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About kggx

  • Birthday 07/10/1997

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    kgg_x #5888

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  1. Hello! First of all, I apologize for the clickbait title, but I believe this is a very important topic in our community. As we all know, BattleForge was shut down by EA in late 2013. While we were fortunate that dedicated people worked countless hours to bring it back, many other games are not as lucky. This is why Ross Scott started the "Stop Killing Games" campaign. Here’s a quick summary taken from their website: If you are interested in taking action, feel free to learn more at https://www.stopkillinggames.com/. Currently, there is an EU initiative (https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home) running until July 31, 2025. You must be a European citizen and meet the age requirements). It only takes 5 minutes to participate, and your voice can make a real impact! While you're at it, do share this with your friends and spread the word. Thank you! ~kggx / Kilian
  2. Great work getting new cards to work! 🚀 Really looking forward for all the stuff to come!
  3. Since I saw you're adding a marketing coordinator role I was wondering if you're planning to do some data analysis in the future on marketing data as well as player data? If you'll need some help with that, feel free to hit me up via pm!
  4. yes. However, always fairly limited on time kgg_x#5888 I mean the converter can produce quite good results if you don't want to include animations and obviously that is not needed for 3d print. However I have no time atm to dig in deeper or produce a version simple enough to use for the regular user. Either a one click exe or an fully fledged version with ui
  5. @Fat4life Here are the files you need. (different converting techniques, see what works best - also there is a standard and a damaged version [...s_0, ....s_2]) -> Can't upload here directly since it the file is too big, so Google Drive it is. For conversion to stl first thing in google: https://products.aspose.app/3d/conversion/gltf-to-stl
  6. @Fat4life: There are a dozen converters from .gltf/.glb to .stl^^ Since my script is in like pre-alpha state (should work fine for all meshes geometry but its user unfriendly), I'd suggest checking out solcrows app. It can export .drs (you need to unpack the files ) to .fbx however its one only model at a time. With the generated fbx you can use any fbx to stl converter. But I think he had issues with some models if I recall correctly. P.S.: I attached the a outcome of my script converted to stl using this converter https://products.aspose.app/3d/conversion/glb-to-stl unit_flamethrower_elemental.stl
  7. Again resurrecting the thread: Someone mailed me and I got into it again... I used some early stuff already done by others here in the thread and started working on a mass converter to GLTF (universal 3d file format). Early version up on Github but I'm able to convert the raw geometry to a GLTF: https://github.com/kggx/BattleForgeToDDCs
  8. @Linny I have no experience with 3D Print but I can give you the file ready to work on in blender or maya if you like
  9. my name + gg because my name was taken. Also I hate nicks and typing them so my new is kgg kinda the nick of my nick of my name. Also also sometimes I'm human-trash in games and speaking kgg in a special way results in "kagge" which is german urban-slang-ish word for a "mountain"
  10. PSA: If you cant connect -> Server is overloaded. Try again later and live your life. :bf:

  11. joining the train: "10$ says open beta date will be there postponed"
  12. SERVER: KubikServer NAME: Finishing the Tutorial Ends in Access Violation SEVERITY: 2 LOCATION: After completing the Tutorial and loading screen back to the Forge. REPRODUCIBILITY: Always DESCRIPTION: After finishing the Tutorial Map successfully and continue to the Forge a error message pops up displaying the text on the provided screenshot. Pressing "OK" result in a total lockup of the Game forcing the user to manually kill the process. SCREENSHOT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vxEXYeo_8AdUg-T9q6VN9xafP3hsngR2/view?usp=sharing VIDEO: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Iy6dQJM3fxoPg1D1NpJHjP-o27dDHHkL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Log File:
  13. Server: KubikServer Name: Selecting/Deselecting Unit after ALT + Tab results in DC Severity: 2 Location: Tutorial Map REPRODUCIBILITY: Haven't been able to reproduce the bug. Random. Description: I was playing the Tutorial Map and ALT + TAB to answer a message on Discord. After tabbing back into the Game I have selected a Unit to order a move command. After deselecting the Unit it seams I got disconnected by the Server. You can notice in the Video that the Units animations stopped at that point. I couldn't select nor do anything to quit the game forcing me to delete the task via Task Manager. Video (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CtQw71JhT6dTpFIBjXGgofOPEpeNZN7Z/view Aditional Information: After reading the _launcher.txt it seams I got disconnected due to a I/O Error with the Error Code: 10054 Log File:
  14. Sorry for bumping this old thread. I had some free time again and started again to convert the old models and textures to a modern shading format. I have made this little tool in Substance Designer to convert traditional textures (Diffuse,Normal,Spec) to modern PBR textures (Base Color, Normal , Metallic, Roughness, Ambient Occlusion). It is for sure not the perfect and automated results will not give you the perfect result but I think its less time consuming and less complex than editing every single texture in Photoshop. If you got questions feel free to ask^^ How does it work? Simply get Substance Player (Free on their website -> https://www.allegorithmic.com/buy/download (You need to create a account)) After installation, open my tool inside of Substance Player. Drag in the Textures on the "Place Bitmap here"-Area (_col is color, _nor = normal, _par = parameter) + Additionally you can import the .obj by draging it in the lower left area. Play with the Values untill you're happy. Press "Export as Bitmap" Specify Target Folder Specify Filename (I use this: *ObjectName*_%O) [%O = the maps will be named properly] Press Export and you have your PBR Textures BF_TradToPBR.sbsar
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