks a whole lot. I think there is still a thing or two i can learn about playing against root decks.

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I want to sign in as little Padawan of HighTech.

Im also willing to help other player with basic to advanced game knowledge ( Like deck builduing, spectating/analyze your games and advanced tactics like learn to micro, gain Mapcontrol, take the right wells,  or how to deal with your opponents while waiting for the Void to flow back and alot more.)


Language: GER + ENG (rusty)

My Decks: ranked knowledge with all at least with Bandits, Shadow/Nature.



But i dont think that there are alot players in pvp cause all players want to have a decent Deck before playing pvp


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I can tutor basic to advanced. I'm especially willing to review replays and post commentary to my youtube channel. I mained fire-nature so I can teach that deck at a much higher level than others, but I can teach fundamentals with any deck.

It's hard to say when I'm online, but I live in the US, so that might give people an idea of when I'll be awake.

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I would be willing to do help newer PvPers with basic Battleforge mecanics. When the PvP gets available, i will stream lot's of 1v1 and 2v2's. I am mainly a Fire/Nature player, but for the moment I'm still uncertain if I'll go back to FN or go pure nature or pure shadow for my first pvp deck in BFR.


I can teach in both french and english, hourly rate is 750$ :kappa:

Edited by Dexirian
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I would be willing to do help newer PvPers with basic Battleforge mecanics. When the PvP gets available, i will stream lot's of 1v1 and 2v2's. I am mainly a Fire/Nature player, but for the moment I'm still uncertain if I'll go back to FN or go pure nature or pure shadow for my first pvp deck in BFR.


I can teach in both french and english, hourly rate is 750$ :kappa:

Add in some extra Pylons and its a deal :P


On the streams will you advise players on how to play better and also are you able to advise on all of those decks or would you like to just help with Fire/nature and add on other decks as you play more again? (Not saying the skill isnt there, just if you feel comfortable with the rest) 

Thanks :) 

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Add in some extra Pylons and its a deal :P


On the streams will you advise players on how to play better and also are you able to advise on all of those decks or would you like to just help with Fire/nature and add on other decks as you play more again? (Not saying the skill isnt there, just if you feel comfortable with the rest) 

Thanks :) 

Depends on what I will be playing, but seeing as I have a bit of high level PvP experience, i would feel comfortable teaching for most decks, since i faced them all and know their strengths and weaknesses.

Also : :dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian::dexirian:

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@ImperatorSK (Deck help + spectating + advanced tactics) (GER + ENG) (required knowledge on Bandits or Shadow/nature + Skype) 

No required knowledge on Bandits or Shadow/Nature needet, I can teach every deck i only think for other Decks there are better teachers than me, cause i dont play Bandits or Shadow/Nature that much. 

Protos i choose you :dexirian: , a wild Dark Templar appears. 

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No required knowledge on Bandits or Shadow/Nature needet, I can teach every deck i only think for other Decks there are better teachers than me, cause i dont play Bandits or Shadow/Nature that much. 

Protos i choose you :dexirian: , a wild Dark Templar appears. 

Thanks for the info, i have edited, hope it better fits your field :) 

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That's the Spirit(OfTheAbyss)! I think you did allready a really good considering the amont of time played. Maybe in 2-3 months after release you could allready win a match against me. Its not that you are lacking skill (at least not as much as you think you do, you are rather close skill wise), it is just that i know you too well. i spectated so many of your matches, it will be hard for you to surprise me anymore. But i am really glad that at least one of my "Apprenticies" made it into high rank (most others quit pvp at some point), it was really fun teaching you and seeing you win! I would love to have some more matches between us, besides: i don't get to play against root decks a whole lot. I think there is still a thing or two i can learn about playing against root decks.

Ye my root play style is unpredictable except against you ahah, but I still have a lot to learn from you :)

Also @Destoyerfros I speak french so you can add that :)

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I'd like to join in as an apprentice. Never played PvP before except for 2 really nooby games. I dominated someone far noobier than me in the first one then got crushed in the second one by somebody who apparently knew the basics. :P

For now my plan is to play Fire-Frost and probably Nature-Frost (Also starter cards for the tournament and certainly some weird deck combinations later on :D ). Eirias already helped me a great deal with deck building and after I watched all of FarRock's videos in a month I'd say that I got a general idea how the PvP basics work. I'll need to play around a dozen games first to get to know what I'm doing but then I'd like some experienced players to spar with me or review my replays so I get to know what mistakes I made and where I could improve upon.

Edit: I'm in Germany so you can add ENG+GER. Probably need sparring teachers from Europe because of the time zones.

Edited by Kaliber84
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