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1 hour ago, Loptous said:


mmmm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) good card

You lil'...  ;) 

Well the amazon, i rarely used her but her stats for a T1 card are amazingly high...  (Just realized how much cards i had and how few i used :()

Sure 80 power is a lot at the beginning but still, this card is kind of a differencemaker (Thats just what i think :D )

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To me the only use for this card was it's ability in combination with unholy hero to deal one big hit to the enemy. Never really used it for defense, but I see how it could be used effectively if you're on a small budget. This definitely feels like a card that most people overlook.

As for using it as an attack unit, having to switch between the modes is kinda annoying and not really practical. You can't make quick decisions or retrieve if you need your units quickly if you need to, because it takes a bit too much to switch modes and your unit would either all be dead or low HP by the time they can run. Besides, it is extra micro that should not really be needed when attacking with T4 units, in my opinion.

Definitely a good card because its ability and unholy power combination.


As for Amazon, in PVE I never really used her as a normal unit (to attack other units). The two main reasons I ever use her is either for her ability, for example in the Treasure Fleet map, or for her swift to grab quick wells or get somewhere quickly, since she costs as much power as Swiftclaw but has more health.



Edited by Ladadoos
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hReally love this card, as a stonekin player that usualy used Nature T1 (in PvE atleast) I usually had this card in my deck as a swift unit, it's basically the choice you have to make: do I use Amazon or Swiftclaw? imo they're both great cards an I've use both a lot depending on the deck/map I was going to play. Also, the Art and general looks of Amazon is amazing imo. ^-^

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i am not a fan of all 3 of the costly nature t1 swift options. a mele for 80 power is just much too kitable and in general too easy to deal with. spawning it against shadow t1 is an outright mistake and it pains me too see how often it spawned regardless in that situation.

if i had to pick, i would go for amazon, the ability is usefull against sunderer/scavanger (sometimes) and seems to be a rather safe bet for a nature t1 starting unit. werebeasts are an s unit on top of being a costly mele unit that makes it near useless in a mirror and against frost t1. due to the popularity of shadow and fire t1, i can see why you would want an s unit as a starting unit, so werebeasts are propably okay-ish considering the meta. swiftclaw... i feel is the weakest out of the bunsh when it comes to high lvl pvp play. the activation animation costs valuable, has to be paid attention to and allows the enemy to kite back out of attack range. the swiftclaw then loses swift, making it unable to catch up. this is especially an issue in low energy scenarios, in which nature allready struggles. at a higher power level, hurricane and root can support this unit a lot and make it a lot more effective.

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7 minutes ago, Einarson said:

Can you describe more please? I dont know that.

If your oponent plays something shadow in T2 he will probably use nightcrawlers at some point. Now if you are still T1 or have an amazon left over you can use her ability to temporary control the nightcrawler. While you do that, you activate the nightcrawer's frenzy (selfdestruct) ability, so your oponent won't get it back.

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Amazon was really good against Nightcrawler, but usually a weak choice in a traditional nature deck, where swiftclaw is vastly superior.

A comparision between the swift units in different matchups:


Amazon -> Completely useless, if you start with an M Unit against nature you will just lose against nox spam

Swiftclaw -> Same stuff applies here, M Units against Shadow are suicide 

Werebeasts -> In theory the best swift against Shadow, because they are harder to kill, but Spearmen/Windweaver are still superior choices


Amazon: Is tanky against Swiftclaw in a 1vs1, but other units will kill her fast enough and she deals not enough damage to compensate -the ability is suicide, because you can use the dryad to cc the affected unit and you just wasted your power, while your opponent plays another Shaman.

Swiftclaw: Superior choice due to insanely high M damage, that is needed to break through the constant Shaman heals. 

Werebeasts: Garbage vs nature, because their damage vs M units is nonexistent, they aren't as tanky as Amazons and they synergise poorly with Spearmen, since 2 melee S Units are insanely suscetable to cc


Amazon: Useless, does no damage and is no threat to Frostmagespam, therefore you lose immediatly on small maps where instant T2 can get interrupted.

Swiftclaw: Super essential to survive, early Swiftclawspam with well timed heals is important and your only chance against Frost with a traditional nature T1.

Werebeasts: Playing Amazon against Frost is bad, but Werebeast are even worse. They get entirely destroyed.


Amazon: Decent choice, low risk low reward though, the ability is usually not worth it, but the tank passive allows her to survive safely. On the other hand you lose alot of early pressure, because she is no threat to the core Fire units. Gets completely destroyed by wrecker.

Swiftclaw: High risk high reward, destorys Scavenger, but takes alot of damage by Sunstriders if you mess up with your positioning. But Swiftclaw is still better, because it can fight back against Wrecker who are a major threat vs nature.

Werebeasts: Worst choice, Scavenger destroys them and doesn't allow them to reach the Sunstriders due to its passive.


