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Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside


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Got inspiration for a new card as well since Lost Souls is lacking any air units on tier 2. 
Its based on the model from Mana Wing.

Mist Slash: Attacks every 2 seconds and knocks back (only) L-sized units. This attack ignores all damage reduction effects, I.E. Glacier Shell and Adamant Skin.

Revenant's Doom: Activate to bestow the unit with a curse that will make it resurrect in case it dies. The resurrected revenant will only be a shadow of its former self but it will be endowed with the same abilities and equal in strength. After 25 seconds the revenant will then die once and for all. May only be triggered once.



Based on 3 Ice barriers close together.

Ice Barrier Wall: Creates 3 Ice Barriers next to each other. Units are unable to walk through the Ice Barriers.

Rapid Construction: Construction time is reduced by 85%.

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Since I already submitted 2 ideas anonymously, I will share my next idea here:

Name: Dark Parasite

Tier & Orbs: T2, Shadow Shadow 

Type: Unit

Cost: 90

Hitpoints & Size: 680, M

Attack value and Type: 700, ranged L

Passive Abilities:

Nether Bolt: every 3 seconds the unit fires a dark bolt of energy that deals 95 damage to enemies in a radius of 5m.

Swift: The unit moves at high speed.

Active Abilities:

Blessed Infection (40p): Target an enemy building to burrow under the earth and supress it from below. The Worm will die in this process. The targeted building will be disabled for 20 seconds. If the building gets destroyed while infected, the worm will be reborn and for the next 10 seconds it will have a healing aura of 15m that heals allied units by 2% of their max health per second.


Active for the shadow affinity:

Tainted Infection (40p): Target an enemy building to burrow under the earth and supress it from below. The Worm will die in this process. The targeted building will be disabled for 20 seconds. If the building gets destroyed while infected, the worm will be reborn and for the next 10 seconds it will be surrounded by a poisonous cloud, that deals 30 damage per second to all units surrounding the worm in a radius of 15m. The Poison lasts for 5 seconds after exiting the aura.


I always liked the idea of smaller worms, but not as damage dealers, but some sort of nasty parasites. This theme fitted best for the shadow faction. So I added a high risk (high power cost but low stats) factor along with a high reward (possible resurection, unbound unit) system to make this a true pure shadow card. This gives shadow new oportunities to deal with certain buildings, like willzappers, without just copying supression.

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Name: Raptor Squad
Tier & Orbs: T2 Amii, Nature and Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 75
Hit points and Size: 650 & S
Attack value and Type: 800

Passive Abilities: 

Infused Rip and Tear - Enemies attacked by this unit will take progressively more damage the longer they are in combat, up to 100% (scales over 10 seconds). If the target is switched or Raptor Squad doesn't attack for 3 seconds, the bonus is reset. Only works against medium and large units. 

Blessed Rip and Tear  - Enemies attacked by this unit will take progressively more damage the longer they are in combat, up to 50% (scales over 10 seconds). Additionally, the affected unit will deal 50% less damage to Raptor Squad. If the target is switched or Raptor Squad doesn't attack for 3 seconds, the effect is reset. Only works against medium and large units. 

Elusive - as usual

Uses dino model as a base, resized to S.

Explanation of idea behind the card:
More units for the Amii faction are always nice. More dinos are also always nice. Hence, this card was born. It offers decent ability, possibiltiy for strong DPS and hopefully relative balance. Questionable, how would this affet PvP. 

dino 1.png

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On 12/21/2022 at 1:35 PM, fShark said:

Every 3 seconds, unit throws out its corruptive spit dealing 120 damage to enemies in a 5m radius around its targed, up to 200 in total. Friendly units within a 25m radius regenerate 100 life points per second.

I guess the idea is a smaller form of the current AI Lost Dragon. Do you mean 100 or 10 life points per second, because 100 for a T2 flying unit is a bit obscene. Lost Dragon only regenerates 60 per second to surrounding units.

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You could just change the effect of the cards, Forest's Vim seems not worth a Deck slot anyway 😄

The Idea for purple is, that the root network is able to transport Units from the Monument through the Network to the front. That would make a Root network deck usable for PVE9 or PVE10.

