Majora Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 Greetings Skylords! We are very excited to tell you about our newest patch. Welcome to this special Community Update! • Patch Release We are currently hard at work finalizing the upcoming patch, which is planned for release later this weekend. We do not have a specific time yet, but we expect the patch to hit the live servers this Sunday. We have also created a special video for this patch, be sure to check it out! In this community update, we will show some of the changes that will be included in this patch. For a full list of changes, please check out the patch notes, as there are many changes not mentioned here. If you start the game after the patch has released, you will be greeted by a new loading screen. This is a combination of the wallpapers drawn by our former artist Nano, and additions and alterations by Tweeto. We hope you notice all the attention to detail and love they poured into it! • New Cards We are excited that you will finally get your hands on the cards we have been working on for the past months. With this patch, three new cards will be added to the game: Wasteland Terror Wasteland Terror is finally here! This awesome Bandit-take on the dragon model fires streams of sand that will lay waste to your enemies. This card has been long in the making, check out the original announcement for an overview of its abilities. Transcendence Transcendence is our first Amii spell, and provides a powerful buff or debuff as long as you keep its target alive, rewarding careful management of the fight. Check out the original announcement for more information. Burning Spears Burning Spears joins the Fire faction to battle an age-old weakness of its pure deck: L and XL units in the early game. Check out the original announcement, for more information and an artwork spotlight. • New Promo Card: Mana Wing Alongside our new cards, we have also added a new promo card to the game. Every player will be able to get a promo Mana Wing by completing the new achievement "A Force of Nature". The promo will not be available in boosters, but it will be trade-able. • New Achievements This patch will add 18 new achievements into the game. Those are aimed at improving the new player experience, while also giving our more veteran players something to work towards. Please note that if you have beaten specific maps previously, they do not count towards these new achievements. [ Infinitely Scaling Achievement ] Reborn in Fire [1 Mini-booster] Reforge Cards (Unlocks every 20 reforges, scales infinitely) [ Beginner Achievements ] Just a Story [1 Twilight booster] Complete Viridya and Brannoc's story on standard difficulty or higher (Encounters, Siege of Hope, Defending Hope, Soultree, Crusade, Sunbridge, King of the Giants, Titans, Ascension) The Most Dangerous Game [1 Bandits booster] Complete Mo's story on standard difficulty or higher {Mo, Ocean, Oracle, Slave Master, Convoy, Blight, Raven's End, Empire) A Debt Unpaid [20,000 gold] Complete the story related to the Treasure Fleet on advanced difficulty or higher. (Bad Harvest, Treasure Fleet, Mo, Blight, Slave Master, Convoy) A Mile in His Shoes [2 Stonekin boosters] Complete Rogan's story on advanced difficulty or higher (Encounters, Siege of Hope, Defending Hope, Crusade, King of the Giants, Titans, Dwarven Riddle, Guns of Lyr, Empire) A Wrinkle in Time [250 bfp] Win the 4-player map Empire spawning at least 5 different Lost Souls cards from a deck containing only frost, shadow, and Lost Souls cards. Godslayer [250 bfp] Win the 2-player maps Sunbridge and Insane God on any difficulty. Apprentice [1 booster] Win 20 randomly generated PvE matches of difficulty 5 or higher. [ Veteran PvE Achievements ] The Road Not Taken [3 boosters] Win 20 randomly generated PvE matches of difficulty 9 or higher. Turn Back All Ye Who Enter Here [6 boosters] Win 20 randomly generated PvE matches of difficulty 10. Nevermore [2 Bandit boosters] Complete Blight's story on expert difficulty (Blight, Raven's End, Slave Master, Ocean, and Oracle) Make it Double [2 Amii boosters] Complete all 2-player maps on expert difficulty. (Crusade, Sunbridge, Nightmare Shard, Nightmare's End, The Insane God, Slave Master and Convoy) Never Thought of Him [100,000 gold] Complete the story of Mo becoming the new king of the fire tribes on expert difficulty with all players in the map using decks containing only Fire cards. (Mo, Ocean, Oracle, Slave Master, Convoy, and Raven's End) The Long Journey Home [2 Frost boosters] Complete the story re-establishing the Kingdom of Lyr on expert difficulty using decks containing only frost cards. (Encounters with Twilight, Siege of Hope, Defending Hope, Bad Harvest, Dwarven Riddle, and Guns of Lyr) Not Even My Final Form [Rogan Kayle Card] Win the 1-player map Encounters with