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Quest & Achievement Suggestions - Megathread


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Is there a quest you really would like to have in the game? Well here is your chance on suggesting it and maybe the devs will implement it.

This thread's purpose is to collect all kinds of ideas for quests and achievements to help out the staff team with coming up with those and instead just picking the good/ best ones out of here.
Please try to not suggest ideas that are already on the list in some form (also include not suggesting numbers for a already existing quest).
Please note that i am not part of the staff and therefor can not guarantee that any of your suggestions will get implemented in any kind or form.

If you post your ideas here i will add them to the main post to the best of my abilities ;). The general ones i will post in a general form so they can be applied to every map/ difficulty in that way. Thanks in advance to all ideas mentioned.
Suggestion: General quests could be expanded to also include selected community maps.

General quests/achievements:

  1. Complete x map on standard/advanced(or higher)/ expert difficulty
  2. Reach x PvE/PvP rank
  3. Complete a 1/2/4/any rPvE map on x difficulty
  4. Play/Complete x games of PvP/ranked PvP
  5. Play x amount of time in a PvP/ranked PvP/PVE/rPVE/any match
  6. Complete the story around Rogan Kayle
  7. Complete the Story around Mo
  8. Complete every map on standard/advanced/expert difficulty
  9. Complete any map with only x cards in your deck on standard/advanced/expert difficulty
  10. Play/Complete x amounts of PvE/rPvE/PvP/ranked PvP games (on x difficulty- PvE only)
  11. Open all gold chests on x map on x difficulty
  12. Complete x map in under x minutes
  13. Complete a ranked PvP match in under x minutes (Countermeasure against instant leaves probably necassary)
  14. Complete x amounts of daily quests/achievements
  15. Open x amounts of gold chests/boosters total
  16. Complete a 2/4 player map solo on x difficulty
  17. Deal x amount of damage using spells/buildings/units (all time)
  18. Heal x amount of health (units only - no regenerating at nearby buildings/wells/monuments
  19. Built x amounts of orbs/power wells/ (killing and rebuilding orbs does not count)
  20. Use x card/any single card/any single card type(spells, buildings, units) x amounts of time
  21. Use (any) card abilities x amounts of times
  22. Kill x amounts of Lost Souls/Bandits/Stonekin/Twilight enemies
  23. Have 4 different orbs in a match
  24. Break x amounts of shields/ break shields with the HP value of y
  25. Reach the Unit limit with only small/flying/x unit(s)
  26. Don't let a single of your units in a match die
  27. Destroy an enemy structure with your own building
  28. Complete a map without spawning a ranged unit 
  29. Complete x map with only unit cards
  30. One Shot any Boss
  31. Hear "a monument is destroyed" x amounts of times
  32. Build x wells and/or y monuments
  33. Break the population/unit limit by at least x points
  34. Get 1000 power from your void within 3 seconds
  35. Control a single unit of s units for x seconds
  36. Complete x map without/only using fire/frost/nature/shadow (splashs included/splashs not included) on y difficulty -->(maybe 1 map for each orb)
  37. Play/Win a match with x differentt(unique) players
  38. Participate/Reach x rank in an "official" Skylords Reborn tournament (probably needs to be handed out manually)
  39. Use every card in your deck at least once in x amounts of matches
  40. Complete x amounts of matches playing with a friend
  41. Let a unit survive for at least 15 minutes
  42. Have no void power at any time in a match
  43. Complete a match without using any spells/buildings
  44. Complete any map without self-destructing a single unit or building


"Out of match" achievements:

  1. Clone x amounts of decks
  2. Add your own custommade map to Battleforge
  3. Win x amount of bid auctions
  4. Kill all AI creatures available in the forge at least once
  5. Upgrade x card(s) to rank 1/2/3 (with rarity common/uncommon/rare/ultra rare)
  6. Own x unique/every cards of y faction/edition/element /rarity/size/total
  7. Trade/Buy/Sell x amount of cards
  8. Upgrade x cards to UX
  9. Add x players to your friendlist
  10. Reach deck level x
  11. Buy x amounts of boosters
  12. Earn x amounts of BFP/gold with Quests/Achievements/Trading/any way
  13. Show a (single unique) deck to x persons
  14. Watch x amounts of different decks (from other players)


