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  1. hi , when i play rpve 9 twilight , my nature deck have difficulty to destroy building ! a purpose this card name : tornade tier & orb : T4, one nature or two nature type : spell power : 140
  2. i have an update to this deck , lane 2,3, : for T2 : make 4 frost mage and 4 master archers ( for lost souls map 4 frost mage and 6 master archers ) for T3 : make 3 phoenix ( 4 for lost souls map and fire map) for T4 : make another units and spell after are t4 dont run without 4 construct and 3 grimvine and dont forget yellow mo lane 1,4, : for T2 : make 5 frost mage and 5 master archers ( for lost souls map 5 frost mage and 9 master archers ) for T3 : make lost shade for T4 : make another units and spells after T4 make 4 construct and 3 grimvine and yellow mo , and go to ennemy base after make 4st grimvine and 5st construct and again again like 6 and 6 is verry strong deck if you have feeling with game play
  3. Lipto

    thunder wagon

    50 x 8 = 400 not have this money in rpve 9 maybe reduction when have few , not one
  4. Lipto

    thunder wagon

    hello, I had made an thunder wagon deck for rpve 9, but the slowness was annoying, it would be cool if the rapid mode were free thanks for reading .
  5. hi guys , im prupose you can add a reset filters button when your search cards and select filters before need to tape the name allways do reset one by one filters , just add button reset filters idea sorry if i make bad word im french people my english is bad and my french too xd
  6. i think for the game progress , need to seperate pvp and pve or change money system for have both ! and i suggest for pvp upgrade the card number of deck to 30 because is a potential game restricted with only 20 card for PVP
  7. i have slightly modified , i have remove incredible mo because batariel don't affect to intimidation or paralysed when use disenchant, and remove ray of light and shrine of memory because if build one shrine of war is good i add shrine of war, suppression and life weaving
  8. hello , i use frenetic assault green on a building , it's very good to have both because the time recast is too long . and for the construct deck is very good to play with overlord because , overlord is supported by construct and it's a good combo . i think all of my deck dont have more one unit per tier except t4 , and t1 frost , if you want have fast energy you need ressource booster maxi after t3 is conseilled t2 . sorry for my bad english im french. have a nice day
  9. hi guys , i build a deck for you , you demand frost strat , and shadow , shadow , nature
  10. Hi everyone , actually my favorite deck in rpve 9 lane 2 or 3 ! let's play
  11. I try with Battleship too , but i dislike for not healing
  12. Hi Flrbb , it's a good question, it's a 4-player game, but it's just that we lose a little time killing the bandit ship and doombringer , but just try this deck is very strong ! and try only with construct promo
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