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Battle of Tactics #1: Your actions count - Until 14.08.2022

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Hello People of the Sky,

It is time to make your actions count -> literally!
In this event, you not only have to complete the map fast, you also have to do this with as little actions as possible.

Update: Winners, Replays, Stream recording and more can be found here:


But what is an action?
The easy answer is: Every time you click. (Or use the matching shortcut on the keyboard)

  • Cast spell                  -> Action
  • Move units               -> Action
  • Open a gate             -> Action
  • Use ability of a unit  -> Action
  • Open a gold chest   -> Action
  • EDIT 08.08.2022: Full list of actions at the end of the post


Nice, and how is it determent who did the best?
With a point system:

Let's say we have 50 participants in this event.
Then the one with the fastest time will get 50 Points and the one with the slowest gets 1 Point.
Same goes for the actions, but because this event is all about the actions, the points are doubled.
So the one with the lowest action count gets 100 Points and the one with the highest 2 Points.


How can I check if Replay 1 has fewer actions then Replay 2?
You can upload your replay on this website: https://www.t1421.de
Or use this application.
(I tested both, but you might encounter bugs – feel free to contact me about that)


Enough explaining, time for Action:

  • Map:                          Encounters with Twilight
  • Difficulty:                   Expert
  • Card restrictions:       None
  • Goal:                          Win the map
  • Start:                          06.08.2022 12:00 CEST
  • Until when:                14.08.2022 23:59 CEST
  • Stream:                      19.08.2022 18:00 CEST via my Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/ultralord_t1421)
  • Replays:                     PM in the Forum @T1421 or DM via Discord Ultralord#9706
  • Replay name:             BOT1_[Your Username].pmv
    You can send in multiple replays, the last one which I receive will be used for the event
    (So you can decide if you go for speed or low action count)


1st place:          5 Boosters + 4.000 BFP
2nd place:         4 Boosters + 2.000 BFP
3rd place:          3 Boosters + 1.000 BFP
4th place:           2 Boosters +    230 BFP
5th -10th place: 1 Booster   +    230 BFP
11-16th place:                            230 BFP


Players placed 11th or lower have a chance for a random draw of one of these 8 cards:
Fire Worm, Core Dredge, Deepcoil Worm, Shadow Worm
Shrine of War, Shrine of Martyrs, Shrine of Memory, Shrine of Greed




Also, the one with the lowest actions will win a Promo Rogan Kayle.

And the one with the fastest time, will get a Juggernaut.
(ofcourse you will receive the real cards, not the ones with the superior artwork as shown above)

And the one with the most actions will get 4 Juicy Tanks


Also, you can get Boosters on Stream be winning in a quiz.


Big Thank you to:

The Skylords Team for Sponsoring 20 Boosters
@Metagross31 & @Minashigo Hiko  who helped me planning the event
@Kapo             for the Promo Rogan Kayle!
@Titan             for sending 10.000 BFP!
@Donaar          for 4x Juice Tank!
@Tweeto          for the handsome Rogan Kayle Image
@dreaddy         i used his PHP-Reply-Analyser as a starting point for my code (LINK)
@fiki574           for the API im using (LINK)
@Kubik            for some RUST code to get pictures form the BF-Wiki (LINK)-> You will see for what on the Stream

If you want to sponsor something too -> Feel free to contact me.
The ranking and replays will be shared in this post after the stream.

Lastly, some tips about actions and BF:

  • It’s no action, if your units are auto attacking
  • If you use waypoints to move a unit, it's only one action
  • A move/attack order for a group of units counts as one action
  • If you spam click on a gold chest to open it, every click is an action
    (so you might want to skip opening chest completely)
  • There are different ways to move your units (Try them out in the forge)
    # Normal move order (Right click)
    # Move-Waypoints (Shift + Right click multiple locations)
    # Attack-Waypoints (Strg/Control + Right click multiple locations)
    # Patrol-Waypoints (Alt + Right click multiple locations)

I hope you all have a lot of fun with this event. See you in the Forge.