Twilight on expert difficulty without using T3 or T4 cards. Forest for the Tree [Viridya Card] Complete the 1-player map The Soultree on expert difficulty using only Nature cards from T1 and T2. A City Strongly Compact [Stronghold Card] Win the 1-player map Defending Hope on expert difficulty with a deck containing only spell and building cards. A Force of Nature [Promo Mana Wing] Complete all 1-player and 2-player scenarios on expert difficulty with all players in your team using decks containing only Nature cards. • Map Changes Campaign Maps We have made adjustments to a couple of campaign maps. These changes include standardizing gold chests (adding or removing them on maps that break the standard) and adding extra power wells or additional capacity of current wells to improve the early game of maps like Nightmare Shard and The Dwarven Riddle. For a full list of changes, please reference the patch notes. Rebalanced 2vs2 Maps The rebalanced 2vs2 maps can now be played on the live server. Changes include removal (or adjustments) of walls, wells, slight changes to the layout, and making certain areas immovable for flying units. This should result in a better play experience and more balanced maps. These maps also have observer versions, and we have updated the minimaps to be accurate. • PvP changes We have implemented multiple changes that should make playing PvP easier and more rewarding. If you need any help to get started, remember that you have access to free and fully upgraded PvP decks, and we have a great guide available, written by top players. The following changes have been made: New Player Protection To protect new players from facing top players when they are just getting started in ranked play, it is no longer possible to get matched with players with a base ELO above 135.000, if your own base ELO is below 102.000. Made Player Names Anonymous To prevent players from dodging bad match-ups, player names have been anonymized in the ranked lobby. This does not affect the sparring lobbies. Losses Are Now Hidden It has been proven in other competitive games that showing losses on the ranked ladder results in demotivation and higher entry barriers. We have therefore removed losses from the ladder. The information is still accessible on your profile if you so desire. Updates To The Free PvP Decks We have made some changes to the cards contained in the free PvP decks to compete with the new meta. If we made updates to the free PvP decks you have currently selected, you will now have the option to either swap to the new cards, or keep your current set up. Changes have been made to Pure Nature (Parasite over Shrine of Memory), Twilight (Twilight Minions over Ghost Spears), Pure Shadow (Executor over Nightguard) and Pure Fire (Burning Spears over Scorched Earth). Improved Rewards We have removed the gold penalty that was currently active for playing sparring games. Quests that require you to play 2vs2 games, now also count 3vs3 games for completion. We have also allowed you to drain the reserve while looking for a match. If you queue for at least 5 minutes, even if you don't find an opponent, you will earn BFP as if you were ingame, meaning you get BFP not just for playing, but also while searching for matches. Happy Hours Happy Hours are specific time periods where players will receive additional gold and BFP for playing PvP. During Happy Hours, there will be an in-game announcement and the icon on the world map will indicate Happy Hours are active. Happy Hours will take place during the following times: - 1vs1 happy hours: 7pm-9pm CET - 2vs2 happy hours: 9pm-10pm CET - 1vs1 happy hours: 4am-5am CET By clustering players together during certain time frames, players will have an easier time finding matches more frequently. • rPvE Fire Balance Changes We have rolled out some balance adjustments to the fire faction for rPvE. The Fire faction in rPvE can be extremely strong, but due to its high attack and low defense, it is extra vulnerable to Crowd Control spells. We tried to counter this weakness with a brand-new building that removes Crowd Control effects from nearby units. Some major enemy damage dealers have been rebalanced, which should result in an improved experience for all skill levels. For more information on exactly what was changed, please reference the patch notes. We have also expanded the wiki to contain information regarding the various bosses you might encounter. • Balance Changes This patch also contains rebalancing of over 40 cards, with a large focus on Nature cards. These changes follow the mindset written out in our Nature Deep Dive. While already a great step forward, our work on (Pure) Nature is not yet finished, with some of the more complicated changes (f.e. Abyssal Warder and Grove Spirit) still being worked on. Regardless, these changes