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About Asraiel

  • Birthday 01/14/1986

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    RTS, Strategy Games, Theasing, Movies, Anime

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  1. new units wy not alldo have a deff against l or specialy against xl the wall needs a boost in deff or hp, 2-3 hits by a ground melee XL and the wallsegement is gone. for a unit example: the twilight multi shoot archers that are in game but yet not playble as card. vs xl i wouldnt go so far to add s units that have an xl counter. there are some t2 units like lyrish knights that are xl counters. and L counters it gives but maybe a boostbuff like firesworn would be a good addition to s longrange units that gives bonus dmg against L or maybe XL or same as a spell or area buff of a new building jep a unit that can be spawned as ability of the spitfire
  2. if used in combos u can make very powerfull defenders for walls and protection of the wall as well secure long range behind the wall. frost has the moste wall cards and u need specaly Human units to get the max buffs + u need to know what encouter u need alldo humans have S M L counters as S units here are some cards played on walls or close to them to buff the units on the walls and the lost Vigil for long range support direct behind the wall even if it needs a building to get the buff: if played correctly u can buff ur small units on the walls with around +200% dmg oh forgot homesoil to add and if u got the correct counter u get additional +50% dmg. best combo is here frost t1 and shadow t2 and then t3 vigil, church or direction worldbearker on t4 but in pve if u reach t3 wy not build church of negation or Worldbreaker behind the wall and buff it with skyelfs? archers Frost have S & L counter archers Shadow have M & L counter Bandit gives M counter Corsair gives 50% dmg buff to nearby human units Northern keeps gives ether dmg or deff buff to close units Armored Tower reduces incoming DMG by 50% Amii Ritual shields the walls Glaciation give DMG buff for units on wall or dmg deff of high % and protects the walls Lost Vigil behind the wall with support of 1 structure is longrange of 50m and the forgotten Homesoil brings +55% dmg now it only matter how u combine the cards for ur deff and dont forget windweavers with multi shot combined with crowd controll spells like Ensnaring Roots, Curse of oink, Paralize, glyph of frost and coldsnap can keep the enemy units from attacking specialy if u use a mark of the keeper or a timelessone to get the anti magic and long range field best way to make walls more used in both pve and pvp is the price to build them if they are cheap or even free to build the 1. time it would make player often use them a map where walls are more important like dwarfen riddle but i feel u and something like unity but for walls would be nice that all conected wall segments share the same hp pool and units stay on the wall until they get destroyed but adding a new dmg buff for units on walls, i would say no. and i cant say if ever seen someone playing Rifle cultists on a wall
  3. i mean effects that are unique and no other card has s simular effect/ability that does almost the same f.e. disentchant effect: remove magic and Windhunter ability: gifted sobering they are diffrent alldo haveing simular effects.
  4. jep the general thing yes. i did in the post focus on unique abilitys (effects) that only 1 card of the entire game has and not share the same or simular effect with other abilitys/spells that only use diffrent names. shure not only shadow and nature has them alldo they have the most obious ones with: Shadow: Shred them! Nature: Wish
  5. Here a change of Enlightenment a change of how the addional colors work, so that it cost the same but changes to give 3 orbs of every color. so pure t4 will be able to be played but since it give only 3 orbs of each color, this means the player needs to have at least 1 orb of the color he want to play out the t4 pure color. the Spell provieds the player with: + orbs & + orbs & + orbs & + orbs for the next played out card example for batariel: player needs to have cause enlightenment gives the additional orbs for the next played out card: so the 3 orbs of the player matters. in this case he can summon now stuff that needs 5x, 4x, 3x & 3x and t4 on & is a colorless so players can still use enlightenment to summon t4 units if they only have reached t3 but they need new at lest 1 orb of the same color as the t4 pure card requires. with such new restriction on how the spell of the normal enlightenment works it can be changed also into a colorless (neutral) card and it would still be weaker than the current cause in order to summon all 4 t4 pure cards the player needs to have t4 or do a orbswitch. For a change of Enlightenment from a Nature card to a Neutral card the provieded orbs also may get decresed to only give 2 (+++) instead of 3 (+++) orbs of each color. cause then the player would only need to have 2 orbs of the t4 pure color he wanna get but he's nolonger forced to have 2 nature orbs to use it. but then with 4 orbs on its hand he can only use pure color t4 cards of 2 fractions without orbchangeing. the color lock does debuff the Nature Enlightenment, but the change to neutral does buff the card so that in the end the neutral Enlightenment is a little bit debuffed cause there are more rules on its ability, but shouldnt be a change for speedruns itself & gives players in pve more ways to combine cards in their decks and may lead to new and faster speedrun tactics
