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Is pretty much useless for any Shadow Splash as FoF is much greater. It can be worth in some multiplayer speedruns. That is because the void return also works for units of allies. When you rush t3 in rPVE lvl 9 this card makes sense to get a little extra instead of just killing the unnecassery t1 units. It is definetly just an optional choice even in those situations and far from being considered Core.

I also used this for Necro's Skylord Challenge at the map Crusade due to the exact same reasons.

Really just a mediocre card at best. Gets way outclassed by FoF and even Decomposer.

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AbilityIcon AutoCast Bow Attack

Every 2.5 seconds, unit fires arrows at enemies that deal 10 damage.
Many other Tier 1 archers of other elements only deal 6 to 9 damage.

AbilityIcon Passive Multishot

Unit may shoot at two targets at once.
Multishot will hit two individual units in a squad of troops. The shot can also hit a completely separate squad if they are close enough together.

Windweavers I Lifepoints+5x6

Windweavers II Lifepoints+5x6

Windweavers III Lifepoints+8x6


Definitely one of my favorite T1 units, despite the power cost.

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I think it is the only T1 archer card that upgrades in health points though. All other ones upgrade in damage, so their 10 damage is not the highest, but the multishot compensates for that.

Also, they don't counter a specific group of units, but they have a splash icon. This is making the card balanced, because it already has 100% bonus damage if there are 2 or more units.

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AbilityIcon Activatable Frost Ward

Power: 15
A frosty barrier which absorbs up to 520 damage. Degenerates if not in proximity of friendly structures. Can only be cast near friendly structures but if it is played out near a friendly orb or well it will enter the game with its Ice Shield pre-enabled. Reusable every 30 seconds.
Must be within 20m of friendly structure to cast ability, 25m to maintain shield

Ice Guardian I Damage+20

Ice Guardian I Frost Ward+30 damage absorption

Ice Guardian II Damage+20

Ice Guardian II Frost Ward+50 damage absorption

Ice Guardian III Damage+40

Ice Guardian III Frost Ward+60 damage absorption

Very good card

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Core card in any frost start in PvP, the shield more than doubles its hit points and costs very little for reactivation.

In PvE its overshadowed by MA spam or Frost Mage spam due to the existence of many small enemy units. Can possibly still be useful if you time reactivation as a tank role for relatively cheap.

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AbilityIcon Activatable Mason Mastery

Power: 40
Friendly buildings in a 25m radius take only 60% damage for 15 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.

AbilityIcon Passive Material Research

Friendly buildings in a 25m radius have 50% lower repair costs.

Kobold Laboratory I Lifepoints+60

Kobold Laboratory I Mason Mastery*+10% damage reduction

Kobold Laboratory II Lifepoints+140

Kobold Laboratory II Mason Mastery**+10% damage reduction

Kobold Laboratory III Lifepoints+150

Kobold Laboratory III Material Research*+20% lower repair cost


Sorry about the lack of card for yesterday, was a little busy.
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I don't really know if this card is any good... I mean, I never used it in a deck, it isn't worth a slot to be honest. I'd rather build a tower or two extra to kill the enemies faster than have less towers and have to repair them each time, since having less towers means doing less damage which means they are alive longer which means your towers take more damage :P I have also not seen any strategy where this card is a must or is used in any decent way. Most of the times at T3, especially T4, you have strong enough cards like WorldBreaker Gun, Necroblaster, Comet Catcher, Church Of Negation etc... which deals with the enemy very quickly (or in case of church makes it impossible for enemies to attack) Besides, having to use it everytime you get attacked sounds annoying to me. More micro that doesn't seem worth it to me.