Specific quests/achievements:

I will try to seperate good ideas for endgame achievements beforehand in a 2nd list below. Please let me know if you agree with that kind of structuring and if you have a different opinion on how good those choices are. This is done simply for better visibility and a better overall structure as i a assume we will have quite a number of suggestions:

Ability/Card Specific Quests/Achievements

  1. Teleport a unit using a "tunnel" ability
  2. Travel through a Deepcoil Worm with another Deepcoil Worm
  3. Complete a level 1 battleground using only "snapjaws"
  4. "Freeze" x amounts of units in matches (Santa Reward?)
  5. Destroy x amount of buildings using a unit with the "siege ability"
  6. Absorb/Heal x amount using "Ashbone Pyro"
  7. Do x amount of damage using "x unit"
  8. Use a "revenants doom ability"
  9. Use a "transform ability"
  10. "Knock back" x amounts of unit
  11. Spawn more than x % of units within range of "Breeding Grounds"
  12. Have 12 "Lost Spirit Ships" spawned at the same time
  13. Have every dragon creature summoned at the same time (t4 only -- Fire Dragon, Lost Dragon, Giant Wyrm, Grim Bahir, Skycatcher)
  14. Have every Worm summoned at the same time (Fire Worm, Shadow Worm, Deepcoil Worm, Core Dredge)
  15. Use "Enlightenment" to build an "Ice Barrier"
  16. Grab a paralyzed target with a "Deep One"
  17. Summon "all legendary cards" in a match
  18. Make a "Shadow Phoenix" revive x times or more
  19. Build all 4 Affinity Crystals in 1 match
  20. Kill a Nightguard that was once yours with a Nox Trooper ability
  21. Deconstruct a unit that has more than 6k health (by using Wrathgazer, Grigori, Shadow Worm, etc)
  22. Destroy x units with a single Shadow Worm/Church of Negation
  23. Build a root network with at least x participants (units or buildings)
  24. Use a healing spell to revive at least x squad members at once
  25. Let a Tortugun eat x population or more in 1 match
  26. Destroy x or more buildings with a single Worldbreaker Gun shot
  27. Kill any Boss using only Termite Hills


(Map)specific quests/achievements

i will not specifically name the difficulty or the like on these achievements as they probably have to be manually chosen by the staff team, maybe in cooperation with the community to allow for enough achievements on each difficulty of play and to make them reasonable for the players that play on that level. These are supposed to be challenging not outright impossible for players of that skill level. The really hard ones  come down below ;).

  1. Complete "Introduction" without killing the Bandit Healer
  2. Complete "Introduction" without building t3 units
  3. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" by attacking the Twilight fortifications on x difficulty
  4. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" without a spirit reaching the Wrathgazer (was it called that?) on x difficulty
  5. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" by defending against the Twilight horde attacking on x difficulty
  6. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" and don't loose any units to the Wrathgazer on x difficulty
  7. Complete "Siege of Hope" without any defenders dying on x diffiuclty
  8. Complete "Siege of Hope"
  9. Complete "Defending Hope" without Rogan taking any damage on x difficulty
  10. Complete "The Soultree" without Moon getting under x % of health on x difficulty (no Amii-Monument)
  11. Complete "The Soultree" without any of the Lyrish Defenders die on x difficulty
  12. Complete "Mo" and kill the Commando Walker on x difficulty
  13. Complete "Mo" without any of the Banzai birds exploding
  14. Complete "Oracle" using all trick magic devices in Oracle correctly on the first try
  15. Complete "The Treasure Fleet" without losing a single Gold Wagon on x difficulty
  16. Complete "The Treasure Fleet" without opening a single Gold Chest
  17. Complete "Sunbridge" switching the gate in Sunbridge x amount of times on x difficulty
  18. Complete "Sunbridge" without loosing any units against Mora on x difficulty
  19. Complete "Convoy" without letting x amouns of Walkers die on y difficulty
  20. Complete "Convoy" without using the spell devices more than x times on y difficulty
  21. Complete "Nightmares End" without losing any of the nodes on x difficulty
  22. Complete "The Insane God" without letting any of the priests or temples take damage on x difficulty
  23. Complete "Bad Harvest" without the Gold Wagon taking any damage on x difficulty
  24. Complete "Titans" and save every single Prisoner on x difficulty
  25. Complete "Blight" killing the Ravenheart in under x seconds on x difficulty
  26. Complete "Blight" without failing to destroy a bandit camp in time on x difficulty
  27. Complete "Empire" killing Brannoc in x amount of time on x difficulty
  28. Complete "The Ravens End" killing at least x amounts of Raven Scoutships on x difficulty
  29. Complete "Guns of Lyr" without Rogans Stronghold taking any damage on x difficulty
  30. Complete "The Dwarven Riddle" without using the Fire Altar on x difficulty
  31. Complete a "Battleground difficulty 5" only using Manawing and Deathglider
  32. Complete a "PvP ranked match" going t3 before your opponent builds a second monument
  33. Kill a Promo unit with a Promo unit in a "PvP ranked match"
  34. Kill an XL unit with a S unit in a "PvP ranked match"
  35. Kill x amounts of frozen units in "PvP matches"
  36. Win a match with someone x PvP ranks lower than you in a "PvP Match" (same team)
  37. Complete a "Battleground" match on every difficulty
  38. Complete a "usergenerated map" on x difficulty


