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Testing Coordinator
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  1. Thanks, I like the suggestion. Default minimap has many sharp lines and edges that make it feel a little unnatural.
  2. Hmmm, I think he should have an animation around him then? Maybe NPC one doesn't have it, perhaps someone from different department can comment on this [but I don't know who :D]
  3. My guess is: certain areas in BF can't spawn XL units (and L perhaps too?) without pressence of smaller units. For example on Crusade, pos2, tier4 (with Abomination) has similar problem, like there is no space to play the animation. Otherwise it may be Mark of the keeper range, coz otherwise there is no reason to block anything. Try spawning S or M and then whatever you are trying to play 😉
  4. Same! Maybe Ultralord is not done sending rewards? It is millions of them 😮
  5. He meant both. Prices on the market scale (up or down) with the number of players!
  6. Power cost and efficiency of the whole process changes 🙂 EDIT: + now the whole team can have Amii Monuments, not just 1 out of 4
  7. My personal feeling is that cost does not block switching. Now you can have example two orb decks (like Amii shadow x2, nature x2) but have the Monument provide 3rd green orb and 3rd shadow orb for some combos (so many good cards require 3 of one color, now they all become accessible: Bandit [2x fire + 2x shadow] with Comet Catchers and Heals? Grinders with Disenchant and Earthshaker? 1x nature decks with access to Enlightenment for Batariel and Infernal Chain? To provide one example and not to spoil the fun of discovering: Combo I loved was Energy Cores + Second Chance SHADOW affinity, first time in my life, to have them explode - revive - explode again in another camp for 50% more dmg (while first camp revives and then dies again lol) - with some micro that is very powerful nuke. Also you can use Second Chance green to just unbind power from them (3x shadow). Another thing is Energy Cores + Second Chance + Grove Spirit to heal the cores (3x nature). With good power recycling you can just wipe anything. This is last message from me in this subject. 🙂 As Viridya Moon said "it is done".
  8. Wasn't theory - I played and experienced several runs in old campaign, new campaign and rpve with new amii mon and 5 orbs and was a lot of fun - somehow eye opener for me of how many trillions of new combinations I have access to now. I was the biggest Amii Mon change skeptic and took a lot to convince me, letting me express frustration, but a lot of reasons and finally giving it a chance (and then trying myself) convinced me. 🙂 Yes, it requires to somehow surrender "mindless playing optimal decks over and over". At the same time - feels like a new game now and I love it.
  9. Tip of the day from me as Vrizz, not GM: whichever opinion you have, it would be smart to first play the game after patch release for e.g. two weeks, experience changes and then decide instead of guessing in virtual theoretical world, no? 😎
  10. Ohhh jeez, I didnt see in which section I am :< Sowwy
  11. I regularly use tempests - the only problem is that dancers block ability usage, so you need more than one to be able to set it up. But as soon as it's rooted, dancer gets fked hard - M counter, knockback and a lot of dmg. Also Imperials in def mode + pressed F can tank one dancer forever when near building, coz she is not able to outdamage the heal. 😄
  12. I know how you suffer and I felt the same. To support your switch to the new era, please make a list of all t3 cards that people will start to use now instead of going t2->t4. As some speedrunners said, Amii Mon nerf won't hurt speedrunning on most maps. And if that is so, I am thankful for the times of OP card and now I am open to refreshed and new Battleforge that I can finally learn again. Testing runs on new maps and with new cards made my mind explode of how much freshness this brings to the game. You will see. 🙂 No more mindless facerolls on keyboard for always-the-same-patterns-with-same-decks!
  13. I spent 3 min and found no cactus in cactusland... 😞 😞 😞
  14. Since today (20th August) is my 37th birthday, I am giving everyone with bronze and silver ranks who participates AFTER seeing this post and gets below 22 sec, 370 bfp (max 10 people). I really wish more people could enjoy the event Ultralord prepared and play around with strategies outside rpve and campaign. You can mail me in game, here or Discord.
  15. Woooooow, never heard of it ;<
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