The Idea behindthe Green afinity is, that you can make a root network imortal for a short amount of time, like the last Push in GOL or in DR. 



Name: Force of Nature

Tier & Orbs: T3, Nature
Type: Spell

Power: 90


All Units and Buildings in the root network gain the ability to relocate at another spot within a 50m range of any Member of the root Network. After the relocation the Unit or Building will be more vulnerable taking 200/200 / 100 /100 %more damage for 50 / 40 40/ 30 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds. 



Name: Force of Nature

Tier & Orbs: T3, Nature
Type: Spell

Power: 90


All Units and Buildings in the root network recive 100% less damage. Lasts for 20 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.




Casts a charm upon a root network that will make it ressurect after 15 seconds if itdies within 20 seconds. No member of the root network can be killed by the player. Reusable every 30 seconds.


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Imagine a Rootnetwork with a Tunnel to connect root networks like a repeater 😄


Name: Part of the Forest

Tier & Orbs: T1, Nature
Type: Spell

Power: 10

plant: /(Part of the Crew part of the Ship/Part of the Team part of the Forest):

Casts a charm upon the target friendly Unit or Building that gain the Ability to root. Does not work on Flying Units.


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hi , when i play rpve 9 twilight , my nature deck have difficulty to destroy building !

a purpose this card


name :  tornade

tier & orb : T4, one nature or two nature

type : spell

power : 140



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This one is from my fiancée 🙂

Name: Magmus
Tier & Orbs: T1 Fire
Type: Unit
Power: 100
Hit points and Size: 530 M
Attack value and Type: 600

Passive Abilities: 

Magma Breath - Every 3 seconds, unit casts a ray of mana that deals 85 damage to enemies in a 5m radius around its target, up to 120 in total.
Fiery Aura - In area with diameter of 25m around this unit, enemies will take extra 30% damage from fire spells and active fire abilities.

Active Abilities:

Molten WInd - Sends forth a small fire tornado in the chosen direction. It travels for 15 meters in 5 seconds. Enemies caught within will burst into flames and take 50 damage every second. 

Uses mana wing model as a base.

Explanation of idea behind the card:
Fire does not have a flier on Tier 1. This also allows for more synergy with fire spells and abilities, while having to protect the birb. 


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Name: Twilight Infestation
Tier & Orbs: T3 Fire Nature Fire/Nature
Type: Spell
Power: 100

Spell Effect: Mass Shapeshifting

Infects up to 10 friendly and hostile units within a 25m radius with the Twilight Curse and immediately turns them into Twilight Pests.
While the spell lasts, they will no longer grant ground presence to play out cards or claim structures near to it.
After the spells wear off, they will be retransformed into their actual forms.
Lasts for 15 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.

Explanation of idea behind the card:

Twilight needs a CC card, and this fits the transformation theme, expanding on Twilight Curse, mixing with Fleshbender.
Twilight Pests should be the same as Fleshbender, where bugs have similar power and hitpoints to the original unit.
The downside of this spell is that it also affects friendly units, so not exactly the same as Oink.



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This is not an entry, I have sent those already.


Name: Goat Lancer

So the basic idea is: We have a goat model, but no unit in the Frost faction, what gives?

This would be a recolor of the Nomad modell, but in effect it would be the opposite: A unit that wants to be alone, scouting and poking the enemy.

Passive ability: Lone Rider

As long as there are no other friendly units in a 30m radius around this unit, Goat Rider deals 25% more damage and periodically receives an ice shield that absorbs 300 damage for 15 seconds. All ice shields will be lost if another unit is in the vicinity of Goat Rider and it can not benefit from external sources of shielding.

Stats and other abilities:



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We need more squads! More beasty squads! 

Name: Wereworms
Tier & Orbs: T1 Shadow
Type: Unit
Power:  65
Hit points and Size: 550 and S
Attack value and Type: 600 melee

Passive Abilities: 

Spit Rock - Each worm spits chunks of dark rock at enemies, dealing 25 damage in 10m radius, up to 35 in total. Affected enemies may only move at slow speed for 10 seconds. Occurs only every 12 seconds. 
Earth Dive - While moving around unit takes 50% less damage and knocks back small units. Affects ground targets only.