Endgame, (map)specific quests/achievements:
Some of these probably need some testing if at all possible (I will mark the ones i think might prove difficult to achieve or have outright no clue if possible for testing by making them yellow coloured. If you have already completed such feats in the original game or know that they are possible let me know and i will make sure they are no longer coloured).

  1. Complete "Mo" without Mo ever getting under x% (maybe 90%/95%/99%?) of HP on expert difficulty
  2. Complete "Crusade" without using the teleporters on expert difficulty
  3. Complete "Crusade" without building any walls on expert difficulty
  4. Complete "Sunbridge" without using the Amii-Portal-Switches on expert difficulty
  5. Complete "Slavemaster" without using the Firetrap on expert difficulty
  6. Complete "Bad Harvest" without building any walls on expert difficulty
  7. Complete "King of the Giants" without Rogan Kayle taking any damage on expert difficulty
  8. Complete "Dwarven Riddle" solo without building any buildings (including walls) on expert difficulty
  9. Complete "The Dwarven Riddle" killing all crystals within 3 minutes after destroying the first one on expert difficulty
  10. Complete "Guns of Lyr" solo without building any buildings (including walls) on expert difficulty
  11. Complete any 2 Player map solo using the tutorial deck on expert difficulty
  12. Complete a 12 Player map with only on person on each map and without using any spells on expert difficulty
  13. Complete all PVE maps in under 6 hours on expert difficulty (adding the all-time speedrun rankings of all time together (no rPvE) results in about 5 hours and 20-25 minutes --> 6 hours should be possible but still be a challenge even for most if not all speedrunners) --> can this even be tracked?
  14. Complete a "solo lvl 10 Battleground match" with only 2 monuments build total
  15. Own every card at least once ( (not) including promos?)
  16. Have every card fully upgraded (U3 + fully charged)
  17. Complete 1P rPvE at lvl x in under y minutes
  18. Complete 2P rPvE at lvl x in under y minutes
  19. Complete 4P rPvE in under 10 minutes 30 seconds on difficulty 9
  20. Complete 4P rPvE in under 13 minutes 30 seconds on difficulty 10
  21. Own x amount of gold
  22. Complete x amounts of "PvP ranked matches" in a row
  23. Reach Top 3 in either ranked PVP 1v1 or 2v2
  24. Reach Top 1 on any Map of the month ranking (not including maps with fixed times: F.e. Siege of Hope)
  25. Use every card at least once in a match (all time)
  26. Complete all 2 and 4 Player maps solo on expert difficulty
  27. Complete any map with maximal 4(?) cards solo on expert difficulty




Added a "Ability/ Card specific" list for a better structure.

