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Skylords Battleship Kahoot Quiz - 12 June 2022 16:00 CEST

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Welcome Skylords and Cute Beings!



*80 boosters is a sum of all rewards, a single player can win maximum of 6 boosters. Quiz may last for around 20 minutes, however, it may take longer to deal with technical and organizational issues.


Summer is coming, and so is Skylords Battleship Kahoot Quiz!
Join us for 25 minutes on 12th June 2022 at 16:00, have fun, win boosters and face other Skylords in a knowledge quiz!


What to expect?

  • No registration, just type your name
  • 15-20 ABCD questions with one correct answer
  • Topics include Campaign Maps, Cards familiarity, Lore knowledge
  • There are both easy and difficult questions
  • Can be completed with phone on a train, no audio required
  • Quiz will be streamed by me and @Volin on his Twitch account.


How to join?


Prepare device with internet connection like phone or computer.

Join Volin's Twitch Stream at 15:55




On stream you will see this:



Either use link from stream chat or go to Kahoot.com and input the visible PIN on your device.



Enter your Skylords Reborn in-game name
(if you put incorrect name, you will be disqualified and will not receive rewards)



Wait until the quiz starts at 16:05



How Kahoot quiz works like?


You will have to select one of 4 answers.
You get points for each correct answer - the faster you answer the more points you get. You get no points for incorrect answer. You get extra points for answering correctly multiple times in a row.



To select answer press one of colorful rectangles on the screen. (on left side it's how quiz is displayed to you, on right side it's how quiz will look like on stream, if you want to watch stream while answering, you need 2 screens / devices)



Before you see the answers, you will have short extra time to read the question.


Final results of top players will be displayed on both stream and your device.



  • 2 Amii Boosters for each player in top 25
  • 1 Frost Booster for each player in top 15 as well as all previous rewards
  • 1 Bandits, Fire and Nature Booster for each player in top 5 as well as all previous rewards


  • A few Battleships will be randomly distributed among players who have not received another reward


Question categories

  • Campaign Maps
  • PvE Cards
  • Lore



  • Your quiz name must match your in-game name or you will be disqualified from receiving rewards.
  • Only 50 slots available - you can enter lobby on first comes first served basis.
  • You cannot change once selected answer.
  • You have 20 seconds to select your answer.
  • Only one answer is correct.
  • You can participate only once.
  • We reserve right to delete people from lobby with almost identical nicknames to make space for actual unique players.
  • We reserve right to delete people from lobby who's nickname does not match Skylords in-game name.
  • Vulgar names will be deleted from lobby and banned.
  • If some question or answers are incorrectly formed, they will not be changed and the results will remain the same. No appeals will be accepted.



  • First question doesn't give any points and is used as an example. Answer for it does not matter.
  • If a question asks about a card, always fully upgraded card U3 is concerned.
  • If a question asks about effect, assume only one target was affected.
  • May be updated before the quiz if there are any extra questions.



  • 15:55 lobby opens
  • 16:00 rules overview
  • 16:05 start of quiz
  • ~16:25 end of questions
  • 16:30 end of stream



25 boosters and 8 Battleships have been sponsored by Skylords Reborn Event Managers
Remaining rewards have been sponsored by:    The Old God of Battleships  and  Cult of Battleships GmbH


Thank you

To: Metagross31, Hiko and Majora, for helping me with organization of the event and sponsoring.
To: Everyone who supported me with the questions.


Have fun and and may the :frostorb: be with you,



Future events

If you are interested in helping with these (or better) kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out! Contact our beloved Event Managers Minashigo Hiko and Metagross31 on the forums or discord. They are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring your prize pool!

Xamos, Metagross31, Toggy and 4 others like this
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  • Dallarian changed the title to Skylords Battleship Kahoot Quiz - 12 June 2022 16:00 CEST
  • Metagross31 pinned and featured this topic

All rewards have been sent!

Thank you very much for participation and I hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I did.

Random draw results:
Tamfaet: Battleship Batariel Mauler
Nightrider: Battleship
Niv: Battleship General Booster
Simsch: Battleship Decomposer
Infinity: Battleship
Trando: Battteship Decomposer
budders: Battleship Decomposer
erks: Battleship Batariel Mauler
Altbrook: Batariel Mauler Decomposer
Serar: Batariel Mauler
Shuriken: General Booster Decomposer
Faded: General Booster
Serar: General Booster Decomposer
Boontje: Decomposer
Ankastra: Decomposer
WaterMelonLord: Decomposer
Alice: Decomposer

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