Uses small Shadow Worms as a base.

Explanation of idea behind the card:
Shadow has really poor choice for CC on the early tiers, so the Wereworms can work as sort of knockback machine. They also get the utility of slowing down important targets, if neccesary. 


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Hello Skylords, this is my first entry for the Card Competition.

First if all sorry for anything i may pronounce worng etc. (I´m from Germany)

Scrap-Shed is meant to by a Supporting unit.


Name: Scrap-Shed ( Schrottlaube (german))
Tier & Orbs: T4 / Fire 2x Shadow 2x
Type: Unit
Power: 400
Hit points and Size: 7350 XL
Attack value and Type: 3000 Range

Passive Abilities: 

Waste Cannon - Because of the size and it´s polution the Banits start unsing their waste as a weapon. Because the Bandits shoot with what ever they have, every 4th Shot is smelling dump which slows Enemys for 6 sec and lowers their attack 22%

Active Abilities:

Junkyard -  When send into battle the Scrap-Shed can switch to stationary mode and cant move. While stationary it drops T1 Bandit units every 7 sec. which attack Enemey in range. When it´s health sink´s below 30% Scrap-Shed is forced to move and can nolonger activate Junkyard.

Uses Tunderwagon as a base.

Explanation of idea behind the card:
The Thunderwagon is a very cool and fun card, and i think the only one which does not have a counterpart.

Scrap-Shed 2.0.png

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Name: Shrink

Tier & Orbs: T1 Nature

Type: Spell (utility)

Power: 60

Spell Effect: Miniature Warfare - Curse target hostile squad or unit within 'x' metres in a way that they go down one unit size for the next 30 seconds.
Target(s) under the effect of Shrink cannot be cursed again.

Explanation: I think a spell like this fits the color perfectly. It's a fun way to engage with units (in both pvp and pve) in a way like never before.
I don't know about the technical difficulties/limitations but it'd be cool to see an L-sized Juggernaut.

Edited by Demiron
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Name: Voodoo Wood
Tier & Orbs: T1 shadow
Type: Unit Power: 80
Hit points and Size: 800, Medium
Attack value and Type: 250, Melee

Passive Abilities:
Voodoo Howling - every 30 sec this unit will release a wave of energy which will grant Life Stealer (10-20%) effect on nearby allies for 5 sec.
Never to be seen again - every time an enemy unit dies nearby, this unit may collect their corpse to reduce the remaining cooldown of Voodoo Howling by (3-5) seconds.

Active Abilities:
Voodoo Splinters - this unit will start rapidly losing health while releasing a halo of spikes around itself every 3 sec. Stacking this ability increases health draining and reduces the duration between each halo of spikes.

Explanation of idea behind the card: a supporting unit which may be turned into suicide bomber. Due to its support capabilities, it would be relevant through entire map/match, and combined it with Nature cards who have healing, you could extend lives of the critters just enough to take much stronger creatures just by AOE. Though, by itself it would be a pretty weak unit.

download (8).png

Name: Voodoo Oakin
Tier & Orbs: T2 shadow
Type: Unit Power: 100
Hit points and Size: 1800, Medium
Attack value and Type: 500, Melee

Passive Abilities:
Acid Sap - this unit deals X damage to nearby enemies whenever it loses X% of its HP within X sec.
Acid Globes - throw acidic sap against an enemy within medium range. Deal double damage against structures.

Active Abilities:
Vodoo Da'Nature - this unit immobilizes itself to disrupt all hostile root networks within X meters. While rooted, your melee attacks will be replaced with Acid Globes.

Explanation of idea behind the card: an overall disruptor card. Can't deal much damage by itself, but dealing damage while taking damage could be pretty significant in a massive battle, not even mentioning how it can single handedly disable bases of Nature enemies who rely on root network. Also, the more healing you have in your team - the more effective this old tree becomes.

download (9).png

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Name: Element of Surprise
Tier & Orbs: T3 Colorless
Type: Building
Power Cost: 150
Hit points and Size: 2750, Large
Attack value and Type: -


Control the Elements! 