Added @Eddio's suggestions (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/4166-quest-achievement-suggestions/&do=findComment&comment=70866)


Added @Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s suggestions (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/4166-quest-achievement-suggestions/&do=findComment&comment=70893)

Added @LetsEinfallslos002's thread (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/1948-achievements-for-bfr/&tab=comments#comment-40340)

--> Does not include the "Kill x amount of units with y" or "Control x amount of units with y card" quests/achievements as those can be done for every card and would therefor make the list even more unreadable as it already is


Added @Navarr's suggestions (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/4166-quest-achievement-suggestions/&do=findComment&comment=70938)

Added @Smok's suggestions (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/4166-quest-achievement-suggestions/&do=findComment&comment=70959)

Added @MephistoRoss's thread (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/704-ideas-for-daily-quests/&)

Adeed achievement category "out of match" (should be rather self explanatory, but here you get anything that is about trading and forge activities and really anything that is not directly reached in a match)


Added @Kiwi's thread (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/2737-quest-suggestions/&)

Added some more own map specific and end game specific quests


Added @Navarr's post (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/4166-quest-achievement-suggestions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=71129)

Added some more own quests


Added @Karl Lavafeld's post in form of a suggestion/hint in the thread introduction (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/4166-quest-achievement-suggestions-megathread/&do=findComment&comment=76186)

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5 hours ago, Treim said:

This thread's purpose is to collect all kinds of ideas for quests and achievements to help out the staff team with coming up with those and instead just picking the good/ best ones out of here.

If you post your ideas here i will add them to the main post to the best of my abilities ;). The general ones i will post in a general form so they can be applied to every map/ difficulty in that way. Thanks in advance to all ideas mentioned.

General quests/achievements:

  1. Complete x map on standard/advanced/ expert difficulty
  2. Complete a 1/2/4/any rPvE map on x difficulty
  3. Win/Play x games of PvP/ranked PvP
  4. Play x amount of time in a PvP/ranked PvP/PVE/rPVE/any match
  5. Complete every map on standard/advanced/expert difficulty
  6. Complete the story around Rogan Kayle
  7. Complete the Story around Mo
  8. Reach x PvE/PvP rank
  9. Play/Win x amounts of PvE/rPvE/PvP/ranked PvP games (on x difficulty- PvE only)
  10. Open all gold chests on x map on x difficulty
  11. Win x map in under x minutes
  12. win a ranked PvP match in under x minutes (Countermeasure against instant leaves probably necassary)
  13. Complete x amounts of daily quests/achievements
  14. Upgrade x cards to UX
  15. Open x amounts of gold chests total


Specific quests/achievements:

I will try to seperate good ideas for endgame achievements beforehand in a 2nd list below. Please let me know if you agree with that kind of structuring and if you have a different opinion on how good those choices are. This is done simply for better visibility and a better overall structure as i a assume we will have quite a number of suggestions:

(Map)specific quests/achievements

i will not specifically name the difficulty or the like on these achievements as they probably have to be manually chosen by the staff team, maybe in cooperation with the community to allow for enough achievements on each difficulty of play and to make them reasonable for the players that play on that level. These are supposed to be challenging not outright impossible for players of that skill level. The really hard ones  come down below ;).

  1. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" by attacking the Twilight fortifications on x difficulty
  2. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" without a spirit reaching the Wrathgazer (was it called that?) on x difficulty
  3. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" by defending against the Twilight horde attacking on x difficulty
  4. Complete "Mo" and kill the Commando Walker on x difficulty
  5. Complete "Titans" and free every single Prisoner on x difficulty
  6. Complete "the Treasure Fleet" without losing a single Gold Wagon on x difficulty
  7. Complete "Bad Harvest" without the Gold Wagon taking any damage on x difficulty


Endgame, (map)specific quests/achievements:
Some of these probably need some testing if at all possible (I will mark the ones i think might prove difficult to achieve or have outright no clue if possible for testing by making them yellow coloured. If you have already completed such feats in the original game or know that they are possible let me know and i will make sure they are no longer coloured).

