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Beta Tester
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Reputation Activity

  1. Deadman liked a status update by kggx, PSA: If you cant connect -> Server is overloaded. Try again later and live your li   
    PSA: If you cant connect -> Server is overloaded. Try again later and live your life. 
  2. kggx liked a status update by Plasi, How to get weekly top contributer in the week of realese: Step 1: Post garbage. It is   
    How to get weekly top contributer in the week of realese:
    Step 1: Post garbage. It is pretty efficient, if you criticize the reputation system.

    Step 2: Just get weekly top contributer.

    Optional Step 3: Thank the people, that made you weekly top contributer
    @Kimo @HeroPat @batorfly @n3tax @Washu @UniverseLegend @N0SKYO @BurningWorld and @Coldrhymezz
    Thank you. May god or whatever you believe in bless you.
    And until next time, where I show you how to get monthly top contributer.
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