Hello Skylords, this is my first entry for the Card Competition.
First if all sorry for anything i may pronounce worng etc. (I´m from Germany)
Scrap-Shed is meant to by a Supporting unit.
Name: Scrap-Shed ( Schrottlaube (german))
Tier & Orbs: T4 / Fire 2x Shadow 2x
Type: Unit
Power: 400
Hit points and Size: 7350 XL
Attack value and Type: 3000 Range
Passive Abilities:
Waste Cannon - Because of the size and it´s polution the Banits start unsing their waste as a weapon. Because the Bandits shoot with what ever they have, every 4th Shot is smelling dump which slows Enemys for 6 sec and lowers their attack 22%
Active Abilities:
Junkyard - When send into battle the Scrap-Shed can switch to stationary mode and cant move. While stationary it drops T1 Bandit units every 7 sec. which attack Enemey in range. When it´s health sink´s below 30% Scrap-Shed is forced to move and can nolonger activate Junkyard.
Uses Tunderwagon as a base.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
The Thunderwagon is a very cool and fun card, and i think the only one which does not have a counterpart.