  1. Complete "King of the Giants" without Rogan Kayle taking any damage on expert difficulty
  2. Complete "Slavemaster" without using the Firetrap on expert difficulty
  3. Complete "Mo" without Mo ever getting under x% (maybe 90%/95%/99%?) of HP on expert difficulty
  4. Complete "Sunbridge" without using the Amii-Portal-Switches on expert difficulty
  5. Complete "Crusade" without using the teleporters on expert difficulty
  6. Complete "Crusade" without building any walls on expert difficulty
  7. Complete "Bad Harvest" without building any walls on expert difficulty
  8. Own every card at least once ( (not) including promos?)
  9. Have every card fully upgraded (U3 + fully charged)
  10. Reach Top 3 in either ranked PVP 1v1 or 2v2
  11. Reach Top 1 on any Map of the month ranking (not including maps with fixed times: F.e. Siege of Hope)


Is there a too long didn't read edition aswell? :kappa:

Jk nice that you took so much time for this post and ideas :)<3 

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43 minutes ago, BurningWorld said:

Is there a too long didn't read edition aswell? :kappa:

Jk nice that you took so much time for this post and ideas :)<3 

Honestly that took me like 15 minutes and its just the beginning if at all a beginning?

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8 minutes ago, Aviat0r said:

I like this. However I think that implementing all those achievements is quite a lot of work.

But keep going. I read some really cool things so far. Maybe we can really implement them in the future.

I think having too many is better than too few. There is bound to be some really good ideas and this will enable you guys to pick the best and feasible ones out of the many suggestions. Also adding some later on might be an option. Especially the endgame ones can probably always be implemented later on as a challenge towards the players. Glad you like it so far. I will try to collect all kinds of ideas out of every thread and conversation on this forum - that might take a while though.

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I wrote a couple though some might overlap with what was already said. :p 

General quests/achievements:
1. Beat a 2p map solo on x difficulty
2. Beat a 4p map solo x difficulty
3. Beat x map without using any 4 orb cards
4. Do x amount of damage using spells
5. Do x amount of damage using buildings
6. Do x amount of damage using monsters
7. Heal x amount of health to monsters
8. Get the daily reward x ammount of times
9. Beat x amount of enemys with boss afinities 
10. Build x amount of orbs 
11. Build x amount of power wells
12. Place x amount of a specific card
13. Use monster abilities x amount of times
14. Kill an XL unit using a small unit
15. Destroy x amount of shields
16. Kill x amount of Twilight/Bandit/Lost Soul units
17. Use a revenant doom ability
18. Use a transform ability
19. Gather x amount of power in x map
20. In pvp kill a promo unit using a promo unit
21. In pvp go to t3 before your opponent builds a second monument
22. Do x amount of damage using x unit
23. Absorb x amount of damage using Ashbone Pyro
24. Destroy x amount of buildings using a unit with the siege ability
25. Freeze 100,500,1000 units in matches (could be a nice excuse to give santa clause as an reward :p)
26. Buy 100 cards in the marketplace
27. Sell 100 cards in the marketplace
28. Win a level 1 battlegrounds using only snapjaws
29. Teleport a unit using a tunnel ability
30. Use all Trick magic devices in Oracle correctly on the first time
31. Open x amount of boosters
32. Knock back 100/500/1000 units
33. Have 4 orbs with different elements in a pve match
34. Trade 100 cards

(Map)specific quests/achievements:
1. Switch the gate in Sunbridge shrine x ammount of times
2. Win Guns of Lyr without any damage on the Rogans Stronghold
3. Win the Dwarven Riddle without using the fire altar
4. Win defending Hope without Rogan taking any damage
5. Win the Soultree without Moon health getting under 50%
6. Win Convoy without letting x ammount of walkers die
7. Win Siege of Hope without letting any of the humans die
8. Save all humans in Titans
9. Win the Insane god without letting any of the priest or temples take damage
10. Defeat Mo without any of the banzai birds exploding
11. Win Nightmares end without losing any of the magic nodes
12. Defeat the Red King in under 3 minutes after the battle starts
13. In Blight defeat the ravenheart in under 15 seconds
14. Destroy 10 Raven Scoutships in Raven's end
15. Don't use the spell device more than 10 times in Convoy
16. Win Soultree without letting any of the Lyrish Defenders die