Amazon doesn't work in a traditional Nature T1. Swiftclaw is much better and super important vs Frost, while Amazon isn't a real upgrade in other matchups. What hurts the card alot is the fact, that it does L damage ... and there is only 1L unit in the entire T1, who isn't the biggest problem for nature anyway. Amazon and especially Werebeasts are not viable for high lvl nature T1 gameplay.  But you have to keep in mind, that Amazon is stronger vs T2 than swiftclaw, which makes her superior if you intend to skip T1 entirely.

Haven't seen a single nature player in about 4 years, who played Amazon/Werbeasts successfully without using Treespirts or instant T2 to cover up its weaknesses.

Tl dr: Werebeasts are trash , Amazon is mediocre, but leaves an abusable weakness in your T1, Swiftclaw isn't perfect either, but is the best choice in a traditional nature T1 due to its insanely high dps.

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Oh yeah the corsair...

Big fat cannon describes everything about this ship, i really loved that huge explosion. The assistance skill was a real nice addition, very important for titans on expert.

For a ship, the corsair is pretty fast, shoots while moving, T3 and only 230 power costs... :D

A very nice card

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I wasn't a big fan of the Corsair. His main attack (big fat cannon) takes very long to reload, and was quite buggy sometimes. If the atttack got interrupted you have to wait another 9 seconds to finally shoot. The broadside cannons were a joke really. If the main cannons weren't used, Corsair's DPS was laughable.

I cannot imagine this thing be any good in PvP either: it is incredibly easy to CC it, and with only 2k health, it can probably be killed before it is even able to launch a single shot with the big fat cannons. Nature and frost have cc, Shadow can nether warp it away to reset the main attack. It may be somewhat usable versus fire decks, but that is about it.

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terrible attack animation, the small canons feel to weak to provide even basic anti air, ability seems allright. overall might have uses in pve, but in terms of pvp, it gets ways outclassed. really a nice joke that it got nerfed on a watchlist when everyone wanted to see a buff...

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6 hours ago, SunWu II. said:

If your oponent plays something shadow in T2 he will probably use nightcrawlers at some point. Now if you are still T1 or have an amazon left over you can use her ability to temporary control the nightcrawler. While you do that, you activate the nightcrawer's frenzy (selfdestruct) ability, so your oponent won't get it back.

Thx sounds very nice

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8 hours ago, Loptous said:


An amazing tier 3 ship unit. The stats are very good for what you pay for, considering most air ships are 4 orbs.

The assistance skill I thought was funny and useful in some situations.

Good stats? Amazing T3 ship unit??

You must be joking. Terribly so.

I tried to make this card work, I really did. But there is no saving grace for a unit that is slow, easy to take down, has bugged cannons and doesn't even have a counter to something. 

The only thing amazing about this is the amount of power required for its bad stats. But the best part of the card is that it (like so many other cards) has a completely messed up attack value. Now, I am not even counting the "Big fat Cannon" that bugs out for whatever reason, but the simple fact that it only has about 2200 atk.

And you really want to shoot with the big cannon, since its smaller weapons deal insignificant damage. Even a Northland drake has better stats and this card at least as a counter...
And if you still consider this card semi-good, you should know that its stats will not increase if you upgrade this card.

This card wants to be both, a support and an attack card, but it does neither role very well. You cannot capture orbs with the "Assitance" ability and T2 units in T3 are pretty "meh" to begin with. It does provide a buff for all humans in its area and that really would be nice if Bandits had more human units in T3 (like Gunner). I am talking from a pve perspective, because in rpve nothing can replace Soulhunter.

With better (or rather fixed) stats, an ability that buffs more units, M-counter and units being able to capture wells/orbs I think this would be a good unit.

I was about to mention another story of the BF devs, but I saw LagOps already mentioned it. Really, what where they thinking?

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3 hours ago, Mental Omega said:

I tried to make this card work, I really did. But there is no saving grace[...]

Because i liked the whole bandits/pirate theme and loved corsairs design (and sound!) i tried building a rPVE deck around it. Good thing it had 2 affinities wich ment having 8 charges immediately.

It was unpleasent how fast an armada of proud banditships turned into fireworks, especially against lost souls i stood no chance and had to get carried by random teammates in the end.

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As Mental Omega said this card had very little use, since (in my opinion) Bandit wasnt viable in PvE it really didnt play apart of any decks.

Cool card indeed, but with very little use there is no reason it should exist. Maybe at some point when the game is released we can get to balancing. Cause I would be happy to see a lot of cards get their use. Would happily donate to have more cards balanced and more progress done, but that is until later.

Was bandits ever really viable either in the PvE or PvP meta? Cause I cant seem to find a use for them.

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1 hour ago, PlainVenom said:

Was bandits ever really viable either in the PvE or PvP meta? Cause I cant seem to find a use for them.

@Mental Omega and @LagOpsare dedicated bandit players in (r)PvE and PvP respectively, so they might be able to tell you more than I can. From my knowledge, Bandit PvP relies on having a solid t1 and using your skill to gain a t1 advantage and transitioning into t2 with that advantage. Due to the lack of defensive options in bandits ( no building  protects and no cc), sometimes having to defend is an auto-loss situation. Their attacks( apart from in combination with warriors death, is extremely succeptible to cc due to the extensive use of buffs. It is surely viable but needs a whole lot of practice. From what I've seen, at least with LagOps's t3 build, the t3 is quite strong and can really deal with all situations, provided again that you intercept attacking units before they get to your base.

