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  1. Aside from the 600ms latency and losing connection after finishing the first mission and not being able to get back in, I'd say it works okay. Certainly nothing like what you described. Have you tried updating drivers? Or perhaps the classic "turn the device off and back on"?
  2. PROMO INFECT! It could make the bugs gold! That would be cool... ...Or Promo LionDuck
  3. Promo Shadow Worm! I love that little wormy. QuackQuack
  4. I am a genetically engineered Lion/Duck hybrid. FEAR ME!
  5. [quote='Eirias' pid='11623' dateline='1438383802'] [quote='TheLionDuck' pid='11582' dateline='1438378408'] It's a nice guide, but I believe the best decks will come from people just messing with their cards until they get something that works for them. Sure you can take somebody else's idea, and that is usually a good way to start, but then your deck won't be any better than theirs. If you want the one deck to rule them all then I would suggest you just play and whenever you are in a situation where you just think "wow, (insert card name here) would be really good for this" add the card to your deck after your inevitable defeat. :P Also, if you find that you have cards in your deck that you never really use, then just keep replacing them until you have no waste left in your deck. Again, it's a nice guide, but I would suggest people also try their own ideas for the best chance of success. [/quote] That was sort of the point of this guide. It it's a "hey here are some deck-building principles to keep in mind so you have the freedom to make your own, rather than just copying someone else." [/quote] Yeah, but statements like "[color=#595959][font=Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif][b][size=medium][font='Times New Roman', serif]Suppression, Blaster Cannon, and Other Nonsense:[/font][/size][/b][/font][/color][color=#595959][font=Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif][font='Times New Roman', serif][size=medium] Completely useless. There are no other fire t1 cards even worth considering." [/size][/font][/font][/color]are simply not true. I noticed throughout the guide you said some cards you have to use and others you should never consider, and while they may not be the norm and at times they might not be all that useful, I have seen most cards used very effectively (except girl power, nobody has ever done any good with that card :P ). I have also seen the really popular (and blatantly op) cards used really stupidly and essentially wasted. That's why i generally consider every card to be useful, because with the right strategy and deck comp they really can be. Also, for those who actually want to have fun playing the game, don't just stick with the same thing every game, even if it does work. That's really boring and also kinda sad. Remember that this is a rather small community, so if you keep doing the same thing, people will figured it out and counter it hard when they play against you again. If you are always improving your strategy then it will be very difficult for them to do so.
  6. It's a nice guide, but I believe the best decks will come from people just messing with their cards until they get something that works for them. Sure you can take somebody else's idea, and that is usually a good way to start, but then your deck won't be any better than theirs. If you want the one deck to rule them all then I would suggest you just play and whenever you are in a situation where you just think "wow, (insert card name here) would be really good for this" add the card to your deck after your inevitable defeat. :P Also, if you find that you have cards in your deck that you never really use, then just keep replacing them until you have no waste left in your deck. Again, it's a nice guide, but I would suggest people also try their own ideas for the best chance of success.
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