  6. Jep i posted myself some ideas on how to change the gold and xp rewarding system I do not dislike the decomposer at it currently is i just have a kinda a problem with unique skill cards bound to a fraction if not only shadow would have a card with that effect i would be totaly fine same thing is for me enligthenment cause it is also bound to nature fraction. even if i am a nature shadow player. most of my ideas going into the direction to change these cards in a way that they turn itself to Neutral cards and getting removed from the fraction binding. but in those cases it problably would make them more powerfull. my first attempts were to change cost or tier requirement, but there is a hugh opposition against such changes cause speedrunning tactis would change and they may nolonger be able to beat existing records on maps. but on the otherhand it seems they are also the biggest opposition against it to make these cards neutral cause others may beat their records and the cards would get boosted in pve pvp as well and give the players to much freedom. for me is clear these cards need a rebalancing or change over the option of just removeing them from the game. but in a matter that the cards dosent getting changed to much. and there are ways to do it that have a effect but cost or tier of the cards itself remains untouched. even do this topic is about decomposer i add a few things about enlightenment as well: Decomposer & Enlightenment: - increase Card cooldown - increase Card recharge Decomposer: - increase Building time (slow building) - increase Cooldown between ability useage: currently in matters of seconds many units can be destroyed. but if the skill of the building gets a cooldown on its ability that may lets it shred every 1-10 sec 1 unit decreses its effectivness a bit but may not do much harm to speed just adding more micro management. but in non speed that brings a bit of a handycap to it. the other thing that does boost the building and spell is to make them neutral so they can be used in every color combination which leads to more diversity in decks alldo makeing these cards more often to be a part of a deck but it gives many cards that can be currently seen in over 50% of all decks made by the playerbase (regrowth 4 example). Decomposer a change may be needed that more than only one may be builded but if its the the way of normal neutral it will get restricted to 1 builing per map which may also be a solution but may effect pvp
  7. Here an addition of me for a simular effect considering that frost fraction is heavly into that units getting buffs if close to friendly buildings and shields, dan that fire fraction has many destructive spells so the combination of orb colors brings many of spells and buildings to be used of fire and frost: so that the Fire/Frost frection does combine the some of the existing effects of those 2 fractions. and to itself i thought heat (fire) and cold/water (frost) producing steam which is in RL often used to power electric generators if its steam from burning coal or even in a nuclear powerplant that also uses steam in its turbines:
  8. add a restriction tool to the creating of a rpve where the leader can set some cards as forbidden and player cant select decks where those cards are in. and maybe rename the thing to: personalized random PVE short: prpve i personaly dont care about those tactics, cause if someone says remove bata, enlightenment and infect u realy have to say remove regrowth and equilibrium, cause those 2 spells are the most used spells in most pve content and not only rpve. and in the end everyone is sad if a game is lost
  9. currently we have Twilight Stonekin Bandit Lost Soul Amii but only a t2 unit exist yet Fire/Frost doesnt yet exist Ech fraction has its own special ability or passive to them like bandit has their "life stealing" ability for Fire/Frost i would find it cool to have something simular to the Proton fraction of the game Starcraft where units and buildings getting buffed or boosted with pylons or energy fields. something like small fast building towers lik Rootnexus that provides a certain area with a boost (shield or dmg) and the same as a spell where a area for a certain time also gets this area boost and every fire/frost building and units activates its passive ability as passive ability a shield that regenerates from 0 to a specific numbre (differs in unit & building size) that gives direct dmg protection or % dmg block but also uses its shield to get a dmg boost example: if a XL unit is within a energy zone (ether provided by a building of a spell) it charges a shield with xy hp per sec that blocks dmg or reduce dmg in xy%, if the unit attacks it gets a dmg boost of xy% but uses xy hp of its shield if the unit leaves the area the shield looses xy hp per sec this ability across all units of its kind as passive ability on towers maybe that if the tower is in a energy field it shoots faster or getting a dealing more dmg in term of the colors i can think of fire & water producing steam which is a source of power used to produce electricity (RL) For Amii i have currently no idea maybe something in combination life and death, more into the direction of a RL swamp where death is needed as source for new life
