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New DevPlatform

Lord NullPointer

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Hello there people,

This week Blank told me he wanted to involve the community more with development, without them necessarily being part of the development team. And asked me if I could make a simple site that would host files so that people can help with solving problems regarding those files.

In the end I felt like we could do more while we were at it. So I created a completely new web app which will contain the following things:

  • A public dashboard where everyone can see announcements regarding development. (Kind of what the shout box thread was doing)
  • A public list of all parts of the development (What the Actual Progress thread was doing)
  • A closed environment where selected members can get access to data and comment to this data to help us with development
  • And maybe more in the future if I or others get creative

The selected members will be able to give input on the given data.

The site will NOT:

  • Have the source code of the server
  • Give you access to the game
  • Give you access to Alpha or future CBT, since that's not linked
  • Allow you to construct additional pylons

So don't be jealous if you don't get access to the closed environment. Its only for people with technical knowledge.

The new site will be located at: https://dev.skylords.eu

This perfect little snowflake been written by a single programmer and never been touched by another, or had to answer to a sales team.
So if there are any problems regarding this site, give a message to the community people. They can relay it to me (since I'm not as active on the forum).
I hope this website will at least give a clear view on the progress we make, and allow the community to help with development.

Regards Lord NullPointer


EDIT: Note that the site may still have some issues and sometimes it will be offline.



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Good effort, but - out of curiosity - is there a reason why this couldn't be merged with the homepage by positioning those two links at the top? Would make information less fragmented and more accessible.


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Good effort, but - out of curiosity - is there a reason why this couldn't be merged with the homepage by positioning those two links at the top? Would make information less fragmented and more accessible.


Well, the page runs on a completely different framework. We can still add those links though.

Also note that the progress and announcement dashboard is just an addition to the webapp.
We will also select members that will have access to development features when logged in later.

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I'm having the same thoughts as Defqon.

I'm following this work for quite some time now and would like to know what skills would be needed and if developers are even searched for at the moment.

I'll stay tuned and wait for your answer.




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If you want to apply to be an official developer for BF-Reborn, as you may know you have to apply here : http://forum.bfreborn.com/index.php?/forum/52-development/
For this, we're searching mostly people with a very advanced level in server emulation & reverse engineering. (We're coding everything in C# by the way)

BUT ! for the new dev plateform (located here : http://bfreborn.com:1337/ ) keep in mind that, if you're selected for this you won't be a BF-Reborn Developer, that's not the same thing.
(To be selected, just send a message to a staff member with your application)
On this site you'll find some files (LUA files, CFF etc.. it really depends of the need) and you'll be able to reverse them or try to understand them to help us in our job.
So you'll need to have a good general knowledge for that.

Hope it helped you a bit ! :)

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If you want to apply to be an official developer for BF-Reborn, as you may know you have to apply here : http://forum.bfreborn.com/index.php?/forum/52-development/
For this, we're searching mostly people with a very advanced level in server emulation & reverse engineering. (We're coding everything in C# by the way)

BUT ! for the new dev plateform (located here : http://bfreborn.com:1337/ ) keep in mind that, if you're selected for this you won't be a BF-Reborn Developer, that's not the same thing.
(To be selected, just send a message to a staff member with your application)
On this site you'll find some files (LUA files, CFF etc.. it really depends of the need) and you'll be able to reverse them or try to understand them to help us in our job.
So you'll need to have a good general knowledge for that.

Hope it helped you a bit ! :)

you should probably also look at previous people who applied in the development section and inform/ ask them if they would like to join this as well : P

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finaly a lot of my wishes & ideas became reality in one or another way.

thanks for the work on this and for the work in the past and future. (goes to all members involved in the devloppment, the project and the forum)



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17 hours ago, Lord NullPointer said:

For the people that have not noticed, You can now access the DevPlatform from the menu

Wow, what a pathetic excuse for an arrow... We should consider ourselves truly blessed for not seeing any of your drawings and artwork :jorne:


Any chance of including a small notification / counter of the number of unread updates (or just an exclamation mark) if there are any news? Clicking on DevPlatform would then mark these as 'read'.
Or at least the date of your last update?


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3 hours ago, Ilsyde said:

Wow, what a pathetic excuse for an arrow... We should consider ourselves truly blessed for not seeing any of your drawings and artwork :jorne:


Any chance of including a small notification / counter of the number of unread updates (or just an exclamation mark) if there are any news? Clicking on DevPlatform would then mark these as 'read'.
Or at least the date of your last update?


Great idea! So i won't have to click that page every hour :kappaross:

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