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About ImperatorSK

  • Birthday 03/18/1987

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  1. Note: I pretty much played no Skylords Pvp since official release so probably my comments are out of date due to balance changes and my lack of knowledge of what has changed. Frost is quite good in rushing down Orbs with Homesoil and is still able to hold up the pressure when it is up, and i think it is also the right thing to punish early t2s. Exceptions are huge maps due to frosts lack in movement speed. With Nature it is a bit more tricky since you first have to get a critical mass of units before you are able to deal decent damage and so the advantage in t2 units getting harder to overcome the longer you need to snowball, but even here it is hard but still very possible to rush down a t2. Since it is a strategic decision to go instant t2 that bring you in a temporary energy disadvantage it should be not restricted by extra cooldowns or costs. But i think there is no real problem with the decision to make Scorched Earth a neutral card since it is also a risk to use and still consumes a Deckslot, so it is not only a Win/Win Situation for some fractions and adds even a bit more of a strategy component to note.
  2. I would have loved to play this Nature/Frost Deck since it is very close to my old one, but as long as every other Shadow and Fire Deck get Phasetower/Mortar that would be just annoying to play. Also it looks like Shadow/Frost and Pure Fire get again the best builded Decks what puts them even higher in the top tier. So it would be clear to me I would have to go again for my Main Decks Lost and Pure Fire with the 2 Decks that i can choose, and that would be quite boring .
  3. Nice, for pve im fine to clear Expert maps and Random 10 maps with low upgrades, the perfect cards/upgrades are only necessary for Pve Speedruns where I have anyways no more ambitions for.
  4. Currently i barely have time to play (And i don't think it gets any better), but as soon as the game is released im jumping back in and try to keep up and catch up to the pvp players. Hopefully it will be a fair grinding system for players who rarely play, I usually only have time on the weekends now. Have a great day, soon we see us in the Forge .
  5. Maybe a kind of Toggy league with its own ranking system would be quite interesting for streaming content. With 3 leagues and depending on performance, you can climb up and down in these leagues. This would be done once every 2-4 weeks were some matches would be streamed. The old Battleforge league had this system.Problem in such a system is that it only works if enough players in the leagues are active, which can maybe work with the official release someday in the future. Btw i think Impossible and S4n have overlooked that it is a rookie tournament. And good luck to Ultrakool maybe he can shine in this tournament :).
  6. I think it was something like Documents/Battleforge/Log.txt im not on my personal pc to check where the log.txt is saved, but you have to send it before you relogg the game. I personally send them to Ladadoos or Zyna (Johnzyna). But there is also a Report a Bug section in the forum.
  7. Sounds more like someone who suffers from a ban. Were there really so many bans? Are there some statistics? Good work keep the game clean . Otherwise if it is really cause of server issues i would say it is your own fault if you do not help in such a case with logs so that the stability can be improved.
  8. Toggys Rookie Tournaments were great to watch (close matches) and to promote pvp, sure almost all of that players were also advanced players (mid ranking) but to this times ranked was more active which was also determined by this tournament. Wow 100-200 players daily, is not as bad as i expect it, so it is more a timezone problem. With top 10 i mean the more advanced players which are also not active but can perform on a really high level so maybe i mean more like top 50 of highest elo. A matchmaking system that is the same we have atm, only that the elo search area is only expanded to higher elos so low players can still decide to play against higher players but if a pro search for 30 minutes they still can only find players on their area or upwards, if no lower player decide to search long enough to be matched against them.