  10. Jep a gambling with rules like: put only fire card in and u can only get fire card out put only spell cards in and u can only get spellcards out (put only fire spell cards in and u can only get fire spell cards out) maybe the same also for Twilight, bandit, lost soul, stonekin: put fire and/or nature and/or twilight cards in and get only nature, fire and/or twilight out(or only Twilight out) but u can put in 1 fire 7 nature to have the effect or other combination for promos: put in a mixture of 4 colors of unit cards in and get unit cards of the same color out with a chance of promos (so that the chance for promo is given but aint locked to a color "incl. neutral promos") exeption put only neutral cards in and u can only get neutral cards out (with exception that it doesnt matter if spell, building or unit) Daylie reset gives everyone 1 chance to Gamble for every 1h gameplay 1 additional chance to gamble gets unlocked but the price doubbles starting at 1000 gold (resets every day) + a card loss, 4 cards (rarety x) are needed to start the gamble min. 2 cards (rarety x) will come out but it can also be only 1 card (rarety y) with 8 card (rarety x) in u can get: 4 cards (rarety x) or 2 cards (rarety x) & 1 card (rarety y) or 2 cards (rarety y) or 1 card (rarety z)
  11. for the gamble i wouldnt go as far that u may get no card back a certain loss is needed but if the loss in amount of cards is to high then the market getting destroyed cause to many cards will be used for a gamble and that would only lead to an increase of the cardpriceses. in adittion to a gamble it can also be added a fee for the gameble itself example gold (would help against the gold problem) so that u need to play the game farm gold to use the gamble. for me a start of maybe 500-1000 gold per gamble seems fair. on the card loss possebilit i wouldnt go over 50% and 8 cards as max which is the amount in a boosterpack. alldo this next thing might not belong in this topic i post it cause would give some option to the gamble and against inflation even if its very slim: a exchange BFP for Gold and Gold for BFP for expample in a fix rate of: for 1 BFP you get 10'500 Gold (price of rare upgrde 3 and for ultra rare it needs 2x) for 40'000 Gold you get 1 BFP (needs 10 cpve or rpve runs to get this amount, fast goldruns would need to only during 6 mins to make it in 1h) so tecnicly player could farm gold and trade it to bfp but at a very low rate and players that want to upgrade their cards fast to upgrade 3 can use their BFP to get faster Gold. specialy thinking about rare and ultra rare upgrades cause they cost a lot of gold and for that they have to grind a long time to get that amount. the exchange is so uneven, that new players have a option for a small amount of bfp getting fast gold to upgrade their cards to do PVE of PVP. the exchange gold for BFP is for long time players, so they can get a bit BFP for their gold (keep in mind every player can gain 10 BFP per hour currently that would only be rised a tiny bit) Numbres are examples only, the exchange rates doenst have to be this uneven but until the gold reward in cpve are changed, i would make then more likeliy in this ratio
  12. problem is that there are many cards of the same rarity that cost like 3 bfp currently. example 5x envenome and u get 1 shaman would mean that the shaman is worth 15 bfp. best is that the card u get is a gamble only maybe if u use building u get buildings, same for spell and units
  13. here 2 of my topics that are about this topic as well:
  14. could be 1 card is lost allwasys like put 2 in get 1 out or put 8 in get 7 out. that was a loss is or activation cost bpf or activation cost gold or mutliple things i guess u wanted to say smurth but multiaccount is not allowed as far i know.
  15. nice effect idea currently ongoing testing for balancing check out https://discord.gg/sTeSRFDeBg & https://skylords-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Balancing#Iteration 3 (Live on Test Server) if implementing a arsenal card i would also daa those for the other color typs so that every color combo has the benefit. adding also the twilight, stonekin and lost soul arsenal with the same effects or makeing it colorless (neutral)but with the addition that its not limited to 1 per map
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