Element of Nature - Powers the Crystal with the element of Nature, healing all friendly units within a 'x' radius for 'y' value every 3 seconds, for the next 30 seconds.
Element of Frost - Covers the Crystal in frosty mist, greatly reducing the movement speed of all hostile units caught within a 'x' radius, for the next 15 seconds.
Element of Shadow - Coats the Crystal in dark energy, poisoning all units within a 'x' radius, dealing 'y' damage every second, for the next 20 seconds.
Element of Fire - Engulfs the Crystal in flames, greatly increasing the damage of nearby friendly units for the next 20 seconds.

Master of All: (costs 100 to activate) Pick one of the elements. However, using the Crystal this way quickly depletes it's power; each use reduces it's Hit Points by 1000 that cannot be warded off with the help of another card and it cannot be repaired in any way.

Master of None: (costs 50 to activate) Let the Crystal pick an element for you, at random!

Explanation: I like RNG.

Edited by Demiron
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Contest is nearing the end. Looking forward to all the neat ideas 🙂

Name: Toxic Spill
Tier & Orbs: T2 Shadow and Neutral
Type: Spell
Power:  70

Spell Effect:

Blessed Leakage - Targeted enemy unit starts to leak a black toxic substance. Its radius is small at first, but soon it spreads in a wider area. Maximum coverage is dependant on the size of the infected unit (the bigger the size, the bigger the spill, from 15 to 25m). Enemy units caught within the dark spill have their agro-range (sight) reduced to 5m. If they leave the spillage area, they will regain their sight within 3 seconds. Last for 20 seconds. The host unit is immune to this effect, and additionally is immune to all other debuffs.
Infused Leakage - Targeted enemy unit starts to leak a black toxic substance. Its radius is small at first, but soon it spreads in a wider area. Maximum coverage is dependant on the size of the infected unit (the bigger the size, the bigger the spill, from 15 to 25m). Enemy units caught within the dark spill have their agro-range (sight) reduced to 5m. If they leave the spillage area, they will regain their sight within 3 seconds. Last for 20 seconds. The host unit is immune to this effect, and additionally deals 50% more damage.

Explanation of idea behind the card:
Another idea for a Shadow based CC spell. It should fit into the criteria of risk vs. reward. The larger unit you target, the better area of effect you are getting, which can help you evade enemies, or greatly reduce camps damage potential (you cannot die if they cannot see/target you). At the same time, you are buffing this unit, either with bigger damage output or with cc/debuff immunity. It can also aggro normally and move away (the effect moves with the unit), so positioning is also a key issue. 

Toxic Spill 1.png

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First time to join a contest, but got some ideas for the Lost Soul faction, here's one:

Name: Lost Valkyrie
Tier & Orbs: T2, Frost Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 80

Hit points and Size: 800, M
Attack value and Type: melee 770, Large

Passive Abilities:

Immortal Aura: Within a 20m radius every Lost Revenant's life time will stop to run out and they deal 25% more damage. Upon leaving the aura the hourglass will be reinstalled and remaining life time will again run out. this passive excludes Lost Valkyrie's Revenant.

Steadfast: Cannot be knocked back

Active Abilities:

Revenant's Doom:  Activate to bestow the unit with a curse that will make it resurrect in case it dies. The resurrected revenant will only be a shadow of its former self but it will be endowed with the same abilities and equal in strength. After 25 seconds the revenant will then die once and for all. May only be triggered once.

Explanation of idea behind the card:

As strong as the faction can be, they lack the proper support for the Lost Souls signature skill. This will give them some permanent support, while rewarding skill as you micromanaging posision with this unit (with some Steadfast as protection against "those pesky untimly knockbacks").

Lost Valkyrie.png

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Greetings. I would like to present my Entry to the Skylords Card Design Contest.

Name: Guardian Of the Grove
Tier & Orbs: T3, Naturex3
Type: Unit
Power: 200

Hit points and Size: 1600 & L
Attack value and Type: 1000 & melee (General Counter)

Passive Abilities: Swift. Its a horse, it goes fast.  