  9. 1. Since i want to invite some Friends to the game as soon as skylords have their final wipe, i support the idea of more starting benefits in form of achievments or whatever. I really like the new starting cards you get, but for a new player it is hard to understand strong cards like "offering" for the beginning, so maybe there should be some easier to understand cards at the beginning with not too much or complex skills. 2. I lost my hope that pvp will be someday active again. I tried to play again at the weekend and at the best times about 5-10 players were in the pvp section and none of them played ranked. Besides, they were all known names that would have stomp a newcommer in a minute, new player would stop playing pvp really fast if they just get destroyed and have no other players on their level to slowly getting stronger, there is not much they can learn in games against top 10 players especially without advance pvp knowledge and 1k+ played pvp games. In addition, 1vs1 has become very predictable and boring as there are hardly any players on similar levels. I honestly do not see any chance that pvp will be ever active again as long as it does not have massive benefits and alot of players on similar levels, cause always playing against the same 2 names is also boring. Maybe a hard cut between different elos that prevented that a noob can ever play against a pro in ranked would help (what makes queue time even longer), but maybe they start to play if there is not the risk to play against pros.
  10. I agree that the looter ability is the main problem from thugs but to completely remove an ability is the wrong approach. Just by changing the effect from gaining power out of nothing to gaining power out of void would be already good enough i think. But since i think that is not possible for the devs to handle a slight Hp or Dmg nerf would be already good enough as a nerf to just lower the threat of them a bit or maybe increase the cost to 65 power. Sure it would make them also worse against Frost and Nature but they are anyway bad in this matchups. I dont think they ever play a big role in pve since Nomads or Scavenger is way better due to the swift and mine combo and the fact that pve mobs dont give power from the looter ability.
  11. Fees are not a good way to prevent inflation (sure they work) as they can also keep players from basic game mechanics, such as the auction house. So i would more look in the direction that other games provide and just make random shit buyable like Skins, Boosts, different options to pimp your forge ect. or you even have to buy your rank symbols after you accomlish them (So at least I could prevent the ugly pve shoes, and can stay on my cyan rank) this way the gold/bfp leave the market on a more natural way and you feel rewarded.
  12. A 33,33% cost increase (and higher void loss) sounds a bit over the top, and would destroy the usefulness for all decks. I think there are only 2 Decks in which cursed well can be an issue and that is Shadow/Frost and Pure Frost since they are able to stale a game a long time and that even with temporary disadvantages and i think there the main issue is mostly Timeless One and shield Builduing. All other Decks have better nuke potential or can not defend the temporary disadvantage that easy. I like that it ignores defensive options and that also seems like the only real purpose of that card to break very defensive players that just want to stale for years. Cursed well seems like a cheap card since it is not much necessary to get advantages out of it, what i hate the most when i played Cursed Well was when the cooldown kicked in since it was a dead slot and my offensive potential was a lot weaker. -So maybe an additional cooldown and a change for Timeless One (what would be anyway necessary) would be already fine to balance that card in a healthy way. But a good balancing would be if more is needed than a simple push of a button and a bit of defending to get an advantage. But i have no good idea how to change it in such a way.
  13. Yeah i also dont get the point of increasing the booster price, cause boosters are expensive anyways, and a gamble if you need specific cards. In the end that would just result in about the same prices for the trash cards and in higher prices for the important key cards, so it will change not much except that even less people buy booster and so also less selling cards. btw. i think the pvp quest is too much work compared to all other quests, through the low player base. The requirements should be like 2-3 matches (but not 4), cause even as someone that loves pvp i often prefer to roll it to something else. And there is one quest that said play in any game mode where pvp do not seem to count
  14. Yeah pretty much that is my problem with Yrmia, overall i think it is a great map, but against Fire you can be cliffed very hard, and through all the chokepoints CCs, Aoe spells, Wildfire, or Air Units can be used very effective. If it would only favor Frost then i would not even have a problem with it since every colour have some advantages on different maps, but pure fire is even without cliffs/walls a very strong colour. Ok also Fire/Nature or Fire/Frost (shielded dragons) is far away to be fun to battle on this map.
  15. Already voted for: -Yrmia (already voted for remove) Are not able to vote for: -Wazhai (not 100% sure atm, but i think remove it since Phasetower, Mortar, Cliffing is to strong on this map) - +1 generated maps - +1 for Hirooo. Lajesh is really the most unfun map.
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