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8 minutes ago, Chimerae said:

It's great for rPvE worldbreaker decks. Pop the button and worldbreaker will rise within the second. Add skyelf sage and finish the map in a boom! @MrXLink know's whats up :)

This building does not speed the building process? It makes buildings near it take less damage when its ability is activated and lowers repair costs. This ain't Kobolc Inc. :P 

Edited by Ladadoos
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23 minutes ago, Chimerae said:

It's great for rPvE worldbreaker decks. Pop the button and worldbreaker will rise within the second. Add skyelf sage and finish the map in a boom! @MrXLink know's whats up :)

The Worldbreaker Gun strategy works around Kobold Inc. and not Kobold Laboratory.

2 hours ago, Ladadoos said:

I don't really know if this card is any good... I mean, I never used it in a deck, it isn't worth a slot to be honest. I'd rather build a tower or two extra to kill the enemies faster than have less towers and have to repair them each time, since having less towers means doing less damage which means they are alive longer which means your towers take more damage :P I have also not seen any strategy where this card is a must or is used in any decent way. Most of the times at T3, especially T4, you have strong enough cards like WorldBreaker Gun, Necroblaster, Comet Catcher, Church Of Negation etc... which deals with the enemy very quickly (or in case of church makes it impossible for enemies to attack) Besides, having to use it everytime you get attacked sounds annoying to me. More micro that doesn't seem worth it to me.

I think this card has some value when facing attacks that are coming in waves and you already have the first line of towers ready. Generally it is not necassery to build a 2nd or 3rd row of towers. I think that Kobold Laboratory can be a good support building for those situations. Especially when you do not have access to the very expensive towers like Worldbreaker Gun or Church of Negation, which can take out those waves basically instantly. Necorblaster and the like are good towers but they will often not take out everything instantly, especially when theres couple of XL units.

Definetly not necassery but it can make things easier.

Edited by Treim
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This building could be good and reasonable to play if it would repear the structures no matter are they attacked or not, just like Kobold Engeneer. Of course, must make this less powerfull than Kobold Eng., in-case of balance etc., but this is what it was made for - REPAIR. Also maybe give for Kobold Lab. a unique ability to Replace the structure some where in the radius of this Lab..

 Dreams, Dreams -.-

But for now this card just a piece of crap, ok?

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AbilityIcon Passive Adamant Skin

Unit takes 15% less damage


AbilityIcon Passive Blessed Blessed Fury

Affinity: Blessed
Deals 50% more damage against demon and undead creatures


AbilityIcon Passive Infused Infused Fury

Affinity: Infused
Deals 50% more damage against beast creatures

Stone Shards I Damage+5x6

Stone Shards II Damage+10x6

Stone Shards III Damage+10x6

I don't care what anybody says, I like these dudes!
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In terms of stat efficency the unit is actually amazing for PvP. The red afffinity does bonus damage against some of the most played M units in the entire T2 (Burrower, Nightcrawler, Scythe Fiends), which leads to 1822 dp20s. Combined with 988 effective hp we've got insane combat stats. The downside is the fact, that we talk about an S Unit, that is also melee. Stone shards are really susceptible to cc and and since it's a spammable unit its efficency decreases in the later stages of the game. This is the main reason why alot of Stonekin player started to pick up Stormsinger in their deck, because she is reliable. Overall Stoneshards (red) are a really solid card and a good choice for stonekin decks if you tend to struggle against decks like pure Fire. 

The blue affinity is sort of useless though, since the dps buff against demons and undead creatures is a nonfactor ...

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i agree, the red affinity has some insane damage. nature splashes only have ghostspears otherwise and it is pretty clear that they get outperformed by stoneshards.

seeing the mad stats and that still nobody crys op gives you a good idea about how easyly mele s units are dealt with, regardless of their stats.

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IMO the red affinity is rzally good stonekin PvP decks, though a deck can easily be played without it as well. But just the fact that this card is a relatively cheap M-Counter, on top of it being able to deal extra damage to common units like Nightcrawler, Burrower, Scythe Fiends, Deep One. Though it suffers from being a Melee S-Unit. Overall it's still very solid card and I like it a lot. 

