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Beta Tester
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About Nick

  • Birthday 05/08/2001

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Myrmidon (8/34)



  1. 11/10 It's like heaven condensed into 2:18 minutes.
  2. Sounds pretty good 8/10
  3. Merry CHrismas!! Have a good one!

  4. Yeah I tried to sharpen it up but i've lost the file and I don't have much time
  5. I had this posted already but here it is again, it's the no units version because I presume the units are copyrighted.
  6. When God was making Earth and he said "Let there be light", you blocked it all so he moved you to Alpha Centauri... Word: Water
  7. That's a good one You must be infested because your face makes the twilight minions look good. Word: Gun
  8. Rules: This is a game where someone comments a word and the next person has to use that word in an insult. The insult doesn't have to be for the person above. The word has to be used in a sentence or it can just be referenced. Example(Ik its a bad one): "Fish" "Your as dumb as a fish" "My word is XXX" I'll start with... fish
  9. Shield of the martyrs (one of the cards I never knew existed): Activate to create protective shields with a total strength of 400% of the current void power which are applied to friendly units. Shields last for 30 seconds and absorb 50% of all damage. Has a 60 seconds cool-down after the building was built. Reusable every 60 seconds.
  10. Nick

    Meme Wars

    Look, if you had mom's watermeli, Would you capture it or just let it slip? Yo His palms watermeli, knees weak, arms watermeli There's vomit on his sweater watermeli, mom's watermeli He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm watermeli to drop bombs, But he keeps on watermeli what he wrote down, The whole crowd goes watermeli He opens his mouth, but watermeli won't come out He's choking how, everybody's joking now watermeli run out, time's up, over, bloah! Snap back to watermeli, Oh there goes watermeli Oh, there goes watermeli, bloah He's so mad, but he won't give up watermeli, no.
  11. 7.8 Sounds nice but not the best I've heard: This one sounds like a whole bunch of themes!
  12. 100 post is bad, you lose your crusading rank!
  13. Thanks for all the feedback, I will try to adjust my guide. The real reason I made the guide is because I felt like I needed to write down what I gathered from other guides so I don't have to keep all my interpretations in my head(that is why it is so generalised). I thought that if I wrote it myself then I would reach a higher understanding. Now I need people that were good at the game to tell me if what i gathered was right or wrong. I'm just trying to make a guide that has most things that you need to be good.
  14. I love Faceless but this video is brain melting:
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