Endgame, (map)specific quests/achievements:
1. Win any 2p expert map solo using the tutorial deck
2. Win a 12p map expert with only one persons on each map and without using any spells
3. Beat Guns of Lyr/Dwarven Riddle on expert solo without building any buildings(including walls)
4. Beat lvl 10 battlegrounds solo without going higher than the second orb
5. Beat all pve maps in under 3 hours
6. Have 100k gold 
7. Win 50 pvp matches in a row
8. Destroy all 8 crystals within 3 minutes after destroying the first one in Dwarven Riddle expert solo

Edited by Eddio
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I was thinking about adding a list (or some other way to mark them) of quests/achievements that are probably pretty easy to abuse which should be taken into account when and if those get into the game.

@Eddioadded your suggestions in some form or way, thanks for making them.

The ideas from the threads i will do later - i didnt forget them!


Edited by Treim
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Names for some achievements:

From eddios comment
14. Kill an XL unit using a small unit - David vs Goliath

20. In pvp kill a promo unit using a promo unit - Pro-tastic fight

21. In pvp go to t3 before your opponent builds a second monument - twice as fast

15. Destroy x amount of shields - Shield Breaker

25. Freeze 100,500,1000 units in matches (could be a nice excuse to give santa clause as an reward :p) - nerves of ice

27. Sell 100 cards in the marketplace - Money Maker

28. Win a level 1 battlegrounds using only snapjaws - impossible you lied.

31. Open x amount of boosters - getting quiet boosted

33. Have 4 orbs with different elements in a pve match - Rainbownation

11. Build x amount of power wells - Welltastic ( i dont know this one realy, i wanted to do something with FLOWING or something(give me tipps))

10. Build x amount of orbs  - Orbsolut Power

3. Beat x map without using any 4 orb cards - Who needs them anyways

From Treim:

1. Complete the Story around Mo - Mo's little adventure

2. Complete the story around Rogan Kayle -  idk

3. Complete every map on standard/advanced/expert difficulty - a unexpected adventure

4. Use a transform ability - *Transformation complete*

5. Open x amounts of gold chests/boosters total - Treasure Hunter ( i would prefere chests for that name)

6. Complete a 2/4 player map solo on x difficulty - 1 man is enough 

From Chimaka:

1. Spawn most of your units within Breeding Grounds' range (80% of them; or maybe all t2,t3 and t4 units, besides t1). - quantity over quality

More probably comming soon.









Edited by jokersjokes
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Here are Some real achievements as i see them ^^:

Map Specific ones:
1. Complete "Encounters with Twilight" without giving up any of your units to the Twilight Wrathgazer. (aka kill him faster than he kills one of your units). - name: "Not on my watch"
2. Do not open any chest at the Treasure Fleet map. - name: " Real 'Treasure' "

General ones:
1. Spawn most of your units within Breeding Grounds' range (80% of them; or maybe all t2,t3 and t4 units, besides t1).
2. Make a limit out of only Small squads. - name: "Batallion"
3. Make a limit out of only Flying units (not hovering on the ground, but flying). - name: "Squadron"
4. Make a limit out of only one particular unit. - name: "and my name is Legion"
5. Kill all the frozen units before they unfreeze (number of frozen targets must be maximum possible for the spell; the one who kills must be the one who spelled). P.S. not really sure, but we can make similar achievements for Paralize, Curse of Oink, "Sleep well" ability of the Swamp Drake. - name (particular): "Brittle steel"
6. Don't lose any of your spawned units in the match anyhow. - name: "Purple heart"
7. Destroy an enemy's building/structure with your own building. - name: "Sabotage" (not sure about it tho)
8. Complete a map without spawning any ranged unit. P.S. I have no idea which map it can be, can be even PvP or rPvE. - name: "Close Quarters"
9. Win Solo rPvE at 8/9/10th difficulty and have 5/10/15/20 spare minutes left. P.S. each difficulty lvl goes with each time: Win solo rPvE at 8th difficulty and have 20 spare minutes left. - name: "A time for cup of tea"

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1. Finish any map with only Horse Units. - name: "A Burning World" 


Sorry this joke was in my head since yesterday I had to post it otherwise I would've been crazy. 