should have a positive impact on the faction. Players will enjoy seeing a Forest Elder on the battlefield, since the card now has a mobile Breeding Grounds effect, reducing the cost of friendly units spawned by its side. Promise of Life has gone down a tier, now requiring only 3 Nature orbs, while Shrine of Memory has gone up a tier, now costing 2 Nature + 1 Neutral orb but increasing its effect greatly. These are just a couple of examples from the many changes that will be included. You will be able to check out all the details in the patch notes soon. • Tournaments / Events • NEW - Official PvE Contest #6: The Soultree Faction Battle - Until 19.06.2022 In this event, you can show off how much you like your favorite faction. Beat the single player map 'The Soultree' on advanced difficulty using only mixed-colored units and buildings! The event will start after the new patch is live. More information. • NEW - Skylords Battleship Kahoot Quiz - June 12th 2022 16:00 CEST Dallarian and Volin are hosting a Skylords Reborn knowledge quiz! The quiz will be streamed on Twitch and use Kahoot, which is easy to access by phone or PC. There are a ton of prizes up for grabs, so the majority of players should win something. More information. • NEW - The Skylords Open #15 - June 19th 2022 - 14:00 CEST The new balance changes and addition of Burning Spears should shake up the PvP meta, so what better time to host another Skylords Open? This 1vs1 tournament is open for all players, and will be streamed live on Twitch. If possible, please sign-up in advance. More Information. • FINISHED - CCC #5 - Prophecy, Prophecy, PROPHECYYY! Kapo hosted another successful Crappy Community Contest© on an altered Oracle map. Players had access to 16 orbs and 10.000 power to beat the map as fast as possible. As with all CCC, the more players attend, the better the prizes are, resulting in a free booster for the whole community. View the event and the code. • FINISHED - Skylords Bounty: Spring Forge A Skylords Bounty is an open-source task for the community to create something needed in one of the departments of Skylords Reborn. For this Bounty, we asked the community to help us create a spring-themed Forge. We got multiple submissions, and will now work together with the most promising candidate. Every serious attempt will also be rewarded with a Nature booster. If you participated, you will hear from us in the coming week. • Host your own tournament / event Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizers Hiko and/or Metagross to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. • Team Changes Hirooo has joined our team as Faction Designer / Balance Developer. He has already been helping us a lot with testing and balancing PvP, so we are happy to welcome him to our team! Sadly, MarcoMaar (UI Developer) and RookieN (Map Designer) will leave the team due to long inactivity. We do want to thank them for their contribution to the project! • Contribute To Skylords Reborn We are currently looking for more people to help us create new content. Many upcoming features are on hold or take a long time due to a lack of volunteers, so we encourage you to take a look at our open positions. For example, we are looking for a Map Artist to help us with Defense rPvE, and a Map Designer to work on creating new Campaign Maps. And we could always use more developers to improve the game in general. If you want to help with creating new cards, we encourage you to consider our Artist and Balance Developer roles. We can always use more people in those departments to speed up progress. Adding voice lines to our new cards is currently on hold due to us missing an Audio Editor. We would also like to improve our marketing; you can help out as a Marketeer, but also a Video Editor, creating short card reveal videos and exciting trailers would be greatly appreciated. If you don't want to join the staff, you can still help with proofreading, testing our maps or creating a community event. • In Conclusion We really hope you will enjoy our latest patch "Force of Nature"! To celebrate the release, and to help you out with your Nature decks, we have a special scratch code for you. This code will reward you with two Nature boosters! SOIL-ROOT-TREE-LEAF Feel free to share this code, but please do so by pointing players towards the Community Update instead of sharing the code itself. The code is valid until July 1st, when we will bring you our next Community Update. Going forward, we will bring you these Community Updates monthly, on the first day of every month. What changes are you most excited for? What decks will you build around the new cards? We would love to hear in the comments! Archive • Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide) • Overview Community Updates • Community Update #23 Zyna, Ggoblin, Tanktiger