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Important Stream Incoming! (05/09/18 20:30)


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Greetings, dear Skylords, Skyladies and Skyfolks!

We're excited to announce that the Skylords Reborn Team (represented by InsaneHawk and myself) will host a brand new, official stream in order to reveal some very important and big information for the foreseeable future of the project. We have been making massive amounts of progress in the past few weeks, and it has all been leading up to this moment, which is a major milestone before Open Beta, but more on that Wednesday! (Though we can assure you that a little hype is in order for everyone!)

We will be hosting an official stream on Wednesday the 5th of September on 20:30 CEST (18:30 UTC)
on our Twitch Channel, bringing you all some big and important news and updates!

Thank you all for your patience between our last announcement and this one. The upcoming stream will be one of the most exciting ones for us yet, so feel free to tune in and say hi! Can't make it to the stream? Don't fret! The entire stream will be available on our Twitch Channel's History.

See you soon, and may the Forge be with you! :mo:

Stipo12, Ficohaker, Navarr and 7 others like this
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I'm supper excited to see the stream, just love them and the facts of being able to see more of the game is amazing. Keep up the good work and in future we might all be able to see each other in game ^^

Edited by Ficohaker
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I am really excited as well, can't wait to see what new things you can tell us.

On a side note, the count down is wrong, it shows the time until Wednesday 20:30 UTC / 22:30 CEST not 18:30 UTC / 20:30 CEST, just to let you know. ;-)

Also, it's great to be back. I also just noticed that I joined exactly 2 years ago. What a coincidence. xD

Edited by Maze
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31 minutes ago, Maze said:

On a side note, the count down is wrong, it shows the time until Wednesday 20:30 UTC / 22:30 CEST not 18:30 UTC / 20:30 CEST, just to let you know. ;-)

Well spotted! I did set the location to Amsterdam (currently CEST), and then just copied the link. No idea it went to UTC instead!
Fixed ;)

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7 hours ago, Ultrakool said:
20 hours ago, Dawson said:

10$ says open beta date will be there.

Close, you got one word wrong ;) 

"Open beta date will be there"... I try not to be disappointed when it comes out, that you meant another word :D

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On 9/3/2018 at 6:30 PM, Luki said:

"Open beta date will be there"... I try not to be disappointed when it comes out, that you meant another word :D

Another possibility

“10$ says open beta date will be (announced) there” ;) 

(Don’t take this as official info please, I’m just fixing the English)

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