Active Abilities: Switch Modes to gain:
Grove's Touch: Units in a 10m radius around the caster regenerate 2 % of their maximum HP per second while this ability is active.
Slow.  Unit is slowed.

Use Lyrish Knight or Dreadcharger model as a base. Enlarge a bit for effect. Then make it green. Voila, Nature horse.

Explanation of idea behind the card:
Its like a mobile healing well, enabling a steady pushing strategy. Due to slowing down when healing, and short heal range, it cannot go back and forth healing everything so it can either support a frontline or stay further back and heal archers.

Guardian of the Grove.png

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DON'T COUNT THESE CARDS FOR THE CONTEST (unless somebody else wants to add them as their own entries)

Twilight Worm
Dawn Consumption - every X sec this unit will shoot an enemy and deal X damage to them. The longer this unit attacks the same enemy - the more damage it deals.
Twilight Expulsion - if this unit kills an enemy, then it will erupt and deal X damage to all other nearby enemies. This damage scales with bonus damage accumulated via Dawn Consumption.

Twilight Brain
Infection Ball - every X sec release an energy ball against an enemy and all other enemies nearby to it, dealing X damage in total. Enemies built resistance (lasting 6 sec) whenever they take damage from this attack and will take progressively less damage with each stack.
Twilight Leader - nearby twilight creatures (friendly and hostile) will deal X% more damage.

Twilight Ember
Fiery Infection - when this creature is spawned, it will infect all nearby friendly units with Twilight Curse for 10 sec.
Explosion Rebirth - when this unit is transformed, it will deal X damage to nearby enemies. Knock back small and medium enemies.

Twilight Knight
Great Stomp - every X sec this unit will stomp the ground and deal X damage to all nearby enemies. This effect is also triggered whenever a nearby friendly unit Transforms.
Infected Royalty - cost to Transform nearby twilight creatures is reduced by X.

Twilight Angel
Great Twilight Lance - every X sec (very slow attack speed) unleash a powerful energy blast against a single target and deal X damage to them. Knock back small, medium and large units.
Twilight Mania - gain increased attack speed, but lose some health every second.

Lost Ritualist
Anti-life Bolt - every X sec deal X damage to a single enemy. After X sec this energy bolt will return to this unit and will heal it for X HP.
Lost Soul Regeneration - every X sec this unit will sacrifice X HP to heal a friendly unit for 100-150% of HP sacrificed. Lost Revenants receive 50-100% more healing.
End Of Doom - target a Lost Revenant unit and disable this creature. For next 20 sec targeted Revenant will deal X% more damage and will take X% less damage. Revenant will not expire while under effect of this ability. However, if Lost Ritualist gets killed, then Lost Revenant will die as well. At the end of of this ability both units die.

download (15).png

download (14).png

download (13).png

download (12).png

download (11).png

download (10).png

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Name: Scorchers
Tier & Orbs: T2, Fire Any
Type: Unit
Power: 50

Hit points and Size: 480 S
Attack value and Type: 660 ranged S

Attack Effects:
Every 2 seconds, unit fires bolts at enemies that deal 11 damage. The bolts sear the target, reducing any healing it receives by 60% and causing any Ice Shield on them to melt down by 20 points per second. Lasts for 3 seconds. (Repeated attacks will refresh the duration but not stack the effect)

Explanation of idea behind the card: At T2, Pure Fire, Fire/Frost and Fire/Nature all lack a s/s unit. Taking that into consideration and how reliant fire is on gladiatrix I decided to create a T2 s/s archer. When thinking about what ability it should have I decided it'd be nice to have something that was good against shielding and healing, both things which fire may struggle with sometimes (I do not consider global warming a good option as it does nothing vs non frost decks). To avoid it being too strong the effect only lasts 3s, meaning if you run away for a short while you can use a heal at full power. In addition the unit is also vulnerable to knockbacks (easy for frost and nature to do) and has a small healthpool.