Also well done guys your quests and achievements look very nice all of them!!! :-) <3 

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Will try to do the last thread in the next few days and then keep thinking about interesting achievements myself. Any more ideas are welcome.

100 points on this list already :o

Edited by Treim
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Don’t you maybe wanna Open this up for the public? It might be something fun for them to contribute towards while waiting for OBT.

(haven’t discussed with the team purely my own opinion)

Also I’m not sure if you did check out there has been many threads about quests/achievements maybe you’ll find some ideas there

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1 hour ago, Ultrakool said:

Don’t you maybe wanna Open this up for the public? It might be something fun for them to contribute towards while waiting for OBT.

I asked the same in discord. And the answer was that, there are many of those threads / topics already open for everyone, and they contribute their ideas there. Something like that ^.^

EDIT: I still also think this should go to the public area tbh :-)

Edited by BurningWorld
See the EDIT: part :P
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17 hours ago, Ultrakool said:

Don’t you maybe wanna Open this up for the public? It might be something fun for them to contribute towards while waiting for OBT.

(haven’t discussed with the team purely my own opinion)

Also I’m not sure if you did check out there has been many threads about quests/achievements maybe you’ll find some ideas there

Yeah i know there are  abunch of thread out there and i am definetly thinking about asking to make this thread public HOWEVER i want to first collect most ideas out of the multiple threads about this topic to have them centered in one. As that is a bit of work in itself i didnt want to have to deal with possible suggestions that are already existing. Also i would definetly have to postpone either collecting all the ideas from other threads or the stuff in this thread due to a lack of available time to me at the moment.
Once i think i got most of the stuff from other threads i will probably to have this thread moved. Until then I'd like to have it be as is. :)

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Ability/Card Specific:

- Destroy 5 or more buildings with a single Worldbreaker Gun shot

- Destroy 5 or more buildings using a Stampede ability

- Kill a Boss using only Termite Hills

- Kill 3 enemy units with an enemy unit (by using Amazon, Parasite Swarm etc)

- Let a Tortugun eat 120 population or more in 1 match

- Get 1000 power from your void within 3 seconds

- Decompose units worth 666 power with a single Decomposer

- Use Phase Tower abilty while there is a Bandit Sorceress inside

- Use a healing spell to revive at least 35 squad members at once

- Have at least 10 units/towers connected via root network

- Travel through a Deepcoil Worm with another Deepcoil Worm

- Deconstruct a unit that has more than 6k health (by using Wrathgazer, Grigori, Shadow Worm, etc)

- Break the population limit

- Kill a Nightguard that was once yours with a Nox Trooper ability

- Build all 4 Affinity Crystals in 1 match

- Complete a difficulty 5 BG only using Manawing and Deathglider

- Kill 3 Skyfire Drakes with an Eruption

- Make a Shadow Phoenix come back 10 times or more

- Summon all legendary cards in 1 match

- Kill at least 5 units while playing an Aura of Corruption into another Aura of Corruption

- Grab a paralyzed target with a Deep One

- Use Enlightenment to build an Ice Barrier

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- Controll single guy of S unit for x secounds "Last man standing"

- Copy someones deck "You made this? I made this"

- Have x more power wells than your opponent in PVP match "OverWELLming"

- Win a pvp game as Bandits


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Sorry for this taking so long. I am still reading all your suggestions but i am a little bit busy at the moment hence the delayed update. I will try to search the forums in the next few days for other threads regarding this topic and then decided what to do with this thread afterwards.

Also feel free to post more ideas. I am definetly adding them weren't they mentioned before or are probably kill x units type things ;)

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I can't find any more suggestion threads and doubt there is much to find here that isn't on the list already, so  I think this thread can be made public for the community. I would like to ask a Moderator to do just that. I think the suggestion sub forum is fitting.

@MephistoRoss @Ultrakool @Kiwi

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Just something in general here: What about creating quests around some of the community maps? I think, that some of them are very well done and fun to play. I always had no motivation going through these maps in detail though, because they didn't give any rewards. Changing this would be a nice addition for the entire PvE section in my opinion. 

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