Edited by EonBen
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AbilityIcon Toggled BlessedBlessed Partisans

Affinity: Blessed
Active to make unit deal 30% more damage against close-combat opponents.It will then deal 30% less damage against ranged enemies ,though. Attacked targets can only move at walk speed for 10s. Last until deactivated.

AbilityIcon Toggled Infused Infused Partisans


Affinity: Infused
Active to make unit deal 30% more damage against ranged enemies.It will then deal 30% less damage against close-combat opponents,though. Attacked targets can only move at walk speed for 10s. Last until deactivated.

AbilityIcon Passive Life Stealer

15% of the damage dealt by the unit will be added to its life points.

Bandit Spearmen I Blessed Partisans+5% damage bonus

Bandit Spearmen II Blessed Partisans+5% damage bonus

Bandit Spearmen III Blessed Partisans+10% damage bonus

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This card is very straight forward, it is like Stone Shards or Ghostspears... only that it is a lot worse. Knockback (read Hurricane) and root completely shuts this card down and unlike other S-options Spearmen are neither cheap enough to be spammed, nor can you go for anything that negates the CC. One might argue that Warrior's Death counters CC, but this card is expensive and with fast M units being so common, they will just run away.

To avoid any confusion, the stats of the card will not improve with upgrades. So while Ghostspears are 900/990 and Shards are 810/988 (with damage reduction) Spearmen will never go beyond 900/770. Of course, melee m units being so common you theoretically do about 225% (150% * 150%) of the normal damage and with life steal that's not so shabby. But that doesn't mean anything if the unit is perma-CCed. And being 70e in cost, the unit is very prone to that.

By any means, the unit is not terrible but the way it is now, it makes winning against certain factions even easier, while still being unplayable against difficult matchups. It would be interesting to have a spammable anti-M unit with additional damage potential (50-60 power) and this card could be right one for the job. But this is as far as I could imagine it's usefulness.


Now, in terms of pve I never tried it but now that I think about it, it could actually be an interesting choice. In rPvE this card is hopelessly obsolete thanks to Shadow Phoenix, but for a small themed T2 army in a normal campaign map this could be a strong backbone. You basically only have squishy damage dealers in Fire/Shadow T2, but if you mix in a couple of Spearmen you have a lot more ground presence. Spearmen + Darkelves and maybe some Windhunters (for anti-L damage) you get a T2 army that really has some meat to it. As of now, Bandit T2 primarily excels in fast air raids + very strong defense. Not always the appropriate thing to have.

Edited by Mental Omega
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Their stats are sort of fine. 2025 dp20s against M-Melees is actually decent and synergises well with the lifesteal passive (+15hp per second). Therefore they are already viable against factions like pure fire who really tend to struggle against them in the early T2 stage.

But as already mentioned Bandit Spearmen struggle way too hard against cc.  They are the strongest M/S unit in combat (Stoneshards have a higher stat efficency in defensive situations!), but when they are constantly cc'd it doesn't matter at all because they will be ignored and in the meantime you will just lose your powerwells. Even with inferior combat abilities Ghostspears and stoneshards look like superior M/S Units, because they have the much needed cc support to catch up to their targets, while Bandit Spearmen have to rely on their own slow which simply isn't enough against nature splashes.

Buffing their stats would just improve their performance against low cc decks like pure Fire (which is good already) while staying useless against other stuff. From my perspective a good change would be an additional immunity against knockbacks when they activate their ability so they may get a shot to use their high dps in defensive situations without getting perma-cc'd.

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even if you were to add stallwart, i doesn't change the fact that it is slow. at the power cost, cc is quite effective, especially if it is just to stall for burrowers. don't forget that root is also really effective here... for bandits to stand a chance in weak matchups, a ranged m counter that can't be knockbacked is needed (and no, comandos do not do the job, even if buffed. you can just hurricane before they stance, it's not even hard).


overall i would not bother playing bandit spearmen in 1v1, in 2v2 however they have a lot more value if your teammate can stall out for you. at least it can force cc in 2v2...

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