Name: Nether Priests
Tier & Orbs: T2, Shadow Any
Type: Unit
Power: 75

Hit points and Size: 1080 S
Attack value and Type: 1020 melee M

Passive abilities:
Slow. (forgot about it in the card image)
Every 10 seconds, unit teleports the enemy unit that has moved farthest away back to itself. Has a range of 30m. Affected units are immune to this ability for 10 seconds. (This ability starts on CD)

Explanation of idea behind the card: Both Pure Shadow and Shadow/Frost lack a small unit with medium counter at T2. Thinking of filling that slot I decided to make an unit that could teleport others to itself, much like Stone of Torment. Having such an ability it needed to be slow to allow for enemies to stay away or run away after caught, as well as an immunity period to avoid multiple triggers from an army of these. The unit would be able to force enemy archers close but the ability would start on CD so you can't just abuse it on spawn.

Nether Priests.png

Edited by Ggoblin
Made it a bit better for reading
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Name : Stonekin Andy

Tier & Orbs : T2 / Nature, Frost

Type : Unit

Power : 130

Hit Points and Size : 1200 L

Attack value and Type: 900,  general melee

Passive Abilitys:

-Adamant Skin: This Unit takes 15 % less Damage.

-Siege: Deals 50% more damage to structures.

Blessed Breakdown: Upon dying the unit collapses into pieces that will reassemble on their own to form two medium sized Stonekin Andys. Both medium sized Warders are endowed with an Ice Shield that absorbs up to 660 damage for 15 seconds.

Stonekin Andy (Promo) [B].png

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Name: Lyrish Snipers
Tier & Orbs:  Frost, Frost, Neutral, Neutral
Type: Unit  (4 small units)
Power: 60

Hit points and Size: 1200 (4x300) S size
Attack value and Type: 1600 XL

Active Abilities:
Rifle Atack -  Every 5 seconds unit fires slugs at enemies that deal 100 damage. (4x4x100) Additionaly slowed down (walk speed) targets get additional +50% damage
Aim -  Enable to become immobile and gain - long range 50m
Crippling Shot (50 power) - Shoots at 50m with 800 dmg, target can move at walk speed and takes 25% more damage, Lasts for 15 sec,

Explanation of idea behind the card: Quite versitle T4 S sie unit that can be use as early T4 swarm, cheap wall defender with moderate ammount of micro. Making then in group of 4 should add somethiing fresh and new while making them a slightly faster to maintain.  


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Name: Amii Champions
Tier & Orbs:  Shadow, Nature
Type: Spell
Power: 300

Can be cast only on S size unit.
Permanent - can be cast once per unit.

Greater Power: Unit Deals Additional 100% more damage and takes 50% less damage - moreover they cant be knocked back.

Amii Radiance: Units in 20m regenerates 50 life points each 10 seconds. (non cumulative)

Explanation of idea behind the card: Long term investement in T2 S size army. In Latter game option to make some power Rifle Cultist with really big nuke.


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Fellow Skylords,

I have recieved a lot of entries! Here some important pointers:

* If you posted your entry just here on the forum thread, this DOES NOT count as an submission - those are ment to be sent via a DM. It is enough to drop me a note "please take my entry from the forums", then I collect it from here.

* Some of you forgot to use the template. I dopped you a note with a copy of it, to complete your submissions.

* Only 3 days to go! 😃


Also, at this point I collected all valid submissions that I recieved until now. If everything worked out properly, you should have recieved a message that looks something like this:


As soon as the number of submissions crosses a certain threshold, its easy to overlook an entry. If you didnt recieve such a message, your submission could have been lost in the Inter-Nether. Please contact me, so we get this done in time 😃


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Name : Frost Wagon

Tier & Orbs : T1 / Frost

Type : Unit

Power : 100

Hit Points and Size : 1050 L

Attack value and Type: 0

Active Ability:

Activate to ram the unit against an enemy structure dealing tbq / tbq / tbq / tbq damage. It will be destroyed during the attack but 1 squad of Northguards will be able to spawn out of its remains. Has a 10 seconds cool-down after the card was played out

Passive Ability:

Slow 😞

Frost Wagon [B].png

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