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Skylords Reborn API Hub


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Hello everyone.

This will be a very similar post and thread as the previous counterpart.

I'll keep it short. Past few months, I've been working on a new, centralized UI and backend for the previously separated 3 API backends and frontends, from the upper linked thread.

So, previous links are from now on obsolete/redundant, but will be still available for some time:

New, relevant links are:

Frontend part of this "hub" is open-sourced on our GitLab. There are available Swagger v2 documentation. But, you have to be somewhat profficient in web development to understand and begin doing stuff on your own. 

Issues tab is to be used freely for any and all suggestions and bug reports.

Merge Requests that improve and extend the existing UI are more than welcome. After manual review, they might get merged into the master branch and appear as a part of the next website update. 

The backend is still caching the data periodically, so you're actually "querying" the in-memory data, and not the database directly, which does not have any kind of impact on the game servers and database itself. 

Have fun! 🙂


P.S. The old thread will eventually be closed, the old GitHub repository will be archived (but public) and the old links will die out / be shutdown.

DraginMaster, Maze, Nerokin and 2 others like this
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  • 1 month later...

Giving this as an upcoming heads up:

I will be shutting down the "old" API frontend and backend applications on 30th of December (in 2 days from this post). Please make sure you've switched to the new Hub API.

Affected and shut down services will be:
- auctions.skylords.eu
- auctions.backend.skylords.eu
- stats.skylords.eu
- stats.backend.skylords.eu
- leaderboards.skylords.eu
- leaderboards.backend.skylords.eu

Thanks and regards.

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I've taken down the services on following URLs, as mentioned in the previous post:
- auctions.skylords.eu
- auctions.backend.skylords.eu
- stats.skylords.eu
- stats.backend.skylords.eu
- leaderboards.skylords.eu
- leaderboards.backend.skylords.eu

The hostnames (DNS zone entries) will be brought done soon as well, until then they'll lead to an alphabetically first available URL on the system.

Alongside this, I did some backend code refactoring (unnoticeable to end-users) and also added the support for "All Time" leaderboards time range, which was requested and talked about with some of our community members in our Discord.

Also, I've changed the "month" query parameter for the PvE/PvP leaderboards to "range", so make sure to change that.

Enjoy. 🙂

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  • 3 months later...

Hey @fiki574, could we get an API where we can query stats to player with its nickname?

Like /api/stats/users/tanktiger

And then we could retrieve multiple stats like matches played, number of cards etc.?

Also a route would be nice to retrieve the solved maps for a player

Like /api/stats/users/tanktiger/maps

This could return every map name with the corresponding difficulty and if solved. So players can see what maps they need to play to accomplish the achievements.#


I'm a PHP Developer so i think i can't help you with this because you are using a different language for the API?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello again 😄 

we now have hybrid orbs -> Which is cool!
But it looks like the API was not prepared for that (same goes for my program 😐 )

When i check for example the "Twilight Slayers", i see 1xFire Orb and 1xNature Orb
Thats correct so fare, but the 3 orb is missing. So if you check the API, you could think its a T2 Card.

I dont have a smart idea how to fix this...
(Changing from int to dec and use 1,5 Orbs? or add Hybrid-Orb-Fields?)

If you need more details let me know.

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  • 6 months later...

Hello, all.

There will be a Hub API backend service migration happening soon, since I've finished the rewrite of the existing backend service, and it is ready to be slowly tested and soon replace the current live one.

Check out the new Swagger API documentation: https://skylords-reborn-skylords-reborn-api-hub-backend.staging.skylords.eu/api/docs#/

On 30th of April (at latest), the old API service will be switched with this new one, seamlessly. There were not much changes in the response objects themselves, however there were a lot of improvements with regards to performance and some bug fixes, as well as minor additions. There should be no compatibility breaking changes, as far as I know.

Metagross31 and Maze like this
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  • 2 weeks later...

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