EDIT 08.08.2022: Here is a list of all actions which a replay could track:


Summon unit
Cast spell
Cast building
Build well
Build orb
Repair building
Build/Rep. Wall
Switch Gate

Move unit
Stop unit
Hold position
Move Unit on wall
Kill own unit

Use ability (Like Sunderer)
Switch ability (Like Fire Stalker)
Switch Twilight

Complete Map Objective (5 on Encounters with Twilight)
Open Gold
Cant get Gold Unit is occupied
Leave game

Place Nexusportal exit
Return Nexusportal exit
Use tunnel
Switch tunnel
Move into Decomposer
Place Altar of Chaos Totem


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On 7/4/2022 at 2:11 PM, T1421 said:

How can I check if Replay 1 has fewer actions then Replay 2?
You can upload your replay on this website: http://www.t1421.tk/
Or use this application.
SLR_ReplayParser.exe 102 kB · 0 downloads
(I tested both, but you might encounter bugs – feel free to contact me about that)


So there is a tool to count actions for us! :hypetrain:


I was totally dreading this event until I read that so I wanted to highlight that. 🙂

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10 minutes ago, Nemoo SK said:

This sounds neat. Wonder what would be the average number of action for the map. 

Cant tell you the average for all players, but can tell you the actions on my "normal" runs:
Ranging from 200 up to 700 (<- probably pure nature T2 only)

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2 minutes ago, T1421 said:

Cant tell you the average for all players, but can tell you the actions on my "normal" runs:
Ranging from 200 up to 700 (<- probably pure nature T2 only)

This is good, I was looking for some kind of benchmark mainly. Prolly gonna check my usual run with the site as well, wonder what numbers it will spew out. 

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23 minutes ago, ShrimpMilk said:

Where do I submit?

DM via Discord Ultralord#9706 or via his forum account 

23 minutes ago, ShrimpMilk said:

Also, is there a location on my PC where I can grab the replays?


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22 minutes ago, ShrimpMilk said:

Where do I submit? Also, is there a location on my PC where I can grab the replays?

You submit by sending me your replay via discord or via Forum DM.

The replays are stored in your Documents folder. Sould be somthing like

In the options you can activated a toggel so all replays are saved. If that is not active you only have your last game saved as "autosave.pmv"



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Great idea, though a bit sad that time gives this a second component which makes this, even more then other contests, a shoot in the dark.

But don't get me wrong, the concept remains wonderfull!

One question, playing a unit/building is an action too, or are spells the only card that count for that?


EDIT: What is btw. about raising wells?

Edited by Volin
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17 hours ago, Volin said:

Great idea, though a bit sad that time gives this a second component which makes this, even more then other contests, a shoot in the dark.

But don't get me wrong, the concept remains wonderfull!

One question, playing a unit/building is an action too, or are spells the only card that count for that?


EDIT: What is btw. about raising wells?

Thx for the feedback. 
I wasn't sure if no time "limit" would end up in games with 2h just to have a lot of energy.
or what will happen if multiple players have exactly 75 actions? (first comes first serve?)

Maybe changing the ration like 90% points for actions and 10% for time would be a solution,
but i will evaluate on this when this event has ended and i have same data.

Was also thinking to have a "live" view of the current entries in the event on the website.


About the what is an Action: I updated the First Post. You can find a list of all (normal) actions end then end in a spoiler 

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15 minutes ago, T1421 said:

or what will happen if multiple players have exactly 75 actions?

Only in this case better time wins.

But all good mate, you came up with a great idea, didn't want to drag it down. Was just my very personal opinion

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Just a short update and reminder:

The First Battle of Tactics has ended. I checked replays and we have a winner.
Who is it? you ask. Find out on Stream:

--> 19.08.2022 18:00 CEST on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ultralord_t1421 <--

If you cant make it, no worry's the stream will be uploaded to Youtube and i will share the like here.
(i´m also planing to make a "Best of BOT1" from ALL replays)

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So the event has ended.
Thank you to all who joined and all who helped me to get the Event running

You should have revived your Prizes by now - if not contact me.

The Winner of the Event by Playtime, Action count and Points:


If your are interested in your actions (or the ones of another player) - here is an excel file with ALL actions of ALL players. (Just use the filter to get yours)

Here is a zip file with all 16 replay:

And here you find the Stream Recording:

And this is the Best of video:

And last but not least - some bloopers xD

MFG Ultralord



Edited by T1421
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Thanks! I didn't think I would be in top 10 this time because I knew I made a few mistakes for submitted run but didn't have time to get a better run in.


Yeah it was fun and unique. Although, I definitely think a mix of lowest action count AND time made it lot more interesting as I dread how low of action count folks can go at very slow pace. 🙂

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13 hours ago, erkserkserks said:

Very nice event! I liked how there was a lot of different and creative strategies represented, which made it fun to watch.

Will post the "best of" video here when its finished
There are even more cool strategies which i wasn't able to show in a short stream.

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