Edited by Ultrakool
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Pve, i can't tell since i mostly played rpve and didn't play bandits there.

in pvp, bandits has serious issues and is the weakest deck, so there were only a hand full of serious bandits players left. the issue with bandits is the t2, where you have no tools to intercept units or force cc early. it is hard to prevent the enemy from reaching your base, but it is just as hard to defend once the enemy reached your base. you can only rely on unit dps+spell damage to kill the enemy before the well drops and that gets countered by enemy cc quite heavyly. bandits are quite good in offense, but they are still susceptible to cc and have issues against shadow splashes and frost protects. against shadow splashes you are mostly playing shadow units, as drakes are too risky and nc+assasins spamm lacks synergy with the rest of your deck. all other shadow splashes have better synergy in this scenario. frost splashes can stall you out and defend effectively, as long as you are not attacking a cluster.

t3 is fine; you still lack cc, but you have units with lots of dmg and tools to intercept the enemy early on. there are lots of different build options for the t3 and in my opinion bandit lancer, gunner and giant slayers is the most effective you can play. it has answers to almost everything while having strong basenuking potential.

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2 hours ago, PlainVenom said:

Bandit wasnt viable in PvE it really didnt play apart of any decks.

Oh yes it was. I actually had a dedicated 'Tortugun deck' for rPvE, which wasn't just great fun; I usually was the one who reached T4 the first. My tortugun would destroy everything while properly buffed. A few bloodhorns to stampede the buildings out of the way. It wast just Corsair that wasn't viable; don't blame bandits as a whole.

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2 hours ago, PlainVenom said:

As Mental Omega said this card had very little use, since (in my opinion) Bandit wasnt viable in PvE it really didnt play apart of any decks.

Cool card indeed, but with very little use there is no reason it should exist. Maybe at some point when the game is released we can get to balancing. Cause I would be happy to see a lot of cards get their use. Would happily donate to have more cards balanced and more progress done, but that is until later.

Was bandits ever really viable either in the PvE or PvP meta? Cause I cant seem to find a use for them.

In terms of speed Bandits are actually the 3rd fastest deck - right after LSS and Batariel. The heavy amounts of damage spells just evaporates bases. On top of that you got Bloodhorns who basically 3 shot any boss except Commando Walker. You got access to early resource boosters, Shadow Phoenix and void manipulation. Sometimes they do struggle against Lost Souls due to the anti spell buildings and the heavy amount of damage from Necrofurys but in terms their is barely anything that can compete. And otherwise for PVE really anything is viable. You just need to find a way to make it work.

10 hours ago, SunWu II. said:

Because i liked the whole bandits/pirate theme and loved corsairs design (and sound!) i tried building a rPVE deck around it. Good thing it had 2 affinities wich ment having 8 charges immediately.

It was unpleasent how fast an armada of proud banditships turned into fireworks, especially against lost souls i stood no chance and had to get carried by random teammates in the end.

I don't think that there are a whole lot of t3 units that are viable to clear a rPVE lvl 9 under any circumstances. The only one that i am sure can deal with it is probably a Ashbone Pyro deck as you got Equilibrium, Frenetic Assault, Infect and Netherwarp to avoid and heal a lot of the damage. The only other deck that i am aware of working halfway decent is build around Giant Slayer. I don't think there is anything else that should work at a t4 stage into the game. So Corsair not working in t4 is not about the unit being to weak but simply that t3 units are not designed to work at that stage of the game.

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15 hours ago, Mental Omega said:

Good stats? Amazing T3 ship unit??

You must be joking. Terribly so.

I tried to make this card work, I really did. But there is no saving grace for a unit that is slow, easy to take down, has bugged cannons and doesn't even have a counter to something. 

The only thing amazing about this is the amount of power required for its bad stats. But the best part of the card is that it (like so many other cards) has a completely messed up attack value. Now, I am not even counting the "Big fat Cannon" that bugs out for whatever reason, but the simple fact that it only has about 2200 atk.

And you really want to shoot with the big cannon, since its smaller weapons deal insignificant damage. Even a Northland drake has better stats and this card at least as a counter...
And if you still consider this card semi-good, you should know that its stats will not increase if you upgrade this card.

This card wants to be both, a support and an attack card, but it does neither role very well. You cannot capture orbs with the "Assitance" ability and T2 units in T3 are pretty "meh" to begin with. It does provide a buff for all humans in its area and that really would be nice if Bandits had more human units in T3 (like Gunner). I am talking from a pve perspective, because in rpve nothing can replace Soulhunter.

With better (or rather fixed) stats, an ability that buffs more units, M-counter and units being able to capture wells/orbs I think this would be a good unit.

I was about to mention another story of the BF devs, but I saw LagOps already mentioned it. Really, what where they thinking?

I guess my sarcasm must work then ;)


More cards!

Personally never used this, so I wonder how others did.

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