and 19 others like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dutchy Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Majora said: We are currently hard at work finalizing the upcoming patch, which is planned for release later this weekend. We do not have a specific time yet, but we expect the patch to hit the live servers this Sunday. We have also created a special video for this patch, which we will release alongside it. I am really hyped for that video! Toggy, Majora, FriendlyFirefly and 2 others like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dallarian Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 I can't wait to put my hands on new Mana Wing, it's absolutely beautufil! And hopefully it will be easier now to complete the PvP quests and drain daily reserve thanks to all the improvements. All aboard the hype train! Majora likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majora Posted June 4, 2022 Author Share Posted June 4, 2022 2 minutes ago, Dutchy said: I am really hyped for that video! You should be, some awesome people worked on it 😛 Kapo and Dutchy like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metanolo Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 Nicely done! The Wastelad Terror looks pretty cool 😁 I really like everything you did here, but not the promo mana wing achievement. I think it's a game changer card and it should not be obtained so easily. Majora likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zeroo Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 This update looks awesome. Supper hype. Majora likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venomlord Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 Nice, looking forward to it. Majora likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majora Posted June 4, 2022 Author Share Posted June 4, 2022 1 hour ago, Metanolo said: Nicely done! The Wastelad Terror looks pretty cool 😁 I really like everything you did here, but not the promo mana wing achievement. I think it's a game changer card and it should not be obtained so easily. We had a lot of discussions regarding how easy (or hard) unlocking this promo had to be. Last survey we had a question regarding if promo's were too rare, and it was almost an even split, so we are aware of how divided the player base is regarding promo's in general. In the end we decided on the current set-up, where every player can get it if they want to go for the achievement, but if they dont enjoy expert maps, offer the option to buy it from the market. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadman Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 All I got from this was that nightmare shard is easier and I'm pogging Majora, Volin and Metagross31 like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ladadoos Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 28 minutes ago, ThomasMann said: All I got from this was that nightmare shard is easier and I'm pogging Thomas saying something other than 'cool' as a response to a new Community Update, cool. Metagross31, Deadman, Zyna and 4 others like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majora Posted June 4, 2022 Author Share Posted June 4, 2022 15 minutes ago, Ladadoos said: Thomas saying something other than 'cool' as a response to a new Community Update, cool. Life goals Metagross31, Deadman and Volin like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lans Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 10 hours ago, Majora said: two Nature boosters Geez! We are really being spoiled now! TWO boosters! 🙂 Thanks for all the hard work! Majora likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadman Posted June 4, 2022 Share Posted June 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Ladadoos said: Thomas saying something other than 'cool' as a response to a new Community Update, cool. He actually reads what I write, cool. Dallarian, Metagross31 and Majora like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majora Posted June 5, 2022 Author Share Posted June 5, 2022 Patch notes have now been posted: Kapo likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dreaddy Posted June 5, 2022 Share Posted June 5, 2022 Cool, thanks for all your work. Do those "only green card" achievements allow neutral cards? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sylar Posted June 5, 2022 Share Posted June 5, 2022 2 minutes ago, dreaddy said: Cool, thanks for all your work. Do those "only green card" achievements allow neutral cards? No, they don't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wallbreaker Posted June 7, 2022 Share Posted June 7, 2022 Thank you for the work !!!! Majora likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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